Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 85 The Date [2]

Just like that, in a mutual silently agreed on pleasant silence they arrived at the scene of their date. She stopped the car and parked it. 

"We are here." she told him. 

Esong opened his eye and lazily tilted his head to look at her. "I could smell the water from a distance. Do you know that every water body in the empire has a distinct smell?" 

"No, I did not know that. How do you know?" she asked as she evacuated from the car. "Is your nose as accurate as a dogs nose?" 

Stepping out of the car, Esong looked up and smelled the river. "You don't smell it? It's a unique smell of earth, dead thorn trees and something else that I can't put my finger on." 

"Is it dead or alive?" she asked. If he could smell dead thorn trees in the river then his nose had to be as good as a dog's nose. All she could smell was water, did water even have a scent? she wondered. 

"It could be either one of the two, some companies in the capital sell submarines, sea ships, robot under water scanners and water vacuums. Perhaps we should buy some and see what's beneath the river. It could be a mutual activity done with the center for marine studies, those people are obsessed with studying what lives in the water, how and why it lives there." As he explained, Esong's eyes roamed over the spot for the date. 

There were no chairs, just a soft large blanket on the ground. On the blanket were two baskets and one portable cooling box. Someone had planted four poles on different sides and strings of shining lights were hanging from one end of the poles to another. 

He reached his hand out and touched one of the lights only to end up shattering it. 

"That is not my fault." he spun around and told Scarlet immediately. "I have seen better lights in the capital. Whoever sold you these defrauded you." 

"Are they beautiful?" she asked him. She had gone with a picnic kind of setting for this date.

"Well..." he looked at the lights, "They are appropriate, as long as they do what they were manufactured to do. But they are old fashioned, better lights hang in the air with magnetic..." 

"You have not even answered my question," she slapped her forehead. "Come on just take a seat on the blanket." 

Esong looked at the blanket and then at her, "No chairs." he said as if the absence of chairs was abnormal. 

"I thought it would be more ro...." she stopped talking because she realized that she was about to say something that would send him running for the hills. "More suited to the atmosphere." In her mind, she high fived herself for the nice timely save.

"I have foldable titanium chairs in my storage bracelet." He brought out two chairs and they practically unfolded themselves like little robots being born out of a steel shell. 

"You sit on the chair and I will sit on the blanket, This way we can both be comfortable where we are." she told him. "I guess you are going to be needing a table to eat so you should take out one as well." 

Esong was about to take her advise and bring out a foldable table when he recalled Folsom saying that if he wanted progress with her, he had to make it all about her. 

No one knew more about women in their little group than Folsom. 

 So, Esong wiped out the idea of the table and he turned his chair to face her. She was taking different foods and snacks out of her storage bracelet and placing them in the basket. Why? he wondered. The baskets in the Su house usually just held snacks or cooking ingredients.

Were these specific baskets some type of cooking device? 

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked. 

To her, he sounded so straight forward, stiff and rigid as if this was a meeting with one of his underlings and not a get to know each other better friendly date with his wife. 

"Anything." she replied. She opened the cooling box which was a small portable refrigerator powered by energy stones. If this thing existed on earth, it would have been a hit on the market, especially for people that liked drinking beer or ice cream. Basically anyone that loved cold drinks would have purchased one or two. It was portable and efficient, two things that were necessary.

"Anything covers everything from the history of the empire to the first lunar war or the recent invasion of the mutated water beasts in the year 4010. You are going to have to be specific." he answered.

She popped the champagne open, she had three bottles of champagne in her storage space. Perhaps opening right now was a waste but hey, she had survived the zombie apocalypse by getting a new chance at life and she was yet to celebrate this achievement. She had also gone from level one to level two of soul cultivation in a matter of days and she was rich in the underworld realm. Not to forget finding herself in a loving family with an adorable son. 

There was a lot for Scarlet to celebrate, mostly, the lack of zombies in this world. Hallelujah!!!

So she poured champagne into the glasses and handed him one. 

Esong's first reaction was to slap the glass out of her hands and it fell to the ground, the wine poured out and joined the water in the river. 

"Hey." she shouted angrily. "What are you doing? You are wasting good wine." She looked at him with exasperation and disbelief. 

"Are you really going to pull this stunt again?" Esong shouted at her. He was looking at the glass of wine in her hands as if it was an enemy with a fully loaded weapon. 

Then she recalled, the original Scarlet had drugged him through wine. By handing him a glass of wine she had triggered him again apparently. But if she meekly held back then what next? Back to where they started? No way!

"I thought we had gone past this slightly? she said to him. "I promised you that I would never attempt to drug you again, it's in the contract for fucks sake Esong. I was also the one that proposed that we sleep together again to balance the scales which you agreed to so why would I need to drug you?" She picked up the bottle of champagne and said, "Watch me directly drink from the bottle if you do not trust me."

She practically chugged three sips of the wine in a few seconds just to prove her point. 

"There, I just drunk directly from the bottle and I am still wide awake and sober, do you trust me now? 

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