Undying Life

Chapter 958: The End of Time and Space

Chapter 958: Chapter 958: The End of Time and Space

In the distance, on the peak of a mountain, Luo Xingchen watched the scene before him, almost numb.

Did the Holy King die? Luo Xingchen still found it hard to believe, but the fact was that the Holy King was truly gone, and the fortune and merit bestowed upon him had vanished as well.

Did the Holy King really die? Just like that?

Luo Xingchen didn't know what to feel.

At that moment, several powerful figures approached Luo Xingchen's direction. Taking a deep breath, Luo Xingchen's figure flickered and disappeared from the spot.

Did Zhong Shan really die?

At the moment he fell into the black hole, Zhong Shan was indeed extremely weak. By all logic, falling into a black hole meant certain death. Zhong Shan forced himself to stay conscious, trying to escape this calamity, but the catastrophe was too immense.

A black hole in the Great Thousand World—how crushing must that be?

But just as Zhong Shan tried to resist, a warmth spread through his chest, with green energy emanating from it.

It was the Demon Summoning Banner! The Demon Summoning Banner, which had always been hidden in Zhong Shan's chest.

The banner emitted a large amount of green light, forming a green cocoon that quickly enveloped Zhong Shan.

Inside the cocoon, Zhong Shan immediately felt the pressure ease. The green light slowly permeated his body, bringing an inexplicable comfort that washed over him.

Feeling comfortable, the previous exhaustion overwhelmed him, and Zhong Shan's eyes closed as he fell unconscious.

The black hole also sealed itself completely. Zhong Shan disappeared from everyone's sight.

Luo Xingchen vanished, and in another valley, Ying, Guiguzi, and Bai Qi watched the scene intently.

"Sir, is it time?" Ying asked calmly.

"Yes, the mark I made on the Demon Summoning Banner won't be wrong. The banner is taking Zhong Shan to the end of time and space!" Guiguzi replied seriously.

"The end of time and space? Indeed, only there is worthy of being Nuwa's tomb!" Ying nodded.

"Bai Qi, stay here. Sir and I will go to the end of time and space immediately!" Ying said again.

"Yes!" Bai Qi responded promptly.

Guiguzi nodded.

Ying and Guiguzi took a step and disappeared, leaving Bai Qi alone in the valley. Bai Qi glanced around, then turned and vanished from the spot.

Heading to the end of time and space were not just Ying and Guiguzi, but also the arriving Saints!

The battle between Zhong Shan and Old Ancestor Xuemei in the Nuwa Realm quickly spread far and wide. Many hadn't witnessed the fight, but everyone who heard about it was filled with excitement!

The Holy King of Great Zheng, Zhong Shan! Zhong Shan's name became known to all, and a question arose in everyone's mind: Did Zhong Shan really die?

In such a situation, Zhong Shan should have perished, but ever since he entered the Nuwa Realm, people had to admit that Zhong Shan had continually created miracles. First, he faced two ancient immortals as a celestial, killing Taiyi, Yan Hui, and thousands of Confucian disciples, making a name for himself in one battle.

Next, he faced the Entrapment Array, maneuvering with ease before the Patriarch Immortal Burning Lamp, the powerful Huang Long, and the Purple Sky Sect Master, taking away the Heaven and Earth Cauldron. His fame soared!

Then, Old Ancestor Xuemei confronted him for the first time, and he casually summoned a subordinate to kill two of Xuemei's peerless experts.

In the distance, on the peak of a mountain, Luo Xingchen stood, numb, watching the scene unfold.

Did the Holy King really die? Luo Xingchen still found it hard to believe, but the reality was undeniable—Zhong Shan was gone, and the fortune and merit bestowed upon him had vanished.

Did the Holy King really die? Just like that?

Luo Xingchen didn't know what to feel.

At that moment, several powerful figures approached Luo Xingchen's direction. Taking a deep breath, Luo Xingchen's figure flickered and disappeared from the spot.

Did Zhong Shan really die?

At the moment he fell into the black hole, Zhong Shan was indeed extremely weak. By all logic, falling into a black hole meant certain death. Zhong Shan forced himself to stay conscious, trying to escape this calamity, but the catastrophe was too immense.

A black hole in the Great Thousand World—how crushing must that be?

But just as Zhong Shan tried to resist, a warmth spread through his chest, with green energy emanating from it.

It was the Demon Summoning Banner! The Demon Summoning Banner, which had always been hidden in Zhong Shan's chest.

The banner emitted a large amount of green light, forming a green cocoon that quickly enveloped Zhong Shan.

