Undying Life

Chapter 963: Ten Generations of Loyalty

Chapter 963: Chapter 963: Ten Generations of Loyalty

King Zichen, Shui Wuhen, having dealt with the court and disciplining his rebellious son, Shui Quan, returned to his responsibilities. Meanwhile, General Lin Xiao, following the court session, followed his routine by heading to the forbidden army camp beneath the Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

This vast area housed Da Zhen's elite troops, numbering over 30 million. It included elite soldiers from the Phoenix, Xuanwu, Dragon, Tiger, and even Wolf clans. Within the camp were specialized units such as wolf cavalry, tiger cavalry, dragon cavalry, phoenix cavalry, and even Xuanwu cavalry, representing the most formidable forces of Da Zhen.

Lin Xiao had never mobilized these troops, regardless of the crises that arose, as they were Da Zhen's reserve force, to be used only as a last resort. Previously, Lin Xiao visited the camp monthly, but since the disappearance of Da Zhen's fortune, he had been visiting every three days. After the news of Zhong Shan's death in Nuwa's realm, Lin Xiao visited daily, sometimes even three times a day, to stabilize the troops' morale.

After comforting the troops, Lin Xiao, slightly weary, entered the central command tent.

The Tiger Clan Supreme, Yin Luori, the Xuanwu Clan Supreme, Guishe, and several other key figures looked at Shui Wuhen.

"General, you have worked hard!" Yin Luori said with a sigh.

Over the years, everyone had witnessed Lin Xiao's dedication. They were deeply moved by his efforts.

"I am grateful for your support in maintaining the army's morale," Lin Xiao said, bowing to them.

"You are too humble, General. Your efforts are invaluable," Yin Luori said, helping Lin Xiao up.

"It's necessary. These 30 million elites and divine beasts are Da Zhen's last strength. If we lose them, Da Zhen will truly cease to exist. As long as they remain, no matter how many cities we lose, we can reclaim them!" Lin Xiao declared firmly.

"General, do you think the Saint King is still alive?" Guishe asked, frowning.

"The Saint King is certainly alive. You worry too much, Guizun. I know everyone has doubts, but I can assure you, the Saint King is fine. This is Da Zhen's most challenging time. Please stand with me and support the Saint King to the end!" Lin Xiao said, bowing again.

Lin Xiao, commander of Da Zhen's First Legion, was known for his pride and unparalleled determination. He had only ever submitted to one person: Zhong Shan. Never before had he bowed so much, not even to a Saint. But today, he bowed repeatedly to those beneath him, all for the sake of Da Zhen.

"General, there's no need for that. With your assurance, we are at ease. The Xuanwu Clan chose Da Zhen and will not leave at this critical time," Guishe said.

"The Tiger Clan will also stay!"

"The Dragon Clan too!"

"The Phoenix Clan too!"

"The Wolf Clan forever!"

"General, we are eternally loyal to Da Zhen!"

The declarations of loyalty echoed through the camp. Lin Xiao nodded.

After inspecting the forbidden army camp, Lin Xiao headed back. Though reassured by the declarations of loyalty, he knew not to fully trust them. Five years had changed everyone's mindset. If the Saint King did not return, no one could guarantee their actions in the future.

Simultaneously, Lin Xiao's heart was filled with bitterness. Saint King, are you still alive?

With a heavy heart and exhausted body, Lin Xiao returned to the Grand General's residence.

"Master, we have guests!" a servant greeted him as soon as he entered.

"Oh? Who?" Lin Xiao asked, slightly surprised.

"The Minister of War, Lang Zhen, along with several officials from the Ministry of War!" the servant replied.

"They're here again?" Lin Xiao's face showed a hint of impatience.

"Yes, I've escorted them to the Zixuan Hall," the servant said.

Lin Xiao nodded and walked towards the Zixuan Hall.

Inside the Zixuan Hall sat seven or eight officials in formal attire. The leader, Lang Zhen, had a slightly reddish face, as if his skin naturally bore that hue.

"Grand General!" The group immediately stood and bowed slightly to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao nodded, took his seat at the head, and looked at Lang Zhen, knowing he was the one leading this visit.

