Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 98

B2 - Chapter 98

He rocketed toward them with a murderous look in his eyes. Most fights with something around his level ended quickly due to his overwhelming advantage in Strength, which was multiplied by his Qi. This was the first time that wasnt the case.

William delivered a brutal body blow to the already-damaged Flesh Puppets chestcaving it inbefore following the strike with another. This one blew a hole through the body, but the Flesh Puppet stared at him without emotion.

He saw its eyes gaining that red tint again, but he didnt stop his savage attacks. If destroying the area where its heart was located had no effect, he would go after the brain.

William snarled in anger at his ineffectiveness and used it to bring down his fist like a hammer on the Flesh Puppets head, crushing it flat into its shoulders.

[+17344 XP]

[Level Up! | 10 Stat Points Added]

He shifted his body rapidly to avoid the bite of the remaining Flesh Puppet before bringing his hand down on its neck in a slicing motion. He tried something that had been on his mind for a long time. The edge of his palm was lined with Healing Qi, but instead of avoiding the dangerous properties like he did when healing himself, he focused on it.

The Flesh Puppets head was cut cleanly off its body. The point of contact made it seem like a large sword did the work instead of his palm.

[+17459 XP]

[Level Up! | 10 Stat Points Added]

[-50 HP]

William glanced between the chopped-off head and his badly mangled hand. Using Healing Qi to kill workedas odd as that soundedbut there seemed to be a minor penalty to his health in return. Or maybe he was just too inexperienced to do it without receiving collateral damage.

Still, the price was well worth it. Of course, this would depend on his target staying mostly still to allow him a clean cut. He couldnt see it working otherwise.

He stared past the gates into the compound and wondered if the strange delay in action would be consistent if he met more Flesh Puppets inside. It would be an easy walkthrough if that was the case.

William converted some of his Qi into Healing Qi and concentrated it on his hand.

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[+50 HP]

[-100 Spiritual Energy]

It was getting easier to do that with every try after he learned to quickly immerse himself into the proper memory needed to feel the appropriate anger.

He pulled the corpses of the Flesh Puppets into his spatial stone and threw them to his spirit beast egg. There was nothing left to do other than enter the compound.

William took a deep breath and prepared himself for any surprises after he passed the gates. He stepped into a courtyard that was fit for an emperor, which was fitting considering whose avatar was imprisoned here.

It was a sprawling garden that somehow managed to be colorful under the dim moonlight. Trees with fruits ripe for the picking, beautiful flowers lining the edges of every path, and a small stream of a purple-tinted liquid that snaked through the garden, originating from the only building in the compound.

He made a cursory scan of the garden to register any threats before looking beyond. That was where the danger lay.

Two Flesh Puppets guarded the gate. The interior of the compound had far too many to count. The familiar, dim, malignant glow from a Flesh Puppets eyes was numerous, all staring at him from their posts at the wall.

William stepped back to the still-open gate. He could still survive this, but it would require multiple uses of [Force Multiplier] and a copious amount of Vitality Restoration Pills to recover afterward. Even then, it would leave him vulnerable to the corrupted avatar.

He paused at the entrance to see if any Flesh Puppets would make a move. None did.

William clenched his fist before deciding to take the risk. If he was overwhelmed, retreat could be possible, and if that was somehow blocked off, the combination of [Force Multiplier] and the Elemental Gauntlet would be enough. Whatever happened after would be an issue for his future self.

He took steady steps onto the path in the garden with no reaction from the Flesh Puppets. They tracked him with their eyes but did nothing more. When they still did nothing after he was halfway through the path, he started to suspect he was being allowed entry by the corrupted avatar.

He wasnt sure what to feel about that.

William ignored the tempting spirit fruits and beckoning flowers, asking to be plucked, and focused only on his destination. He was greedy but not fool enough to try and take something from a garden such as this.

He reached the large door to the building without issue, the eyes of the Flesh Puppets still on his back. It opened for him the moment he stepped before it.

He stared into the well-lit entrance at the familiar figure smiling at him.

We finally meet face-to-face, the corrupted avatar smiled. A normal smile that still terrified him.

William wasnt sure if he should immediately go on the attack or first confirm if Kae was held inside. If he wasnt, waiting for him before acting would be wise.

Your friend told me you know Im an avatar. I find it curious that you still feel confident facing me with such hostility.

Seemed like he didnt need to wait. Kae was inside.

It might have had something to do with you wanting to take control of my body.

William didnt wait for her to reply and immediately activated [Force Multiplier]. With a roar, he lunged at the corrupted avatar, blazing fist aimed directly at her face.

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