Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 122: Narazar's Message, Recovery

Chapter 122: Narazar's Message, Recovery

"Hey, we ain't choosing just any random village, got it?" Fecu said with a grin. "We have to inspect and select one with abundant beauties. I want to screw at least fifty."

"Jeez..." Thisi rolled her eyes.

"What Jeez? You gonna torture those men, I know," Fecu snorted. "Your hobby is just as nasty if not more."


Fecu and Thisi were flying in the northeast direction but were soon surprised when they started encountering villages.

"What's going on with those creatures?" Fecu frowned as he floated hundreds of meters above a village, his soul sense observing the Xorg in the village below.

"It's powerful with stats over 100k," Thisis raised her eyebrows. "So far, all villages we saw have these creatures and each village has people imprisoned."

"That Ale-something bastard must have done this," Fecu sneered. "He wants to protect everything, hahaha."

Meanwhile, one kilometer away from them on the ground, Draven was following the duo with Aazaroth's help.

'Are you sure they won't discover me tailing them? If they do, they won't let me live even though I have a strong background,' Draven was honestly scared to tail these lunatics, but he only did so because Aazaroth could hide his presence.

'Just move in the direction as I say. I told you my skill can hide your presence even from the darn goddess. How else do you think I managed to move around and reach here without getting discovered? Humph, just do as I say.'

Draven gritted his teeth and spat, "Fine."

Two hours passed by and they'd crossed over a thousand kilometers.

'I am tired. When are they going to stop?!' Draven frowned and took out a pill before popping it in his mouth to swiftly recover his Mana.

'At least tell me what are they doing,' Draven asked. He didn't know anything as he just followed the directions given by Akuma.

'They are looking around at various villages,' Aazaroth snickered. 'I can't hear their talks, but their expression and eyes tell me they are as nasty as a pile of demonic dung.'

'But not as nasty as me, of course.'


After three hours, Aleron finally regained his consciousness.

But his awakening was met with a nasty gift from Demon Lord Narazar.

'What's that?' Aleron looked at the strange soul-related faint orb in his soul sea.

[Gachapi: Master, that's Demon Lord Narazar's message. He sent his thought as a mail along with his attack.]

Aleron frowned as he had a bad feeling.

'Let's hear it.'

Shortly afterward, Aleron heard Demon Lord Narazar's voice alongside graphic pictures with his provoking grin narrating his plan, taunting him to no end.

The more Aleron heard him and saw the pictures, the more his expression turned grave.

<This is all, brat. I dare you to stop me if you can because my arrival is inevitable.>

He got up on the bed and sat cross-legged before taking a deep breath, but his eyes betrayed a hint of agitation that surged within him.

[Gachapi: Master...]

Aleron's mind was currently going through a lot his various expressions appeared in his eyes as he thought about the situation conveyed by Demon Lord Narazar.

What Narazar said was basically relaying his preparation to Aleron, showing him in a clear- cut manner that no matter what he did, his arrival in this Ardentia world was inevitable.

[Gachapi: Master, I will listen to you. I won't give suggestions, so think. You are the most brilliant and I believe you will make the best decision.]

Aleron's tightly clenched fist relaxed and he took a deep breath.

'How long was I sleeping for?'

[Gachapi: 3 hours since Narazar left.]

Aleron nodded as he got up off the bed.

'According to what he said and showed, we have the next four hours to act. His arrival is nigh, but I won't sit still.'

Looking at Rias, he waved his hand and covered her in a strange healing bubble that had golden and black patterns of pure light and darkness-attributed effects to speed up Rias's Bloodline stability.

Due to having read all the books in the most extensive library of this continent, Aleron now excelled in all Arcane syllabi available, his mastery of them was high, some even at peak, but not all at peak.

The Arcane syllabi that interested him more were mastered at a higher level, for example, his Space element was at the 10th level, the highest level in the realm of the Arcane Syllabus.