"What brings you here?" Lin Xiao asked directly.

"We are here for the sake of Da Zhen's state affairs!" Lang Zhen said firmly.

"State affairs of Da Zhen? Oh?" Lin Xiao frowned.

"We implore the Grand General to deploy the forbidden army to defend our falling cities. If we don't take strong action now, Da Zhen is in grave danger!" Lang Zhen said.

"The forbidden army cannot be moved. How many times have I told you that?" Lin Xiao said sternly.

"But, Grand General, can you stand by and watch as our cities fall one by one? Today, the Taiji envoy's words were correct. Four years—at most, we can only hold out for four more years. But if we deploy the forbidden army, we can hold for at least six years. If you had listened to me from the start and deployed the forbidden army, we wouldn't be in this situation. We could have held for twenty years, Grand General!" Lang Zhen argued.

Lin Xiao glared at Lang Zhen. "Minister of War, mind your own business. My decisions are not yours to question!"

"Mind my own business? As the Minister of War, we and my colleagues are responsible for managing Da Zhen's military. But you obstruct us at every turn. How are we supposed to do our jobs? Deploying troops is the only way to extend our defense. Da Zhen will not fall under our watch, but you are dooming us by hoarding military power!" Lang Zhen shouted.

"Da Zhen will fall under my watch?" Lin Xiao retorted.

"Won't it? If you deploy the forbidden army, we wouldn't be in such dire straits. Grand General, you were a military genius in the mortal realm, but we are no longer mortals. Both of us have ascended. Your old methods don't apply anymore. For Da Zhen to survive, we must fight. Only through battle can Da Zhen endure. But you've become a coward, hoarding military power and forcing us to cower with you!" Lang Zhen's voice echoed throughout the Grand General's residence, drawing attention.

"What do you want?" Lin Xiao did not refute.

Indeed, if he deployed the forbidden army, he could hold out for thirty years, not just twenty. But he hadn't done so.

"I believe you are unfit to hold Da Zhen's Grand General's military seal! Hoarding the seal is pushing Da Zhen to the brink. You will be remembered as Da Zhen's traitor. Today, on behalf of the Ministry of War, I implore the Grand General to hand over the seal!" Lang Zhen demanded.

"Hand over the seal!" the other officials echoed.

Lin Xiao's chest heaved with anger as he tried to suppress it. "Hand the seal to you?"

"Hand it to me, to King Zichen, or to the Prime Minister—anyone but you. If the seal remains in your hands, Da Zhen is doomed!" Lang Zhen insisted.

Lin Xiao stared at Lang Zhen, his eyes burning with intensity. He knew that handing over the seal would mean losing control over Da Zhen's most vital military power. The thought of the forbidden army being misused or squandered by less capable hands filled him with dread. Yet, the mounting pressure from within and outside the court was undeniable.

As Lin Xiao weighed his options, the words of Zhong Shan echoed in his mind. He knew the true essence of loyalty and the weight of his responsibility. Handing over the seal might temporarily placate the Ministry of War, but it would ultimately compromise the very integrity and survival of Da Zhen.

"Lang Zhen, you may think you know what's best for Da Zhen, but you lack the foresight and the understanding of the true stakes involved. The forbidden army is our last line of defense, and I will not hand over the seal lightly. I stand by my decision to protect Da Zhen with every fiber of my being. This discussion is over!" Lin Xiao declared, his voice resolute.

The officials exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the futility of their demands. Lin Xiao's unwavering determination left no room for further argument. They reluctantly nodded and exited the hall, their hopes of gaining control over the forbidden army dashed.

As Lin Xiao watched them leave, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He would hold the line for as long as it took, believing in the eventual return of Zhong Shan and the restoration of Da Zhen's glory.

"Hand over the military seal!" the officials from the Ministry of War pressed once again.


With a single palm strike, Lin Xiao shattered the tea table beside him.

"Get out of here!" Lin Xiao commanded.

Furious, Lin Xiao's outburst prompted the household guards to rush in immediately.

Lang Zhen glanced at Lin Xiao and, with a flick of his sleeve, said coldly, "We have witnessed the Grand General's attitude. We will give you some time to consider. We hope you won't bring ruin to Da Zhen, a thousand-year dynasty, through your stubbornness. I will return to discuss this with you another day!"

