Transcending Dreams

B2 - Chapter 107

B2 - Chapter 107

William opened his eyes to a white sky.

He pushed himself to sit up and groaned from the soreness of his body. It felt like he had overdone a training session

He stood up instantly and looked around, remembering what happened before he lost consciousness.

Corrupted Sophia was nowhere to be seen, and neither was that crystal ball that turned into an eyed. And it couldnt be forgotten that the latter also performed surgery on him.

William ran his hands over his body to see if anything had changed or, worse, missing. He felt his face, the shape still familiar and comforting.

Everything was fine externally. Internal changes would have to be examined by someone from the sect.

He looked around again to confirm that the corrupted avatar was gone and noticed something strange. He narrowed his eyes and realized that the sky wasnt white. It was blank.

The few remaining portions of the night sky remained, but they were slowly being deleted layer by layer.

The dimension was collapsing.

William shook his head and pulled up the missed system alerts to discover what had happened.

[+30 Stamina]

That was it. Nothing was indicating what, if anything, had changed with his body. He pulled up the status screen.

Name: Wei Liang (William)

Age: 14

Level: 152

Experience: 11047/19000

Cultivation: Foundation Establishment (Middle Stage)

Health: 955/2400

Spiritual Energy: 1940/1940 (20% per Hour)

Spirit: 388

Strength: 330 (289)

Stamina: 140 (105)

Agility: 310 (283)

Luck: 150

Points: 0

Traits (3):

1. Heavenly Thunder Infusion Passive effect (+40 Agility, +40 Strength)

2. Minor Mastery of Horizons Seeker (x1.2 multiplier on all Qi-based skills and attacks)

3. Attribute Penalty - 25% reduction of Strength, Stamina, and Agility

William scanned it and saw nothing that caught his eye.

He did notice that his Spiritual Energy was fully recovered, which meant he had been unconscious for hours. There were no changes whatsoever.

The recovered Spiritual Energy did help to remove the worry of getting killed. If the corrupted avatar had somehow survived, he would surely have been finished off while unconscious.

Still, it didnt explain this.

Main Quest (1):

1. Remove Empress Sophias corrupted avatar

William just hoped the quest was active because the dimension still existed.

He froze, realizing he had forgotten about Kae in all the worry about the state of his body. He rushed to the estate and threw the debris in his way before coming to his fellow disciples body.

The first thing William noticed was that it was healed. Kaes chest no longer had a gaping hole, and he was breathing steadily.

Kae was alive.

William let out a relieved laugh at the sight.


His eyes sharpened at hearing Shitous voice. Thankfully, it came from the floor instead of Kaes forehead.

For what? William asked warily. He couldnt afford to have another fight. He remembered how Shitou had repelled him from Kaes body.

Ending this place, Shitou shrugged his tiny shoulders. I didnt care how it would happen, just that it did happen.

It would have been much easier if you hadnt lured Kae William cut himself off and took a deep breath. Forget it. Its over. Is Kae going to be fine? Hes breathing, but did the avatar do something to his mind? Soul?

No idea, Shitou replied unhelpfully. I didnt care to pay attention to what the witch was doing.

Right, William sighed before looking out the broken wall at the quickening collapse of the dimension. How do I get out of here?

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Just wait. You dont belong here. Neither of you. Youll be kicked out when the dimension cant support outsiders.

He had no choice but to believe what Shitou said. This whole place was confusing, with too many contradictory possibilities, which meant he was missing something big.

William found it hard to believe the Jade Healing Sect, in its entirety, had completely forgotten about this place.

Lord Paddlington was powerful, but he didnt know the sect's inner workings. He could only conclude what seemed to have happened based on appearances.

If this dimension had been unused for millennia, it would look forgotten to anyone.

The more likely explanation was that it was kept as a high-level secret that only a few would know, but he couldnt understand why the dimension was left like this. It had deteriorated heavily over time, and it was apparent how much just from Sophias corrupted avatar.


William was snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Shitou.

Really, thanks again. If I had known the witch had become so weak, I would have helped you instead.

The collapse of the dimension had reached the estate. It looked like Shitou was saying his last words. Not out of guilt but just to speak.

William kept his mouth shut and nodded slightly. Shitou was going to die. There was no need to anger him and possibly cause issues right when it was all over.

As if a higher power heard him, a crack appeared in the air before splitting open to reveal a dark vortex.

It instantly started to pull at William and Kae, proving Shitou's words right about getting kicked out.

William propped Kae on his shoulder and quickly walked into the vortex, ready to end their stay in the dimension as fast as possible.

He felt the familiar, uncomfortable travel before reappearing on the tiny island where it all started.

Never thought I would be so happy to see this tiny island, William smiled to himself as he looked around.

It doesnt seem like hes possessed.

William snapped his head to the voice. Lord Paddlington was poking at his Kaes cheek.

What are you doing? He asked with a frown. Kaes injured. Dont disturb him.