Inside the cocoon, Zhong Shan immediately felt the pressure ease. The green light slowly permeated his body, bringing an inexplicable comfort that washed over him.

Feeling comfortable, the previous exhaustion overwhelmed him, and Zhong Shan's eyes closed as he fell unconscious.

The black hole also sealed itself completely. Zhong Shan disappeared from everyone's sight.

Luo Xingchen vanished, and in another valley, Ying, Guiguzi, and Bai Qi watched the scene intently.

"Sir, is it time?" Ying asked calmly.

"Yes, the mark I made on the Demon Summoning Banner won't be wrong. The banner is taking Zhong Shan to the end of time and space!" Guiguzi replied seriously.

"The end of time and space? Indeed, only there is worthy of being Nuwa's tomb!" Ying nodded.

"Bai Qi, stay here. Sir and I will go to the end of time and space immediately!" Ying said again.

"Yes!" Bai Qi responded promptly.

Guiguzi nodded.

Ying and Guiguzi took a step and disappeared, leaving Bai Qi alone in the valley. Bai Qi glanced around, then turned and vanished from the spot.

Heading to the end of time and space were not just Ying and Guiguzi, but also the arriving Saints!

The battle between Zhong Shan and Old Ancestor Xuemei in the Nuwa Realm quickly spread far and wide. Many hadn't witnessed the fight, but everyone who heard about it was filled with excitement!

The Holy King of Great Zheng, Zhong Shan! Zhong Shan's name became known to all, and a question arose in everyone's mind: Did Zhong Shan really die?

In such a situation, Zhong Shan should have perished, but ever since he entered the Nuwa Realm, people had to admit that Zhong Shan had continually created miracles. First, he faced two ancient immortals as a celestial, killing Taiyi, Yan Hui, and thousands of Confucian disciples, making a name for himself in one battle.

Next, he faced the Entrapment Array, maneuvering with ease before the Patriarch Immortal Burning Lamp, the powerful Huang Long, and the Purple Sky Sect Master, taking away the Heaven and Earth Cauldron. His fame soared!

Then, Old Ancestor Xuemei confronted him for the first time, and he casually summoned a subordinate to kill two of Xuemei's peerless experts.

And during the battle for the Demon Summoning Banner, he designed and executed the annihilation of all Old Ancestor Xuemei's disciples.

Finally, in the ultimate battle with Old Ancestor Xuemei, Zhong Shan performed astonishing feats repeatedly, causing Old Ancestor Xuemei tremendous suffering.

Such a person, was he truly dead? After all, no one had seen Zhong Shan's body.

People were convinced Zhong Shan had died, but there was always a sliver of hope in their hearts that he might still be alive. But was that possible?

The name Zhong Shan spread throughout the Nuwa Realm!

In the mortal realm, above the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, nearly everyone silently gazed at the sky.

The fortune was gone? Where was the fortune of the Great Zheng Holy Court? Where was the boundless merit of the Great Zheng Holy Court? Gone? Everything was gone?

Did the Holy King pass away?

Almost everyone looked up in disbelief. Not only was the fortune gone, but even the fortune bestowed upon them had vanished. The Holy King had truly passed away.

"Holy King, why did you leave us~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

An old minister suddenly cried out, kneeling down.

"Holy King~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Many ministers knelt and cried together.

Their cries moved heaven and earth, and the guards' faces turned heavy as they knelt down as well.

This mourning spread like a contagion, starting from the palace and spreading everywhere. Countless citizens knelt down. The Holy King's passing brought great sorrow to the world!

In front of the Hall of Longevity, General Lin Xiao looked up at the sky in disbelief.

Shui Jing stared at the sky in shock, his feather fan frozen mid-motion, looking incredulously at the empty sky.

"Why are you crying~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, a loud shout interrupted all the crying!

Everyone looked up to see Shui Wuhen glaring at them.

"Stand up!" Shui Wuhen commanded.

"Prince Zichen, the Holy King has passed away, we..." an old minister said, grief-stricken.

"Who said the Holy King has passed away? Who said the Holy King has passed away~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" Shui Wuhen repeated, his second exclamation a thunderous roar that made everyone's hearts jump.

"The fortune was merely taken by the Holy King. Who said the Holy King has passed away? Anyone who spreads the rumor of the Holy King's death and disturbs the people of Great Zheng will be executed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" Shui Wuhen roared.

The ministers were startled into silence.

"The Holy King is fine. From me, Prince Zichen, to the common people, anyone who spreads false rumors about the Holy King's death will be executed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" Shui Wuhen declared again.

