Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 83 Planning A Date

Because of her suggestion to go on a date with him, Esong met his men in his space ship to sit down and strategize as if he was going for war. He had never taken any woman on a date before, he hadn't the slightest clue how to act on one. Why had he said yes to this foolishness in the first place?

They were sitting in the central commanding unit of the space ship and Ian was showing them a map of the blue star.

"So, it's your first date with your wife of two and a half years. I swear if the paparazzi get hold of this news it will be headlines by tomorrow." Ian commented. "Anyway this planet has some beautiful places but I don't think your wife's idea of the date is being flown to any of them. She specified dinner and a movie."

"Bah..women tend to mean the opposite of what they say. She asked for a date so my opinion is that he goes all out. We have one hour left to sundown, are we doing this or not?"

Cedric gave Folsom a frustrated glance. "A date at the side of an ocean is not sensible."

"Esong likes being next to water." Folsom insisted.

"The date is not about him it's about her." Cedric retorted."You could not even get Carolyn Su to agree to your courtship.."

"It's not me it's Markey." Folsom quickly covered Cedric's mouth but it was already out there.

Ian, Cedric and Esong turned their eyes to Markey who was on talking to someone on his bracelet.

"That kid!!!!" Cedric gasped. "I am so confused right now, you are the one who asked me for advise on how to court a woman Folsom, no wonder I found it to be so strange that the empire's number one playboy wanted dating advice."

"It's not even dating, it's courtship!! We all know that courtship of the daughter of a noble family is done with the intention to marry. I know the daughters of the Su family are impressive and people are beginning to notice but isn't he younger than all of us? We are all single, shouldn't we get a shot with her before he does?" Ian asked.

"What is she, a ball that we must all get a turn?" Folsom snorted.

"The royal family will not let it happen, he could be emperor some day." Cedric added his personal opinion.

The friends that had come to see themselves as brothers looked at each other. This was not just Cedric's opinion, deep down they all thought it. If Markey decided to make a play for the throne they would support him.The current crown prince could not be their emperor, his first order would be to send them all into exile on the Red star or have them killed in some shady way, especially Esong.

"Maybe I should court her myself to stop the trouble which might befall the Su family. " Folsom said out loud.

Cedric slapped him over the head. "Idiot."

"Can we get back to my issue now?" Esong banged his fist three times against his chair to draw their attention back to his problem. "You have wasted ten minutes discussing Markey and I have run out of time. Dinner and a movie it is, you all have storage bracelets where you carry your mechas, sleep in them tonight. I am bringing her back here for the movie and we are going to need privacy."

"Ouuuuuh." Folsom said like an adolescent and he wiggled his eyebrows. "Dinner, huh."

"Did she say that she wants to watch the movie alone maybe she wants to watch a movie in public, like in a movie theater." Cedric suggested.

"Have you seen any movie theaters on this blue star?" Esong asked him.

"Just use a one thousand sky view hologram projector. Isn't that what they did five years for the screening of that actor Brent's movie?" Ian could remember this because it was the first movie ever to be shown outdoor and not inside a theatre.

It had been talked about for weeks and it started the trend of watching movies outdoor in the empire.

"Arrange it." He told Ian.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

"Battleground." Cedric shouted.

Ian pushed him aside, " A romance movie you idiot."

"Dragan's combat." Cedric shouted again.

" I said romance." Ian almost bit Cedric's head off. "Half of that movie was Dragan fighting for his life in an arena against expert murderous champions of different empire's with a crowd of enthusiastic watchers. It was rated eighteen because of the violence involved in the fights. How is that romantic?"

Esong could not watch them shout like this anymore, he stood up to shower and prepare for that date which she wanted.

After the date he thought...

"If you all don't know what a romance movie is then check on star net for answers."

In the meantime, Scarlet too had not yet prepared for the date. She was working with the team which was packing potato chips into the newly manufactured reusable sealed colorful bags which had been printed from the new printing machines.

Thank God for interstellar technology, she had thought. All she had to do was specify what she wanted, Carolyn made a sample and then the machine scanned the original and made copies.

"Do not over fill the bags, it must be eighty percent chips and twenty percent air to fill up properly." She reminded the team.

Carolyn giggled for the fifth time at this description.

"I can't believe something like this can be done, it should be considered illegal to sell such a product." She said.

The whole packet was swollen like a balloon but it was not all chips. There would be more than a few disappointed gluttonous individuals.

"Give it time, when the novelty wears off someone will eventually complain." Beord was eating chips and licking his hands.

"Stop eating the merchandise." Scarlet hissed at him. This was his third packet. "You have eaten twenty two star coins in one sitting."

"I can't help it, they are so good." He replied.

" Two hundred twenty five packets governor. We have removed fifty that you requested for and forty which will be put in the supermarket here." Sia's mother came over with a small tablet similar to Fey's and told Scarlet.

"Fey, put them in the shop. Sia's mother, tomorrow morning the team should start working at eight sharp. I have to go I am late for my date."

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