This was by no means easy in general. To put it into perceptive, none of the Primeval-rank powerhouses present on the Lightdusk continent had reached max level in any Arcane syllabus yet.

Only Ascension-rank powerhouses could begin to proceed in this 10th level in the first place, while only fea exceptional Primeval-rank powerhouses would rarely manage to reach the 10th level in their main arcane syllabus.

But it was different for Aleron.

Just now, he drove his entire interest into Light and Darkness, triggering his Spiritmind of Magilore along with the unique trait of his Magilore source, Devouring Abyss of Arcane, pushing his mastery of Light and Darkness to the 10th level to heal Rias.

'She recklessly exhausted her power to heal me...Get well soon.'

Aleron kissed her forehead before he vanished from the room and arrived on the flying ship.

Yueha suddenly trembled sensing Aleron's presence and turned into a mist as she appeared before Aleron and hugged him tightly.


Aleron caressed her back and smiled, "I am fine, Yue. Thank you for the help."

Yueha's hug tightened for a second before she released and smiled at Aleron with slightly teary eyes, "You really worried us, you know?"

"Sorry," Aleron grabbed her hands and kissed her.

Yueha felt warm, but the moment she saw Aleron's eyes after the kiss, she trembled. 'He...'

He was using his powers already, activating his Monitor Dome and also doing something else


'Nothing he can set him back...he is already,' Yueha felt a multitude of emotions, but the main was pure veneration towards someone of great capability. "Master..."

Aleron nodded and smiled, "We can't rest yet."

"What should I do? Please command me!" Yueha said with fervor. "The others are working hard to become powerful as well. They have found a secret region that can increase their mastery of elemental arcane syllabi."


Roxen was surprised at the sudden shift, but she soon understood why.

"We are going to save the demons even if that Demon Lord Narazar arrives here, "Aleron's eyes turned fiery yet cold and calm as if he was calculating and exploring possibilities towards

achieving his goal.

"And even if he arrives here, I won't let things go his way."

'This guy...' Roxen at the side finally understood and she couldn't help but get affected by

Aleron as she clenched her fist. At the moment, she couldn't help but produce pure admiration

towards this being.

"I can teleport back to the demonic continent anytime and make a move, but we have to

prepare before that and we have four hours only," Aleron walked to the ship's front before his aura surged and he started blasting out various attacks with his eyes constantly sparkling

deep inside.

His body also started emitting heat as if he was doing something in his body.

Roxen's eyes widened, 'Is he triggering his Exceed Life Evolution to go through to Exceed-


'Just like that?'

Exceed Life Evolution: Bringing harmony within one's body and Magic to trigger a breakthrough. The major benefit of entering this realm was significantly increased recovery of Magic and Bodily energy A.K.A Mana and Stamina.

Of course, a breakthrough also meant their lifeform elevated and their stats could be further


Usually, this was an arduous and tough process. Talented ones could achieve this faster, while those distracted and less talented would take longer time.

For body harmony, one had to achieve perfect control and lifeforce flow within, and Aleron

was doing that at the moment.

As for magic, he had already had full harmony and control over his magic energy, Magilore-

due to the magilore source.

As such, he was consolidating his magic source by using skills, while micro-managing his

body to bring harmony to the body.

This micro-management was exclusive to him because he had delved deeper into Body Path than others thanks to the Primordial Genome Whisperer.

'Once I breakthrough to Exceed-rank, some prospects will open up,' Aleron thought as he looked at the Gacha System interface while also proceeding towards the breakthrough.

[Ultimate Gacha System]

-Level: 2

-Gacha Points: 83,520.

|-Summoning Banners (5/6)-1

1. Myriad Spell Pool.

2. Secret Realms: Fest of Demiplanes.

3. Exotic Demons of Netherworlds.

4. Myriad Wonderous Bloodlines

5. Job Class Manifesto


'I need to spend gamble quests and it's also time I create a new limited banner using the

Banner Pool Creation function that can help us in this situation.'

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