Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

: Ninth Official Livestream Over!

Chapter 291 – Ninth Official Livestream Over!

This was a terrifying earthquake that had never been seen before in human history.

Even from more than 100,000 kilometers away, one could clearly see Asteroid Gisella’s torn surface. The asteroid looked like an originally completed jigsaw puzzle falling apart.

Rock masses, mountains, plains, ravines, craters...

After losing their gravitational restraint, all matter on the asteroid’s surface was almost instantly thrown into outer space by the asteroid’s powerful centrifugal force. Matter separated from the asteroid layer by layer, piece by piece, leaving behind a series of terrifying scars on the asteroid.

Some of the long and narrow ravines even reached a depth of tens of thousands of mirrors!

The sight was both beautiful and harrowing...


[This is insane.]

[It looks like a peeled orange. |??ω?`)]

[Oh...My God!]

[恐ろしい (That’s horrible)]

[Jupiter has entered the livestream room and clicked like.]

[This is the most spectacular sight I have ever seen in my life!]


[This is definitely CGI. It looks too different from reality.]

[The roar of destruction for humans begins here...]



As a large amount of matter was thrown into space, some of the rock masses inevitably collided with each other, the collisions generating dazzling sparks.

Although there was a lack of a medium for sound to travel through, Chen Yu’s protective suit still caught the waves of radiation that spread from the colliding rock masses.

At this time, looking from afar, it would seem as if Asteroid Gisella was continually expanding in size. This was also the precursor of the celestial body’s disintegration.


Suddenly, a twisted pillar of crimson light shot out of the asteroid, the pillar breaking through the layers of matter and extending beyond 10,000 meters from the asteroid’s surface.

“Magma! That’s magma!” Chen Yu’s eyes lit up in excitement. “There’s actually such a rich geological activity inside this celestial body!”



More and more magma was ejected out of the asteroid under high pressure. Meanwhile, after losing the drag of Gisella’s gravitational force, these deadly substances were able to remain airborne for a long time. And as they continued spreading out due to inertia, they adhered to the limestone and rock that were in an aerosol state, which, in turn, caused more intense light radiation and explosion.

All of a sudden, Gisella had strangely turned into a big, red, shining sphere.

“No, this won’t do. The asteroid is disintegrating too quickly.” Chen Yu’s expression turned solemn. Immediately, he activated the plasma engine and fled further away from the asteroid without hesitation.

Unlike small meteorites, the high temperatures and pressures generated by a disintegrating asteroid were extremely dangerous. He wasn’t certain whether his protective suit could withstand these temperatures and pressures.

[Crap! It exploded!]

[Crap! It exploded.]

[Be more confident. Remove the exclamation point.]

[Isn’t this too addictive?!]

[This is only the beginning. There’s going to be an even fiercer explosion when the collapse begins!]

[This is the best documentary ever.]

[Honestly, after looking at this scene, I really want to see it being replicated on Earth.]

[Humans are so small...]

After flying another 50,000 kilometers away from the asteroid, Chen Yu stopped and looked back. Immediately, he saw that Gisella had expanded from an asteroid into a “planet.”

At first glance, it looked very much like a gas planet.

“Huh?” Shortly after coming to a stop, Chen Yu noticed the rapidly changing numbers displayed inside his helmet. “Crap, it’s still going to explode?”

Without hesitation, Chen Yu hugged the Oscillating Planet Smasher tightly and began running away once more.


Three seconds later, an explosion that exceeded 400 decibels suddenly erupted from the asteroid!

The entire asteroid had...blown up...

The frightening kinetic energy generated also caused 60% of the asteroid’s uppermost matter to finally separate from the asteroid’s core.

If Chen Yu inserted the floating camera into the explosion zone at this time, he would be able to clearly see the torn and melted metal lumps inside the asteroid.

That was the solid matter found in Asteroid Gisella’s mantle.

“The speed of light really is fast. Right now, my armor’s surface temperature has already exceeded 600℃, and it is still rising. However, this temperature is still far from reaching the armor’s critical value, so there is no need to worry.”

Through his helmet’s filter, Chen Yu could witness the whole process of the explosion and disintegration of the asteroid. Shaking his head and sighing, he said, “I’m at a loss for words. This scene is too spectacular. Gisella has used its life to offer us such a wonderful experience. It is truly a great asteroid.”

[Gisella: Goddammit!]

[More like forced greatness.]

[Type ‘GG’ quickly if you’ve lost.]

[The latest explosion is awesome.]

[We can definitely see the light of the explosion from Earth! I’ve already prepared my astronomical telescope.]

[There’s no sound! Dislike!]

[You’ll die the moment you hear the sound.]

[Passion is surging within me after watching this scene! I must do something to quell it! Hence, I scratched my feet...]

When Gisella’s burning outer layer expanded to Mercury’s size, the effects of the anti-gravity particles finally disappeared. Immediately, the asteroid’s solid inner core began displaying its might once more.

As a result, all matter that failed to reach the asteroid’s escape velocity slowly fell back to the core under the drag of gravity. Moreover, their speed of descent continually increased as time passed. In the eyes of the livestream’s 40 million viewers, it looked as if mountains were smashing into the inner core one after another.