"Yes!" The ministers stood up in fear.

Indeed, the loss of fortune didn't necessarily mean the Holy King was dead. In this critical moment, such cries would only unsettle the people of Great Zheng!

"Shui Jing, I now command you to immediately pacify the people of the Lingxiao Heavenly Court and reassure the citizens of the world!" Shui Wuhen ordered.

"Yes!" Shui Jing responded promptly.

"Lin Xiao, I now command you to maintain military morale. For Great Zheng, for the Holy King, maintain the military spirit and the heart of the world!" Shui Wuhen ordered again.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao responded immediately.

"Dismissed!" Shui Wuhen commanded.

"Yes!" The ministers retreated.

Left alone, Shui Wuhen slowly walked back to the Hall of Longevity. He closed the door and looked at Zhong Shan's Nine Dragon Heavenly Throne. Suddenly, he knelt down, tears welling up in his eyes, fear in his voice. "Holy King, you must not be in trouble. You definitely won't be in trouble! Great Zheng is at its most critical moment. Blessed by the Holy King, I, Wuhen, will guard Great Zheng for you. No one will take Great Zheng from us!"

Outside the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, spies from various factions had gathered. Each spy witnessed the scene of the disappearance of the fortune above the court. Instantly, they were shocked and hastened to spread the news, adding fuel to the crisis facing Great Zheng.

In the Underworld, at Changjing.

With the unification of the Wheel Realm, Great Zheng's Changjing became its center.

On this day, the sky above Changjing churned with boundless fortune, which then mysteriously disappeared.

The boundless fortune of Great Zheng vanished, as did its immense merit.

For a moment, everyone in Changjing stepped out of their homes, feeling the sudden loss of the fortune that had been augmenting their own.

What happened? How could this be?

The fortune was gone? Ask the Holy King? Where is the Holy King?

People were confused, and the ministers were tense, each rushing to the palace.

"Where is the Holy King?"

"Where is the Holy King?"

"We need to see the Holy King!"

In front of the Hall of Undying, ministers anxiously called out while many guards stood blocking the entrance, not letting anyone in.

"What is all this noise?" A stern voice suddenly interrupted.

Everyone looked up to see Yi Yan stepping forward.

At Yi Yan's command, the ministers immediately fell silent, except for a few high-ranking nobles who spoke up. "General Yi, we need to see the Holy King!"

"What is this place? Where are your manners?" Yi Yan shouted.

"We, I... The fortune in the sky is gone. We wish to see the Holy King and ask for guidance!" the old minister quickly explained.

"The Holy King is in seclusion. No one is to disturb him. Fortune and merit? When the Holy King emerges, it will naturally reappear and return to you. Creating such a commotion in front of the Hall of Undying—are you trying to rebel?" Yi Yan glared at them.

"We dare not, we dare not!" the ministers quickly said, trembling with fear.

"Return to your posts and perform your duties. Wait patiently for the Holy King to emerge!" Yi Yan ordered sternly.

"Yes!" The ministers quickly complied and slowly retreated.

After the lower-ranking ministers left, a few high-ranking officials remained.

Mud Buddha, Nangong Sheng, Zhao Suoxiang, and Xiao Wang looked at Yi Yan. Yi Yan led them to a quiet hall.

"What has happened to the Holy King?" Zhao Suoxiang asked immediately.

"The Holy King suddenly said he was going into seclusion, in the Hall of Undying. Then this happened," Yi Yan shook his head.

"Could the Holy King be in trouble? Should we..." Zhao Suoxiang began.

"No need. The Holy King surely knows what he's doing. Although this situation has never occurred before, in the presence of the Holy King, anything is possible. We must wait patiently," Yi Yan sighed.

Clearly, Yi Yan was also filled with worry.

"General Zhao, I leave the guarding of the Hall of Undying to you. No one is allowed inside, under any circumstances!" Yi Yan ordered solemnly.

"With me here, no one will take a step inside!" Zhao Suoxiang confirmed.

"Thankfully, the Wheel Realm is now unified. With this, there's no threat of other dynasties taking advantage of our situation," Xiao Wang nodded in relief.

"Yes, the Underworld is unified. I wonder how the mortal realm is faring. I imagine Shui Wuhen, Shui Jing, and Lin Xiao must be under immense pressure right now," Yi Yan sighed.

In the Underworld, the shadow body would disappear temporarily due to the main body's unconsciousness, only to reappear when the main body awakened. Clearly, Zhong Shan need not worry about the Underworld; the only difficulty left was Great Zheng in the mortal realm.

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