Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 134: Countdown (10), Dark Hearts

Chapter 134: Countdown (10), Dark Hearts

The public murmured after hearing Aleron's words and saw him and the old man closing their


"I wonder what she has done?"

"Do you believe in him?"

Suddenly, Xorgs arrived and started throwing people on the ground that they'd captured-all with red and black marks.

The public moved even more far away from the central square, making a space as people started forming a pile.

"Uncle!" a young man from the crowd shouted. "W-Why? He is just a normal worker in the guild...."

"He must have done something bad, humph."

"You believe in this?"

"It doesn't matter if we believe or not because he...he doesn't care about that."

As many people were looking at Aleron and the old man, they saw their expression changing.

The old man started turning pale while Aleron's aura turned volatile, his expression turning scarily wrathful.

"Damn! What is he seeing that causes him to make that face?"

"The old man...he looks like he might die anytime now."

Suddenly, Aleron also opened his eyes, bloodshot and angry while the old man fell to the ground with a thud, his eyes trembling as he muttered, "T-That time when she saved me in that forest...she..."

'Fucking psychopath!' Aleron took a deep breath before his eyes glinted and he checked his Monitor Dome. He focused on a particular forest near the city, the same one where the old man was saved by Amelia over sixty years ago.

'I can observe the surface, but I should also extend my Monitor Dome to some depth under the ground...' Aleron thought as he observed the forest's underground area and soon found a rather big underground hall, with two women captive there from nearby villages, which Amelia had caught yesterday to resume her diabolical activity.

However, at the corner of that hall...there was no lack of skeletons, piling up to hundreds in number. The most tragic thing was the size of the skeletons.

At least 70% of the skeletons belonged to kids. Not just kids, but rather...newborn kids of a year to a maximum of three years old.

'Why?! How can people do this?!' Aleron questioned his own sanity as he witnessed the psychopathic acts of Amelia and also remembered a similar case of Earth in his past life.

A doctor who ran a surrogating and pregnancy hospital periodically killed newborn children via a special medicine developed by him. His purpose was to extract some rare fluid that only newborn children would have and that fluid could turn into a miraculous skincare product that would reinvigorate skin and remove skin diseases.

It was a horrifying case because he had been running that lab for almost a decade, building a whole facility underground. He sold the products via his relative's worldwide famous skincare company and raked billions yearly.

In Amelia's case, she was more direct. She captured women with newborn children or just single women and forcefully made them pregnant using Kaza, Rofus, and her other subordinates so that she could drink newborn children's blood-she was addicted to it. Moreover, she was also a masochist but didn't like anyone touching her except for women who had just given birth, so she would free those women after killing their children and let them hurt her while she watched their despairing and desperate expressions twist joy on her face.

It was hard to imagine the usual cold and indifferent beautiful woman like Amelia in that state. The old man totally broke apart after he found out about the heinous acts and soon passed out.

"Lord Punisher, what did she do?"

Someone from the crowd asked, and to their answer, Aleron also timely rescued the two women from the underground hall below the forest, teleporting them to the square before him.

The young women were in their late twenties and fearful as they looked at Aleron.

"You're fine now. No need to be scared," Aleron said as he covered them in the barrier and warmly smiled at them. "I am sending you to your respective villages, okay? You'll be with your family soon."

"W-Who are you?"

"I am Aleron," Aleron gently smiled. "I am the ruler of this world from hereon and I promise you, nothing bad will happen to you again as long as I live."

In the next second, both women vanished as Aleron sent them away. He also sent the old man into his house after finding it from his memories.

Afterward, Aleron looked at the pile of people Xorgs captured. His eyes flickered as he read their memories and filtered them into the category as he did in Nailzim city before sending two-thirds into his secret realm and keeping a small amount here.

He also sent Amelia and the holy pope in as he wanted to inflict special punishment on them later.

Xorgs were still bringing in people from all over the city. Although this city was not as populous as Nailzim city, it still housed over twenty million people. Even if 1% of them were red and above marked, that still numbered over 20k, but unfortunately, the percentage was 4% of red and black marks.

Despite being the so-called holy place, it was still riddled with corruption and sins because ultimately....it was run by people and people's hearts had seven emotions and desires that if not reined in, would hurt the innocents.

"These people will be handled by the authority of this city," Aleron said as he floated up. "As of this moment, there is no one bad enough for me to punish anymore."

Aleron's lips curved into a smile, one that was not warm, but also not cold, "Let's make sure it stays that way right?"

After saying that, he floated up high in the sky and waved his hand, consuming Magilore unrestrainedly while creating a vast metal platform in the sky above the city to enact one last

grand move.

Looking at the countdown he nodded, 'We barely spent nine minutes here so far. Good.'

[3 hours 19 minutes...]

[Aleron: Rias, you are known in this city, so tell them about me and handle the church. I will talk in a bit more detail after I am done finishing this last work.]

While people were confused and wondered what Aleron was doing in the sky creating that huge platform, Rias and Roxen arrived in the square.

Powerhouses of Exceed-rank and two Primeval-rank of the Lightdusk Academy also arrived. They had departed after feeling the energy ripplings of the battle since the distance between Goddess Church and Academy was only fifty kilometers.

After meeting up with Rias, they handled the twenty-five thousand people that Aleron left in the city with the city enforcement.

At the square, Rias and Kadita floated a hundred meters above to oversee the city and direct

the workflow.

"What is he doing by creating such a vast platform?" Kadita asked with a frown as she looked at the platform above. She couldn't see Aleron anymore since he was above the platform. She could see the Xorgs though, as they floated at the borders of the platform.

"I don't know," Rias shook his head and sighed. "But all I know is that he is doing it for the good of all of us. Teacher, you don't know what kind of trouble he is going to face even though he almost died in the demonic continent some hours ago and just recovered." "But he is still relentless in the pursuit of his goals and his ambition that no other dare to have," Her eyes sparkled as she added, "We are fortunate to have him, you know?"

Kadita wryly smiled.

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