Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 91 The Past Is Never Truly Gone

Up on a thorn tree, Carolyn Su was standing steadily on a branch. Under the cover of the large leaves and darkness, she was properly hidden away that only a few people with strong mental strength could tell where she was. In her hands was a pair of long range thermal binoculars which she was using to watch a space ship that was not so far from where she was hiding. Her frustration was that no matter how much she looked, the shield around the space ship could not be seen through. She could not see the figures inside the space ship at all and it bothered her. All she wanted was one look, one assurance that her sister who was in there was fine and she could walk away.

She felt a massive gust of wind heading her way and someone lightly landed next to her. Without looking up, she knew who had joined her.

"What are you doing here your highness?" She asked.

"Checking on my baby." He answered. "I have to make sure that you are not arrested for something illegal like spying on a general of the empire. Why are you spying on him by the way?" He asked curiously. "I am more good looking than him, why don't you spy on me?"

She snorted and replied, "Who says that it's him I am spying on? And how will people know that I spied on him unless you open your mouth and give me up? Why do you care anyway?"

"I care because I am your baby." He answered.

"Hey." She turned her head and shouted at him.

"Shhh." He put a finger against his lips, asking her to be quiet.

"I am sure that you have already activated a sound barrier around us so I do not need to be quiet. I can scream and nobody will hear a single thing."

Markey put on an impressed look on his face. "Ooh, I love how you know everything that I do before I explain it to you. How did you even know that I was the one that had come?"

She called him your highness immediately without even turning around. How did she know?

"There is a saying among the people, when Esong Wu is coming, everything comes to a stop and the planet starts shaking. Every step that he takes is as heavy as his mecha, leaving marks on the ground."

Markey giggled and closed his eyes, finding her words so funny. "Oh come on you don't believe that bull shit."

"Go and look at the area where he trained today, you will find cracks in the ground." She told him. "Do you know what they say about you?"

"Me?" He replied in a playful tone. "That I am the Prince of death."

"Yes," she acknowledged "but they also say that when the Prince of death is coming, the trees stop swaying and the wind picks up speed.You cannot see him with your eyes but you will see blood spilling. I knew that it was you because of the wind."

"Pssh, they make me sound mysterious and cool. Baby, do you find me mysterious or cool?"

She shook her head because his ability to go from serious to nonsensical in a heart beat was really amazing.

"Do you plan to spend all night here watching for your sister?" He asked her.

"Yes." She replied. "So you can go because I don't plan to move anytime soon."

Markey was curious about her actions for he had heard the stories about the family from the physical talkative social network of blue star citizens. Everyone assumed that he was touring when he walked around but he was listening and collecting information. According to gossip she was the sibling that hated her younger sister the most but if that was true then she would not be here. Were the people wrong about the relationship between the two sisters? His intention was to probe.

"You seem to love your sister a lot more than you let on. Why do you allow people to think that you don't?"

"Because people take advantage of your weakness when they know what it is. I would rather not share my weakness with strangers." She answered coldly.

Markey smiled deviously and he poked his cute face around, planting it in front of her binoculars. "You have shared it with me baby, I knew you did not treat me like a stranger."

"Go away." She shoved his head. He had caught her in the act and she had to admit it. If she was not watching her sister then that would mean she was watching Esong Wu. The truth was better than allowing any other false narrative to prevail.

"Baby, if you love your sister so much then why don't you just tell her. You two still act distant, her relationship with Fey is not similar to her relationship with you."

Anybody with eyes could see that with Fey Scarlet was all laughter, playful, sweet but with Carolyn they were both business like. It was not a relationship one would expect between two blood sisters. They rarely smiled or laughed together let alone sitting down to have a conversation.

"Because," Carolyn said, "She broke my heart once greatly and she does not even remember it. And I know that she was ill and that some of her memories from back then seem to be gone because she asks questions about obvious things that she knew in the past but there is a part of me that wants her to remember. Why can't she just remember that one specific thing? If I bring it up then I will be the terrible big sister that has not forgiven her younger sister for her past actions despite all of her apologies so I will never say a word but I don't think the relationship between us will ever be truly fixed if she does not remember what she did that turned my life around. But she is my younger sister, we shared a bed until she was eight years old. We were best friends for the longest time, so I watch over her secretly because she is my only bestfriend despite what she did." She stopped talking and composed herself, taking in three deep breaths one after another. "You don't have to stay here with me your highness I can watch over her on my own."

She did not know why she told him something that she had told no one in the family. She bit her bottom lip to stop herself from crying, not in front of him she thought.

To her surprise, Markey sat down on the tree branch and said, "I will wait with you for the rest of our lives if that's your intention. Better get used to me Carolyn Su, I am going nowhere."

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