Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 96

B2 - Chapter 96

[+52 Spirit]

[Modified | Spiritual Energy]

[Spiritual Energy Capacity | 1630 > 1890]

William felt his Dantian flood his spiritual pathways with new Qi. He would usually be casual about guiding it to the correct primary meridian if it wasnt for the fact he was close to hitting the limit of the Kidney Meridian.

He closed his eyes and took command of his new Qi, guiding it quickly to its destination. The Kidney Meridian was as eager to accept new Qi as ever. Still, it was different this time, as he expected.

The thick fog of Qi that filled the meridian grew increasingly opaque as the Kidney Meridian absorbed Qi. Near the end of the process, when the Qi available had almost all been absorbed, he saw the sign he had been waiting for.

A dim light appeared in the middle through the dense fog of Qi, shining and pulsating softly. It hadnt reached the tipping point yet. The fog hadnt been absorbed by the light at the center.

William opened his eyes with a large frown. The last bit of Qi had been absorbed without meeting the requirements for crossing the tipping point. He needed just a few more points to assign to his Spirit attribute.

Unfortunately, he had none left.

Experience: 5780/16500

He needed over ten thousand experience points to get to the next level. Not a lot, as long as he had beasts or automatons around his level for slaughtering, but he currently didnt have that option.

William stared at the compound and wondered if it was reasonable to take the risk and hunt for his experience points. He shook his head and quickly dismissed that thought.

Perhaps if that was the only option left, but he had to consider others first. The most obvious being the Healing Qi quest.

[Side Quest: Learn the basics of self-healing]

[Information: Su Rao has shown you how to convert your Qi into Healing Qi. Become accomplished enough to heal a broken bone on your own.]

[Reward: 10000 XP]

[Penalty: Decreased reputation with Su Rao]

Ten thousand experience points didnt quite meet the amount necessary to get to the next level. Still, he had the assumption that there would be hidden bonuses if he went above and beyond with the quest, just like with the Lightning Qi quest.

In his opinion, William had already self-healed a far more difficult injury than a simple broken bone. He had regrown the flesh that had been sliced off his calf, and the only reason the side quest hadnt been considered completed must have been the wording.

Even if what he healed was more complex, it wasnt a broken bone.

William studied his body, glancing at the larger bones before settling on his left arm. He wanted to keep his legs in perfect condition if he needed to escape while healing himself.

He picked the egg off his lap and placed it to his side. There was no hesitation in committing to his self-brutality.

[-270 HP]

William didnt flinch when his arm was snapped in half at the elbow and forearm, the former an unnecessarily difficult place to break a bone, but one he thought would give him the most experience points.

The author's narrative has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

He immediately immersed his thoughts with Sky Hares. There was a pang of fear when it didnt elicit as much rage as he had assumed, but thankfully, it was still more than enough.

He converted the majority of his remaining Qi to Healing Qi, using that anger as fuel, before concentrating all of it at his broken elbow. He could feel the small bones heal fully before snapping back into place, then he moved the Healing Qi to his forearm.

William let out a soft sigh of relief. He opened his eyes to an excessive number of blue, flashing system alerts.

[+270 HP]

[-540 Spiritual Energy]

[Side Quest Completed | Learn the basics of self-healing]

[+10000 XP]

[Hidden Bonus | Heal multiple broken bones]

[+2500 XP]

[Hidden Bonus | Heal a bone larger than a finger]

[+5000 XP]

[Hidden Bonus | Restore flesh to a perfect state]

[+10000 XP]

[Level Up! | 10 Stat Points Added] x2

[Cultivation upgraded | Foundation Establishment (Early Stage) > Foundation Establishment (Middle Stage)]

[Modified | Health Overall: 2100 > 2400]

[New upgrade requirements available]

Upgrade Requirements (2):

1. Spirit: 167

2. Eligible for Level 167

[Modification Necessary | Recalibrating Attribute Maximums]

[Max Luck Attribute | 150 > 175]

He scanned all the alerts before taking a long breath to calm himself. No matter how much he wanted to, this wasnt the time to scream in happiness.

Two of the most significant benefits of advancing a minor realm from early to middle stage were his increased health and higher Luck attribute limit. The latter he would max out as soon as he could spare enough stat points to do so.

For now, he would return to his original goalthe reason he broke his arm. To see what would happen when he completely filled his primary meridians.

[+10 Spirit]

[Modified | Spiritual Energy]

[Spiritual Energy Capacity | 1890 > 1940]

William restarted the process, though it was admittedly far faster with only a small amount of Qi to guide. He was at the Kidney Meridian in a fraction of a second and drip-fed the Qi into it.

He didnt want to face a large backlash when he was vulnerable in an unknown area. He had around half of the Qi left, still not having reached the tipping point, so he allowed another drip of Qi to enter.

That was enough.

The light at the center of the Kidney Meridian pulsed strongly, with nearly enough force to push his presence away. The fog of Qi in the meridian started to orbit the light, moving quicker with every full rotation before it began to be pulled into the center.

The speck of light devoured everything inside the Kidney Meridian until nothing was left but itself.

William didnt interfere and simply observed, hoping to see some sort of benefit from this, but nothing noticeable happened. He still had a little Qi to assign to a primary meridian, but it was apparent that the Kidney Meridian wasnt an option.

The light at the center pulsed menacingly as if warning him against trying.

He did what seemed obvious and returned to the Lung Meridian, the very first one he started to fill.

William had honestly expected this to fail, so when the Lung Meridian accepted the Qi without issue, he was shocked. He observed the newly introduced faint wisps of Qi circling the speck of light in the Lung Meridian.

However, it wasnt getting absorbed.

He watched for a little longer before pulling his focus away from the inner workings of his spiritual pathways and opening his eyes.

[Trait Added | Minor Mastery of Horizons Seeker (x1.2 multiplier on all Qi-based skills and attacks)]

William stared at the trait, unsure if he should be happy or disappointed. It was a positive trait, which was always a good thing, but it seemed to be a small benefit compared to his expectations.

He paused, realizing that this applied to [Force Multiplier]. That means instead of boosting his physical attributes by four times, it would instead be four points eight

Williams thoughts halted when he remembered what happened to [Force Multiplier] when he advanced a cultivation realmminor or major.

He pulled up the skill on his status screen.

Martial Skills (4):

Force Multiplier (100%) 3.8x

He sighed in relief. It didnt reduce in effectiveness as much as he feared. Even with the reduction, the trait he gained would make [Force Multiplier] multiply his physical stats by around four point five.

That was better than before, and William would gladly take it.

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