With that, Lang Zhen and the officials from the Ministry of War left. Lin Xiao remained in the Zixuan Hall, fuming.

Back at his residence, Lang Zhen met with another individual in a side chamber.

"Lang Daren, you handled it excellently!"

"This is the eighth time. With Da Zhen's continued defeats and Lin Xiao facing criticism from all sides, it won't be long before he is forced to hand over the military seal," Lang Zhen said, nodding in satisfaction.

"Rest assured, Lang Daren. Everything you've done today has been recorded and will be sent to the Taiji Holy Court. When you join the Taiji Holy Court, you will start as at least a third-rank official. Although it is a lower rank than here, the benefits will be far greater. I will need your support then!" the other man said.

"Of course," Lang Zhen replied, a comfortable smile spreading across his face.

After Lang Zhen left, Lin Xiao sat alone in the Zixuan Hall, seething. They were forcing him. The defeats, though minimized, were inevitable given the overwhelming circumstances. Yet every defeat was blamed on him, adding immense pressure.

"Father, were those people here to pressure you again?" a young man asked, looking at Lin Xiao.

"Don't worry about it, Zhong'er. I'm used to it," Lin Xiao replied with a bitter smile.

This was Lin Zhong, Lin Xiao's son.

"Yes!" Lin Zhong hesitated, as if wanting to say more.

Seeing his son's obedient demeanor, Lin Xiao felt a hint of comfort and looked up at Lin Zhong.

"Hmm? Zhong'er, what happened to your face?" Lin Xiao asked, noticing a bruise.

"N-nothing," Lin Zhong quickly shook his head.

"Tell me, who hit you? This bruise is from a punch. Who did it?" Lin Xiao's anger flared.

His beloved son had been beaten? Who dared?

Under Lin Xiao's intense gaze, Lin Zhong finally spoke softly, "It was King Zichen's son, Shui Quan. I've brought shame to you, Father."

"Shui Quan?" Lin Xiao was surprised.

Having revealed the truth, Lin Zhong no longer hid anything.

"Yes, Shui Quan. He deliberately challenged me to a duel, knowing I couldn't win, and continuously humiliated me!" Lin Zhong said angrily.

"Why would he do that?" Lin Xiao frowned.

"It was to get the Da Zhen military seal from you!"


"After beating me, Shui Quan said..."

"What did he say?"

"He said you're unfit to hold the seal and should hand it over to his father. He said our Lin family is outdated and unworthy of such responsibility!" Lin Zhong bit his lip.

Lin Xiao's frown deepened.

"Shui Quan is just a child and doesn't understand," Lin Xiao said, though he did not hold Shui Quan entirely at fault.

"Father, there's something I want to say, but I'm not sure if I should," Lin Zhong began.

"There's nothing you can't say between us. Go ahead," Lin Xiao replied.

"Yes, Father. I believe that Shui Quan targeting your military seal might be King Zichen's idea. Many people outside say that King Zichen plans to change the dynasty, and it's not just empty talk," Lin Zhong said.

"Shui Wuhen? He wouldn't do that!" Lin Xiao frowned, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

"No, Father, it's very likely. It's been five years since the Saint King left, with no fortune and no word from him. The world believes he's dead, but only you hold on to that slim hope. Is that possible? It's been five years, and others have found their paths. Shui Wuhen is no different. He wants to change the dynasty; it's not impossible. Now, he has won over many ministers. He can declare himself emperor at any time. But our Lin family is not making any plans. Are we foolish?" Lin Zhong continued.

Lin Xiao remained silent, listening to his son.

"Father, others say you're hoarding the forbidden army, hindering the nation and the people. But I see that because you hold the forbidden army, Da Zhen hasn't fallen into chaos. The forbidden army is a deterrent; it cannot be deployed. Without the fortune to bind their hearts and without your comfort, they would have surrendered long ago. If they surrendered, Da Zhen would collapse like a flood. It's because of you that Da Zhen's situation is under control. The others are just incompetent!" Lin Zhong said.