“Boom!” Chen Yu opened his mouth and added some sound effects of his own.

The next moment, an explosion far more spectacular than the ones before lit up!

For a moment, it looked as if a new star was being born...

“The armor’s temperature has already exceeded 1,000℃. This won’t do. I need to withdraw.”

After giving his audience an explanation, Chen Yu restarted the plasma engine and resumed escaping.

Meanwhile, the explosion caused by the collapse had sent matter flying into the air once more. The violent friction between matter also led to chain explosions. Afterward, a portion of the remaining matter would get dragged back to the asteroid’s core, resulting in even more explosions...

This was a terrifying scene that couldn’t be described using words.

Compared with this, the violent natural disasters that occurred on Earth looked incredibly insignificant.

Let alone living beings, even planets wouldn’t be safe in the face of such kinetic energy.

At this point, Gisella was undoubtedly dead.

Perhaps, after the prolonged explosion, high pressures, and high temperatures subsided, there might be some crystalline carbon matter leftover that could prove that the asteroid once existed...

Stopping his retreat, Chen Yu lowered his head and looked at the Oscillating Planet Smasher. Suddenly, he found that the device felt much heavier than before.

This was the weight of technology.

“By the looks of it, Gisella’s struggles will persist for a while before it thoroughly dies.” Turning around and facing the camera, Chen Yu took in a deep breath and calmed his emotions. He then said, “Maybe even after a year has passed, the explosions will still continue. However, compared to the long life it has lived, the time of one year can be described as fleeting.

“I am not an expert in the field of astronomy, so I can’t say for certain. However, I’m guessing that through its series of explosions, Gisella will be tossing around 80% to 90% of its mass into space. Meanwhile, a considerable portion of this matter should fly into the inner solar system.

“However, it doesn’t matter. We have Jupiter and Saturn serving as our bodyguards. They can capture most of the uninvited guests with their gravity. On the scale of the solar system, Gisella’s corpse is not even the size of a dime. The possibility of it causing harm to Earth is minimal.”

After taking one last look at the “boiling” asteroid, Chen Yu turned away from the asteroid and began his conclusion. “I’m sure everyone has seen the Oscillating Planet Smasher’s effects and performance. It is undoubtedly an excellent product. Using it against an asteroid such as Gisella is no different than using a cannon to kill a mosquito. Perhaps, only when used against large planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth can the device display its true potential.

“I’ll also leave some foreshadowing here. If we have an opportunity to exit the solar system, I will definitely detonate a big planet for everyone to see.”

[Just listen to him. Is this something a human would say?]

[In the host’s eyes, planets are no different than firecrackers.]

[There’s nothing wrong with him. Don’t forget, he’s going to blow up a star next year!]

[Good luck, Gisella!]

[There’s still one round of ammunition left. There’s also one anti-matter bomb leftover from the Chinese New Year. I suspect that the UP is planning to do something big.]

[The universe really is terrifying. I can even feel the tremors all the way from Earth.]

[This is real art...]

[Is the livestream ending? Can’t you drag it on for a while longer? I still haven’t had my fill.]

[Once the explosion ends, there will definitely be diamonds remaining inside the core! Host, don’t forget to go collect them!]

[Diamonds? There is an uncountable amount of these things on Earth. Do you think they’re valuable?]

“So, that’s about it. Today’s official livestream will now come to an end.”

Releasing the Oscillating Planet Smasher and letting it hover before him, Chen Yu intertwined his fingers before the camera and said, “Firstly, I would like to thank our old friend, the Haqiu Arms Company, for supplying me with this Oscillating Planet Smasher. Out of all the products I have received thus far, this one is definitely the most powerful. It should also be the most attractive. After all...

“Which man wouldn’t want to destroy a planet?

“Next, I would like to thank the livestream’s 40 million viewers. Thank you for always supporting my livestreams. Obviously, there will be more and more people finding out about this program. Maybe, a few more episodes, every netizen worldwide would be participating in my monthly official livestreams. Although I will face greater pressure during my livestreams, I believe my livestreams will become more exciting.

“Perhaps, many people would feel that today’s livestream has ended somewhat quickly. However, please believe me when I say that the episode isn’t short. Instead, it is because the review process has proceeded smoothly and without fillers.

“Before I end the livestream, let me make an advertisement for the next official livestream. Time has gone by really quickly, and three months have passed us in the blink of an eye. Everyone should know that my access level will be rising once more. This time, it is going to go from D+ to C-! This is definitely going to be a major milestone.”

Stretching out his hand, Chen Yu made a ‘C’ gesture and said solemnly, “Whether it is D-, D, or D+, all of them are categorized under the D-level access level. However, C- will be a whole new world. Through simple reasoning, we can infer that the next product...will definitely be very powerful!

“Let us wait and see.

“I am Transdimensional’s UP. Let us meet again in the tenth official livestream next month.

“Be there, or be square!”

After Chen Yu said so, the screens of the livestream’s 43 million viewers darkened simultaneously...

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