Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 146 Returning To The Ravine

Scarlet returned to the house and went to her old bedroom which was now empty because Severus was calling for her in there. "We have to go back to the ravine, I can sense something over there." He said urgently.

"Something like what?" she asked him. 

"Energy, great energy and it's making me uneasy." Severus replied in a heavy voice. Whatever it was, Scarlet could see that it was making Severus deeply uneasy. 

"Okay," She replied, then she put a hand on Severus, blinked and they appeared in the ravine. Once she had been to a place once, blinking and appearing there again was no issue. 

Just like that, Scarlet was back again in the ravine, the same place she found eerie and unnerving. The last time she was there it was warm, despite the overgrown canopies. Today it was cold, and darker than before. 

"You should lead the way." she told him.

"And you should arm up," he advised her. "I sense a soul eater too, one that is stronger than you. This really can't be good." 

"Are you trying to freak me out?" she asked through gritted teeth. She was already nervous about the energy thing and being told that a soul reaper who was stronger than her was here was not making it better. Were grim reapers capable of being afraid? she wondered. Right now she was afraid and the beating of her heart sped up. "I want to puke." she told him. 

"You are fine," Severus responded, "It's just nerves, shake it off." 

'Shake it off!!' she thought, 'I am about to meet a soul eater that could suck me dry as a martini but he says to shake it off, oh this is a nightmare.' Scarlet took a deep breath and asked him, "Where should we go?" 

"The cave we went to last time." he told her. 

"Conference cave?" she asked. "I thought we cleansed that place." She touched Severus and they appeared inside the cave. 

Severus sniffed the air and told her to follow him. She trailed after him carefully, walking like a thief, looking left and right, front and back. Nothing was going to creep up on her. She did not need a torch or any form of light with her grim reaper vision.

"There, in the wall." Severus suddenly said. "What the hell is something like that doing here?"

Scarlet curiously walked toward the wall to look at whatever Severus was seeing. "Maybe it was here last time and we didn't see it." she told him. 

"No, I would have seen it." he insisted. 

"It looks like a soul crystal but a different color, how come I have never been given any one of these?" She touched the glittering sharp green crystal and attempted to pull it out of the wall. 

"Be careful." Severus warned her. "You can't carelessly touch things like that, in fact let go of it."

While Severus said this, Scarlet put her leg on the cave wall and used all her energy to pull out the crystal. She was successful because she ripped it out and it fell to the ground. 

"Ha!" she exclaimed, "That was easy." she exclaimed. 

"Too easy." Severus said. "And that soul eater is nowhere to be seen, let's take the flame crystal to the underworld and let them deal with it."

 "Flame crystal?" she said in a questioning voice, she was about to ask more questions when she felt this vicious energy being aimed her way and she bent down to avoid it. 

"Watch out." Severus yelled but it was almost too late. If she had not evaded it when she did, she would be writhing on the cave floor right now. 

"Soul eater," Scarlet smiled knowingly, "You must be the one my hound warned me about." This soul eater was more visible than the others she encountered so far, the sinister grin on it's face was so ugly and it reeked of evil, if evil had a smell that is. Mostly Scarlet could smell Sulphur and a burning smell of something. "I cleansed this cave and something like you with bad breath still returned, the whole lot of you are like cockroaches, you never die no matter how many of you are fumigated." 

"You are the grim reaper that stole my collection." it chuckled. 

"It talks." she raised her eyebrows, then she laughed and said, "I know where your collection is, why don't I take you to it. I promise not to hurt you." She sounded like an adult luring a child with candy. 

"I am going to suck you dry reaper bitch!!" it chuckled. 

"You can try bad breath." she responded and she swung her soul binding rope.

Severus roared and Scarlet jumped into the air, sending multitudes of waves of soul energy to the soul eater. Severus had said that it was more powerful than her so she wanted to end this as soon as possible, the faster she subdued it, the better for herself. She aimed the soul binding rope at it but it disappeared and the rope hit the wall. 

It growled and appeared right behind her when she landed back down. Severus sent flames of fire from his mouth and doubled in size, trying to swat it away like a fly but it disappeared again, the flames almost scalded Scarlet and when she twirled around to avoid them, the soul eater sunk it's fingers into her back, sucking away a small portion of her energy instantly. 

Scarlet yelled in pain and she kicked it away, it hit the wall and quickly got back up. 

"You taste even better than the last reaper I sucked bitch, I am going to enjoy this." it licked it's lips with a long tongue which she found disgusting. 

"Not before I drag your soul to the underworld." she responded. She did her tornado spin, and sent out six divided ropes, Severus sunk his teeth into the soul eaters thigh and it screamed, struggling to escape from their hold. It was almost in the soul gourd when it managed to free one hand, dislodging Scarlet and she fell on the ground. 

"A soul pet is only as strong as it's reaper, she is weak which means so are you hound." The soul eater laughed at Severus and sent him flying into the wall. Immediately, it pounced on Scarlet and sunk it's fingers into her neck. Scarlet could feel her soul energy dropping, one second at time. It was as if life was being drained from her and she was right back to that moment when the zombies were feasting on her flesh. 

Severus pounced on the soul eater again while Scarlet screamed and suddenly her body was enveloped in green flames. Filled with a sudden burst of energy, she put her hands on the soul eater's chest and burned it. The flames were not burning it in a way fire burned something to ash but they were doing something to it. Whatever it was, it caused the soul eater to scream in agony and fall to the ground. 

Scarlet could feel her senses fading and she passed out. The last thing she saw were souls hovering close by. 

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