Lin Xiao nodded, feeling a sense of pride in his son's insight.

"But Father, the Saint King is dead. Holding on is meaningless. If those incompetent fools want the seal, give it to them. We don't need it. The world is vast; there's plenty of space for our Lin family. Let Shui Wuhen face the consequences of his actions. We don't need the title of Grand General anymore," Lin Zhong urged passionately.

"Who said the Saint King is dead?" Lin Xiao's brow furrowed deeply, his voice taking on a sharp edge.

This seemed to be a taboo topic for Lin Xiao, one he would not allow others to touch.

"Father, stop deceiving yourself. The Saint King is dead. The whole world knows it. The Saint King is dead! We—" Lin Zhong tried to persuade.

"Enough, get out!" Lin Xiao ordered sternly.

"Father! Even if you don't think of yourself, think of our brothers on the front lines and the future of our Lin family."

"Get out!" Lin Xiao repeated.

Reluctantly, Lin Zhong looked at his father, nodded, and left the room.

Sitting in the Zixuan Hall, Lin Xiao remained there until midnight, his heart heavy with worry and bitterness. Was the Saint King really dead?

"Saint King, are you really dead?" Lin Xiao muttered, clutching his hair.

He recalled his last conversation with Zhong Shan, the words suddenly resurfacing in his mind—

"In the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, in the Kunshan area, I've never had anyone build there. It's still the same as it was eight hundred years ago. We were both soldiers of the Da Kun Kingdom there. We fought and drank there. In my absence, if you have time, go and take a look," Zhong Shan had said.

With a restless heart, Lin Xiao unknowingly made his way to the Kunshan area as Zhong Shan had mentioned.

Under the enchanting night sky, Lin Xiao's heart was in turmoil. Standing on a hill in the Kunshan area, he drank strong liquor and looked around. No one disturbed him because this was a restricted area.

As he gazed around, memories from a thousand years ago surfaced.

Back then, Lin Xiao was just a soldier, and Zhong Shan, hiding his identity after Wei Kuier's death, had come here, met Gan Bao'er, and formed a bond with Lin Xiao.

"This was the territory of the Da Kun Kingdom. Over there is the border with the Zhao Kingdom," Lin Xiao murmured with a bitter smile.

Pointing into the distance, Lin Xiao felt slightly intoxicated. With his cultivation level, avoiding intoxication was easy, but at this moment, he didn't want to be sober. He wanted to be drunk to numb his frustration.

"Here, the Saint King saved me once; over there, he saved me again; here, he took a bullet for me; Brother Zhong, here you took a sword for me. Brother, I owe you my life ten times over!" Lin Xiao said bitterly, his eyes brimming with tears.

In times of distress, emotions are the most unstable, and fragments of past memories flash through the mind.

Lin Xiao's frustration made him point around randomly, but Zhong Shan's words before he left came rushing back into his mind—

"Lin Xiao, as the Grand Marshal of Da Zhen's Holy Court, you command the First Legion. Today, I bestow upon you the Da Zhen military seal, granting you command over all Da Zhen's forces in the mortal realm. Military orders are absolute!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Lin Xiao, you have been my longest-serving general and my most trusted one. As I hand over the military seal to you, I speak not as your emperor but as your elder brother."

Elder brother? Hearing Zhong Shan's words, the brotherly bond buried deep within Lin Xiao's bones surged forth. He wanted to call out "brother," but he restrained himself.


"I won't say any sentimental words. Remember, this military seal is entrusted to you by me. Once it's in your hands, you cannot give it to anyone else. No matter what happens, no matter the circumstances, remember, the seal is to be returned only to me!"

"Brother Zhong, elder brother... elder brother?" Lin Xiao shuddered.

Lin Xiao sobered up instantly. The seal was entrusted to him by the Saint King and must be returned to the Saint King, regardless of the circumstances. Had he almost forgotten his brother's trust?

"Saint King, I have failed you!" Lin Xiao suddenly cried, tears streaming down his face.

A wave of regret overwhelmed him, and another memory surfaced, from before Da Zhen was founded. The altars were ready, awaiting the heavenly ceremony to establish the kingdom. Back then, Zhong Shan spoke to him, with Wei Yinglan by his side—

"Brother, today is the last time I will call you brother. After today, I will be your subject," the man said excitedly.