Thats the problem, Lord Paddlington floated to face him. Why is he only injured? That corrupted avatar should be possessing his body.

The wheels in Williams mind slowly turned.

You told me to bring Kae to give her a target. Kae was never meant to come out alive.

Well, yes, Lord Paddlington bobbed its head. You would probably moan and complain, so I didnt tell youDid you fail?

The turtles face became alarmed before it zipped to the gate. It returned shortly and stared at him with an odd look.

No, you didnt fail

Lord Paddlington was interrupted by sudden system alerts that distracted both of them.

[Main Quest Completed | Remove Empress Sophias corrupted avatar]

[+200000 XP]

[Level Up! | 10 Stat Points Added] x10

[Hidden Bonus | Pass the 1st round of the Wheel of Death with no injuries]

[+20000 XP]

[Level Up! | 10 Stat Points Added]

Is that good? Lord Paddlington stared at the text with a puzzled expression.

William honestly expected more, but he supposed that the corrupted avatar breaking the Wheel of Death prevented him from getting many hidden bonuses.

Still, that wasnt the thing he wanted to talk about.

You sent Kae to his death, William returned to the topic he cared about, and you lied about the corrupted avatars strength. I was barely able to do anything against her.

So youre saying you were able to do something? Lord Paddlington looked impressed. Your growth rate is more impressive than I thought. She should have had the physical attributes of a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm, even if her cultivation had fallen to the middle of Core Formation.

With the way the corrupted avatar had tanked Williams strikes while [Force Multiplier] was active, that made a lot of sense. Still, this wasnt what he wanted to discuss.

What would you have done if Kaes body had actually been taken over by the corrupted avatar?

Lord Paddlington looked at him with concern. Killed him, of course. Why did you ask a question with such an obvious answer?

Forget it, William sighed. He was just frustrated with the whole thing.

Okay, Lord Paddlington nodded, glancing behind him.

Can you see if Kaes going to be fine?

Stop asking me human issues, the turtle said, not turning to look at him. How should I know? You all look the same to me.

William rolled his eyes. Then send us back to the sect. I want to get Kae checked as soon as possible.

Lord Paddlington finally looked away from whatever had his focus to face him. I released control over the formations. Your Elders should be here in a few minutes.

Good, good, William nodded in thanks. I could use some rest, too.

Hm, Lord Paddlington was apathetic. Ill be heading to the capital from here. I sense another fragmented realm stone near the area. Since my master placed her trust in you, Im willing to give you some responsibility. Are you interested?

He was immediately wary. It depends on what you want me to do.

I know the three remaining fragmented realm stones are within the Tianxia Empire, but there is something similar in a smaller kingdom that borders it. I want you to find out what it is and deal with it as necessary.

Like what I dealt with in there? William pointed to the now-broken gate.

It might be, but I cant be sure.

He thought over it for a second and didnt see the harm in doing it. Still, he needed more information.

Where is it, exactly? And what else should I know? William asked before quickly adding, I wont be taking Kae with me, so there wont be anyone to be used as a sacrificial pawn.

He didnt want to walk into another situation unprepared.

I dont know enough to warn you of anything, Lord Paddlington shook its tiny head. As for the location, its in one of the newer kingdoms called the Sunrise Kingdom.

[Main Quest: Investigate the hint of Empress Sophias presence in the Sunrise Kingdom]

[Information: Lord Paddlington has discovered the lingering presence of his master in the Sunrise Kingdom. While he locates the remaining realm stones, he wants you to find out how the Sunrise Kingdom can still have his masters presence.]

[Reward: ?]

[Penalty: ? | Decreased reputation with Lord Paddlington]

[Accept: Y/N]

I will think less of you if you fail? Lord Paddlington tilted its head as it read the message with him. It nodded its head. The system is right. I will think less of you if you fail to do something so simple.

William ignored the turtle. This was the kingdom that Lin Lin created. He wanted to go. I accept.

[Main Quest Accepted | Investigate the hint of Empress Sophias presence in the Sunrise Kingdom]

Excellent! I dont have to waste time in some pointless kingdom, Lord Paddlington raised its flippers in celebration. The turtle grew smaller, to the size of half his palm, before freezing.

It floated uncomfortably close to Williams eyes.

Did you always have different colored eyes?

What? He blinked in confusion. Wait, I have different colored eyes?!

This one is white, with a dot in the center, Lord Paddlington described his left eye poetically, and this one is red.

William reached up to cover his right eye in confusion. His mind immediately went to the implantation he had gone through.

There had been no way to look at himself, so he couldnt have known that his right eye had changed.

How did you not see the difference immediately? William asked faintly, more focused on how this new eye must be from the Magmaheart Goliath. The beast had burning eyes, but he didnt know what they could do, nor did the system inform him of the change.

I told you, all you humans look the same to me, Lord Paddlington glanced back again. Its time for me to go. Give me good news the next time I see you, Wei Liang.

The turtle disappeared.

William supported Kae as he wondered how to explain what happened to the Elders.

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