Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 40

C40 – Separation

The night passed in quiet tranquility, and before dawn broke the next day, Chu Keke and Chu Le were ready to embark on their journey.

Min Hanshi, Min Qi, and Min Zhenkang escorted Chu Le and Chu Keke out of Whalespell.

“Zhenkang, don’t forget our promise. You have to come and find me, okay?”

“Keke, I won’t forget. I’ll definitely come looking for you.”


“Zhenkang, make sure you take good care of yourself from now on!”

“I will, and you do the same.”

They shared a tender moment before parting.

“Old friend, this goodbye might be our last,” Min Hanshi remarked.

“Indeed. These past ten years have been worthwhile, having made your acquaintance here in Whalespell.”

“I feel the same. Never did I imagine I’d meet someone from the Chu family. It’s been an honor.”

“Stop teasing me.”

“Uncle Shangguan, have a safe journey.”

“Thank you, Qi. You must diligently pursue your cultivation. Zhenkang will eventually leave, and with your father getting on in years, the Min family will rely on you. I’ve heard about the trouble with the Jee family from Steelgrave.”

“The Jee family may be insignificant to me, but to you, they’re a looming threat, like a tiger constantly on the prowl.”

“With the time constraints, I can’t help you resolve this issue, but take these items; I hope they’ll be of use to you.”

Chu Le retrieved several cultivation manuals, weapons, and other items from his Storage Ring.

Min Qi was astonished to find that the manuals were all Xuan-level techniques, and the weapons were of Xuan-level spirit quality.

The other items included offensive and defensive talismans, among other things.

“These items are of no use to me now, so I’m passing them on to you. And rest assured, they’re not from the Chu family, so you can use them with confidence.”

“Old man, I can’t thank you enough!” Min Hanshi expressed his gratitude, looking over the items.

“Old man, I don’t have much to offer in return. The Pill I gave you earlier should assist your breakthrough to the seventh level of Martial Warrior without issue. Beyond that, you’ll have to forge your own path. Take care of yourself.”

“You too. I’m already content knowing I’ve made another breakthrough in this lifetime,” Min Hanshi said with a smile.

“Miss Keke, we should be on our way,” Chu Le announced, turning to Chu Keke.

“Zhenkang, please take care of yourself! And remember, you must come to find me!”

“I promise, I will.”

Chu Le retrieved a flying immortal artifact from the Bag of Heaven and Earth—a carriage-shaped Earth Grade artifact. Instead of horses, it was drawn by eight mighty dragons.

These dragons represented a phase in which a serpent would evolve into a Divine Dragon, first sprouting horns, then whiskers, claws, and finally feet.

However, not every serpent was destined to become a Divine Dragon; only those with the essence of Divine Dragon True Blood stood a chance at transformation.

All eight dragons boasted Martial King prowess, with one on the cusp of ascending to Martial Emperor status. This dragon was on the verge of becoming a true Divine Dragon, yet it had been captured and forged into an Earth Grade Immortal Weapon!

When Chu Le pulled it from the Storage Ring, it was palm-sized. Tossed to the ground, the carriage and dragons swelled in the wind, growing into a grandiose vehicle upon touching the earth.

The eight dragons in front, once mere models, now stretched their formidable bodies, flexing and loosening their limbs as if awakening from a long slumber.

“Miss Keke, your carriage awaits.”

Chu Keke stepped into the carriage, drawing back the curtains to gaze out at Min Zhenkang with a lingering look.

Chu Le took his place at the carriage’s helm, assuming the role of coachman.

Yet, Chu Le’s guidance was unnecessary. With a collective roar, the eight dragons soared into the skies, vanishing into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

Min Zhenkang and his companions watched as Chu Le and Chu Keke departed, waiting until they were out of sight before planning their return.

“Dad, Grandfather, it’s my turn to venture out into the world.”

“Zhenkang, are you set on leaving right now?”

“Yes, the time for adventure is inevitable. Why wait for another day? I’ve decided to set out immediately.”

“Alright, always stay alert when you’re out and about!” Min Hanshi advised.


Min Zhenkang turned and departed, choosing to travel on foot rather than by horse this time.

His initial stop was set for the Fang Sect. Min Zhenkang planned to spend some time there and check on Min Qigang’s progress within the sect.

He wasn’t concerned about Min Qigang’s ability to pass the Fang Sect’s notoriously stringent and complex entrance exam. Given Min Qigang’s skills and quick wits, along with a recommendation letter from Castellan Tang, he was confident that the disciple assessment would pose no issue.

Thus, Min Zhenkang proceeded at a measured pace, treating the journey as a form of self-discipline.

At his current speed, it would likely take over twenty days to reach the Fang Sect, but Min Zhenkang felt no rush. The sect’s recruitment period lasted a month, and by his calculations, it had just begun, so there was still time.

Once Min Zhenkang had set off, Min Hanshi and Min Qigang made their way back to Min’s mansion, which now seemed to be slowly regaining its vitality after a significant ordeal.

Strolling through Whalespell, one could spot the Min’s mansion emblem on various establishments, including taverns, inns, and grocery stores. Displaying the Min’s mansion sign indicated ownership by the Min family, and these businesses were no longer scenes of desolation but rather bustling hubs of activity.

“Xiao Feng, our Min family owes this thriving sight to Zhenkang’s efforts!” Min Hanshi remarked with pride.

