Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 77 Shameless Fans.

For some reason the question what is Esong doing on the blue star irked her. Was it impossible or illegal for him to be here?

"Those of you who are asking what general Esong is doing here are ridiculous, he has a wife and a child here. Isn't it a given that he would visit?" 

[You are not his wife.]

[His family has never acknowledged you.]

[Stop talking and run after the mecha king we only want to see our prince charming.]

She rolled her eyes and pointed at the screen, "Aren't you too shameless to be calling my husband prince charming in front of me?" 

[What is shame in the face of such a handsome powerful man?]

[I don't know shame, I only the handsome mecha king.]

Someone even sent three space ships to encourage her to run after Esong. This was beyond shameless, these women were going all out as if she did not exist. 

The more the news got out that Esong had been seen on the blue star, the crazier the livestream got and the number of viewers increased by leaps and bounds. 

She did not even know this but even the major news networks had picked up the story and it was being reported.

'General Esong is living on the blue star'

Entertainment bloggers and gossip sites went ahead to turn the entire thing into something else. 

'The mecha king abandons the capital for the backward blue star'

'I am moving in with my wife,' the mecha king says.

'Could love conquer all after all?' the mecha king makes his choice.'

'The useless Scarlet manages to honey trap the mecha king again.'

The news caught the eye of the Star daily, one of the largest news networks in the empire. The director of the live streaming department a shrewd middle aged man named Rodney saw it and he rushed to show it to another executive director who sent the link to the president of the network. 

Thirty minutes later, Rodney was on a space ship on his way to the blue star with a full team to sign Scarlet. 

Somewhere else in the capital still, Emory Wu saw the news and she told her daughter Emily to connect the live stream to the the big television so that she could watch it clearly. 

She was extremely furious because her son had been ignoring her phone calls and it was only now that she was finding out that shameless Scarlet Su had something to do with it. 

She would never allow Scarlet to sink her claws into her son again. She would protect him at all costs. 

"She certainly knows how to beautify herself, look at those clothes. They look soft and rich in color, where did she find them?" Emily commented loudly.

There was no cotton on the Sun star hence clothes like Scarlet's were rare. The clothes they wore were made from a special material and they could change color because of special technology but the design was the same. 

"I don't see brother, maybe these are just rumors." Elon Wu, Esong's younger brother that had returned from the academy two days ago for a short holiday said. 

The boy was only twelve years but he was a miniature version of Esong. If Elon and Justin stood together people would call Elon Esong's biological son and Justin a step son.

  "Why does this all matter if he is there or not? Esong is a grown man that can make his own decisions."  The grand elder of the Wu family Etienne Wu said gruffly. 

"He can't be associated with her." Emory lamented. 

"You raised him Emory, it does not mean you can control him." The grand elder's wife Cecily Wu gave Emory an unimpressed sharp look that dared Emory to defy her. 

"Mother..." Emory said in disbelief. 

"Esong told me that she has changed, he also sent us pictures of Justin and the boy is doing fine. He is healthy physically and very happy, he can read and he sings songs adorably. He has a healthy appetite because she personally cooks for him. I have no complaints about her when it comes to taking care of our great grandson and that's why I told you to stay out of the mother-son relationship. 

I don't know why you insist on making things difficult for Esong, he doesn't want to come home because from the moment he steps foot here you parade the daughters of your friends around him as if they are prized nutrient solutions. 

I am warning you now Emory, if this does not stop I will do something drastic." 

Cecily did not hold back from chastising Emory in front of the children, she was simply irritated with her daughter-in-law for being the cause of this distance between herself and her only grandchild. Justin should have grown up here on the sun star in this family but Emory decided to file a custody suit which she lost and now Scarlet wanted nothing to do with the Wu family. 

The atmosphere in the living room on the top floor of this nine hundred ninety nine level sky scraper was very tense now. Emory looked like she was about to cry and Cecily was angry. 

The grand elder Etienne had no intentions of stepping in because he agreed with his wife's opinion but he just didn't voice it openly. 

To break the silence and return some peace, Elon said, "What activity is going on in the back?" 

"They are harvesting food, she called it oats. It's a grain that can be turned into real food." Emily explained. 

"Oh, I have heard rumors about food at the academy." Elon replied.  "They say chicken is very tasty." 

"It is, I ate one at the house of the third princess two days ago and I cannot forget the taste. It's too bad that the beast hunters associations are all booked and busy. The line of those waiting to buy chicken is so long in that one chicken is now being sold for fifty thousand coins on the dark market."

"You ate and you did not bring something for me, what a good grand daughter you are." Cecily commented with a playful smile. 

Emily caught Cecily's arm and wheedled, "Grandma it was only one piece. Why don't we contact brother and tell him to send us some food?"

"Your grandfather already did." Cecily whispered to Emily and they both giggled happily. 

On the screen, Scarlet told the shameless mecha king's fans, "I am not going to run after your mecha king, I am a food anchor not a flower chaser." 

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