"Lin Xiao, remember, we will always be brothers. In name, we are sovereign and subject, but in reality, we are like brothers," Zhong Shan said solemnly to this former General of Da Kun.

"Understood," Lin Xiao replied excitedly, his eyes filled with admiration for Zhong Shan.

"However, we could not have established this kingdom without you, Lin Xiao," Zhong Shan added.

"It's been forty-two years. I've been waiting for this day. Back then, when Su Lianxian threatened you, we were ready to overthrow the Da Kun Kingdom. But you refused. Now that he has broken his promise, we cannot show mercy. Otherwise, how long would we have to wait? You've saved my life ten times, Brother Zhong. Even if I die of old age, I will ensure that ten generations of my descendants follow you," Lin Xiao said earnestly.

"My life was saved by you ten times. Even if I die, ten generations of my descendants will follow you!"

The powerful memory reverberated in Lin Xiao's mind, transporting him back to those days and filling him with shame.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao knelt on the hillside, bowing deeply. "Elder brother, watch over me. I, Lin Xiao, am not one to break my word. Without you, I would have died ten times over. What is there to fear in dying once more?"

"Smash!" Lin Xiao threw the wine jar in his hand to the ground with force.

Lin Xiao's heart suddenly felt much clearer. Previously, he had been preoccupied with thoughts of his family and his sons, but now he saw all those worries as meaningless.

The next day, everyone noticed a change in Lin Xiao. He seemed more energetic and less troubled. What had happened? The master, who had always been frowning, now appeared different.

Lin Zhong found a quiet moment to meet with Lin Xiao alone.

"Father, did you think through what I said yesterday? Our Lin family doesn't need to curry favor with Shui Wuhen. My brothers shouldn't have to die on the battlefield for them. Return the military seal to them, and I..." Lin Zhong began eagerly, seeing Lin Xiao in good spirits.

"Enough!" Lin Xiao interrupted with a shout.

"F-Father?" Lin Zhong was taken aback.

"Lin Zhong!" Lin Xiao said sternly.

"Yes, Father?" Lin Zhong felt a pang of fear. His father usually called him "Zhong'er," but now it was "Lin Zhong," creating a sense of distance between them.

"Do you remember when I told you that the Saint King saved my life ten times?" Lin Xiao asked.

"I dare not forget!" Lin Zhong quickly replied.

"Do you know why I named you 'Zhong'?" Lin Xiao asked, his tone grave.

Lin Zhong seemed to realize something but did not dare to speak.

"'Zhong' stands for loyalty—to the Saint King. I once swore that the Lin family would remain loyal to the Saint King for ten generations, loyal to the Zhong family. Even if the Saint King were gone, our family would remain loyal to the Zhong family. The Zhong family still has many empresses and crown princes. Remember, for the next ten generations, no one may rebel!" Lin Xiao declared firmly.

"Yes, I was wrong!" Lin Zhong immediately said.

"Good. Remember, your name is Lin Zhong, and you are eternally loyal to the Zhong family. For ten generations, there will be no betrayal! This will be the new ancestral teaching of the Lin family!" Lin Xiao said sternly.

"Yes, I understand. But..." Lin Zhong began.

"But what?" Lin Xiao asked.

"But what if Shui Wuhen does attempt to change the dynasty?" Lin Zhong asked.

"Shui Wuhen? As long as he doesn't change the dynasty, our Lin family will remain loyal to Da Zhen. If he dares to attempt a coup, I will deal with him!" Lin Xiao said, his eyes blazing.

The old commanding presence of the First Legion's commander radiated from Lin Xiao once again.

"Yes!" Lin Zhong quickly responded.

"And the Minister of War, Lang Zhen, and his demands for the military seal?" Lin Zhong asked after a moment's thought.

"Jumping clowns, thinking they can force the seal from my hands. Hmph, in this world, the seal will only be handed to the Saint King. Anyone who tries to take it will pay with their life!" Lin Xiao said fiercely.

Lin Zhong stared at his father in awe, having never seen this commanding and resolute side of him before.

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