“Indeed.” Min Qi, too, couldn’t help but let out a robust laugh at the sight.

“I’ve decided not to enter seclusion again. Although my last retreat didn’t lead to a breakthrough, it brought me clarity on a few matters. Why not set aside all concerns and live according to one’s heart? After all, even those with the highest cultivation meet their end someday.”

“Since death is inevitable, we might as well savor the time we have left. That way, when our time comes, we’ll leave with no regrets.” Min Hanshi gazed at the lively scene before him, his thoughts tinged with a mix of contemplation and acceptance.

“Why is Father suddenly so sentimental?” Min Qi asked, looking at Min Hanshi.

“It’s nothing. Perhaps when you’re my age, you’ll understand these emotions.”

And so, they continued their leisurely stroll towards the Min family home, chatting and taking in the sights around them.

Since Min Zhenkang’s departure, Chang Tai had transformed. No longer the playful type, he put aside his idle ways and began to cultivate on his own, even without Qin Hui’s prodding.

Had Chang Tai been this dedicated to his training from a young age, he would surely have reached the eighth level of the Martial Spirit Stage by now.

Qin Zhen was astonished to see Chang Tai, who had always been indifferent to cultivation, now eagerly practicing. But his surprise was overshadowed by the joy he felt seeing his son finally harness his natural talent for cultivation—a change he attributed to Min Zhenkang’s influence.

“Grandfather, how much longer until we return to our clan?” Chu Keke inquired.

In just a short while, they had traversed the territory of the Bacia Dynasty, a testament to the incredible speed of their dragon-pulled carriage.

“Miss Keke, please, you shouldn’t call me ‘grandfather’ anymore. You are now the eldest daughter of the Chu family, and I am merely a humble steward of the Shangguan household. If the Patriarch were to hear this, he’d be displeased.”

“I refuse. I’ll call you ‘grandfather.’ I’ve done so for over a decade, and it’s second nature to me now. If my father, whom I’ve never even met, is unhappy with it, then I simply won’t return to the clan!”

“Miss, that’s unthinkable! Our identities have been revealed; the Shangguan family is the only place where your safety can be assured. Please, don’t be rash,” Chu Le said, startled by Chu Keke’s declaration.

“Miss, to make it back to our clan, relying on this Magical Flight Instrument won’t suffice. We need to head to a larger kingdom and use a teleportation formation to return swiftly to our family.”

“Oh? Which kingdom has such a teleportation formation?”

“The nations around here are quite small, so finding one with a teleportation formation might take a little while. If you’re feeling tired, Miss, you should take a break.”

“I’m not tired. I want to keep Grandpa company and chat.”

Chu Keke didn’t bother to correct Chu Le when he referred to himself as her grandfather; she simply acted as if she hadn’t heard.

“Alright, Miss Keke, what would you like to talk about?”

“Do you think Zhenkang will come back for me?”

“It’s hard to say, but knowing Young Master Xiao as I do, I believe he will!”

Min Zhenkang was destined to be Chu Keke’s husband, which is why Chu Le had started referring to him as Young Master Xiao instead of just Zhenkang.

“But how long will it be before he comes to find me?”

“In my humble opinion, it may take Young Master Xiao at least ten years to gain the Chu family’s approval.”

“Ah! That long? I won’t see Zhenkang for ten whole years!” Chu Keke’s excitement plummeted when she learned it would be a decade before Min Zhenkang could come for her.

“Don’t lose heart, Miss Keke. To us cultivators, ten years is but a brief moment. There are some great masters who seclude themselves for decades at a time.”

“Besides, Miss Keke won’t have to stay within the family confines indefinitely. If your cultivation reaches a high level, the patriarch might permit you to venture out. Then you could go find Young Master Xiao yourself!”

“Is that true? What cultivation level must I achieve to go find Zhenkang?”

Hearing there was a possibility of reuniting with Min Zhenkang, Chu Keke’s spirits lifted once again.

“That, I’m not certain of. It’s really up to the Patriarch.”

“Oh, what about my father? Is he very strict?”

Chu Keke had been taken away by Chu Le shortly after her birth and had no recollection of her father.

“The Patriarch is quite amiable and wouldn’t be harsh with you, Miss Keke.”

Chu Le reassured Chu Keke with these words, hoping to prevent any reluctance on her part to return with him, which would leave him at a loss for what to do.

“Grandpa, then please tell me more about the Shangguan family!”

Chu Keke was completely in the dark about the mysterious and unknown Chu family, leaving her no choice but to seek insight from Chu Le.


Chu Le proceeded to share with Chu Keke all he knew about the Chu family, piece by piece. However, with more than a decade having passed, he was unsure if there had been any changes within the family.

Since leaving, Chu Le had cut off all contact with his family members, as if he had vanished from the world.

Moreover, for over ten years, Chu Le had kept his identity a secret, never once revealing the Chu family’s cultivation methods or martial arts techniques—anything that bore the slightest connection to the Chu family remained undisclosed.

This strict adherence was the result of a dire mandate from the Chu family patriarch, aimed at maximizing Chu Keke’s safety.

While the Chu family was one of the five great ancient families, feared and unchallenged, this only ensured their safety within their own domain. Outside of it, if a family member fell victim to assassination, the Chu family was powerless to intervene.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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