Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 48: Toroa

Chapter 48: Toroa

The Clown Pirates arrive on Toroa in 2 days after they defeat the Chest Hair Pirates. They dock their ship on the hidden coast like usual and go to the town. Cricket is the one who guards the ship now, while the others leave.

Mantis & Jude go together to explore the town, while Buggy goes to the blackmarket like usual. The fastest way to find Robin is by buying information on the blackmarket. The information that he wants to buy is rather important, so he can't buy it through a normal informant.

Buggy enters a bar that has some signs to be a broker's place. Buggy orders a drink and says a code that's common in the underworld. The bartender understands it and gives Buggy a small piece of paper.

The bartender tells Buggy to go to the back door. So Buggy finishes his drink and goes out of the bar. He goes to the alley beside the bar and enters a door after giving the small paper to the guard outside.

Buggy is then guided to an underground room where he can buy the information. Inside the room is a woman that sits behind a desk. She wears formal attire and looks like a bank teller.

"Welcome, may I know what information that you want to purchase?"-Woman

"Nico Robin."-Buggy

Buggy looks at the woman to see her reaction. She didn't show any reaction on the outside, but Buggy can feel her emotion change a little with his Observation Haki. Her heart also beat a little faster than before, so she must know something.

"Nico Robin is it? I understand, please wait for a minute."-Woman

The woman leaves her desk to take the information papers. Buggy smirk because he has got a clue now.

'She is still in this town, and possibly in this organization.'-Buggy

Buggy knows Robin search protection from underworld forces. So it's understandable for her to join this force on Toroa. That's why he uses his Observation haki to sense the woman's emotion.

Robin is a big asset with her ability to read ancient words and her great archeologic knowledge. That's why big organizations are willing to protect her from WG. But they'll also discard her if it gets too dangerous.

Well, she'll also leave them if they can't protect her anymore. They're using each other, so it's a fair thing. Robin knows these people aren't good, so she is willing to leave them.

After waiting for some time, the woman returns with a paper. She give it to Buggy and he read the content. It's written that Robin has run to the Ballywood Kingdom, and was seen there around 4 days ago.

Buggy smirks knowing that this information is fake. It's not only because he senses the woman's reaction, but also because this information is too strange.

It is because as a smart girl, Robin won't go to Ballywood where the chance to get caught is a lot higher. A big kingdom like Ballywood has many law enforcers and she'll get found easier.

But even if this information is fake, Buggy doesn't protest and treat it like it's real information. He still pays the fee and returns the paper to the woman.

"Sigh, she's moving again, huh? It's really hard to find a good crew member."-Buggy

"H-heee, you want to recruit this girl as your crew member? Won't it be too dangerous for your crew? She is really wanted and has 79 million bounty you know."-Woman tries to act concerned

"Haha, who cares about that. Even though I only have 50 million bounty, but if WG know who I really am, then they will raise it to at least 100 million belly."-Buggy

"I-is that so?"-Woman think Buggy is just boasting

"Well, it seems I need to go to Ballywood in some days. I will enjoy this town first before going to another place."-Buggy

Buggy leaves the room and goes to explore the town. He has left a clue just now about his identity. A broker like them has worldwide information, and they'll be able to find it with some work.

When Robin finds out about it, Buggy is sure that she will come to him. He might have something that she wants, so she'll try to meet him. But that is still a possibility even though it's high.

Buggy explores the town and he finds many street performers in this town. He enjoys some performances and even buys some song recordings. To play those, he buys the tool and also the suitable denden mushi.

"Hmm, maybe I need to buy denden mushi for my crew. It is important after all. Also, should I recruit a musician, or maybe even a band?"-Buggy ponder about his idea

Buggy is still in a denden mushi store, and he is choosing denden mushis now.

"Ah, Captain."-Jude

"Hmm? Oh, it's you guys."-Buggy

Jude & Mantis suddenly appear and call him. They've also bought some girly items even though they already have a lot.

"Oi oi oi, you buy accessories again. You already have plenty aren't you?"-Buggy

"But they're really pretty, so we can't help but to buy them."-Jude

"Our treasures aren't pretty enough for you guys?"-Buggy

"This and that is different."-Mantis

"Sigh, whatever. Did you find something interesting here? Something that I need to see or know?"-Buggy

"Hmm, not rea- Ah! I hear there is a pond that can grant someone's wish if they throw a coin and pray beside it. A-and, i-if a couple pray there, t-they will be paired forever."-Jude blush

"That's not a mystery, that's just how the town mayor or a religious group collect money using the pond. Also, you shouldn't believe in something like that easily."-Buggy

"Eeehh~, so it's fake?"-Mantis get disappointed

"You also believe it, huh?"-Buggy sweatdrop

Jude seems to be disappointed too, she still has a crush on Buggy and wants to take him there. Buggy has told her that he already has someone he loves to make her give up earlier. But it seems she doesn't give up and still wants to chase him.

'As long as they haven't married, I still have the chance. Also, Captain's girlfriend is a marine. If she keeps being a Marine, then they can't be together, I still have a chance.'-Jude

Mantis realizes this and she sighs at Jude. She also has told Jude to give up on Buggy, but Jude just won't listen. Buggy's charisma is just too much to handle.

'I might fall for him too if he is older than me.'-Mantis

Buggy didn't know what these girls are thinking and focused on choosing denden mushi. Buggy buys a normal-sized denden mushi and 4 babies.

The normal size will be for their ship, because their range is very far, almost worldwide. While the babies are for his crew to communicate when they're on an island because they have a smaller range.

'As I thought, there's no black denden mushi or even white denden mushi. Maybe I'll find them on Grandline's Blackmarket.'-Buggy

After buying denden mushi, the 3 return to their ship. But on the way, Buggy sees a book store and stops by. He buys many books from many types, be it science, fiction, social, everything that this store has.

"Why'd you buy books, Captain?"-Jude

"To learn, and to relieve my boredom. Books are the best item to relieve it, because I can keep it and read it anytime."-Buggy

"Heh, I don't know you like books."-Mantis

"Usually not, but I need some entertainment sometimes, and a book is a good option."-Buggy

"Hmm, maybe I'll try it sometime."-Mantis

The 3 pirates finally reach their ship after walking for some minutes. Now, they just need to stay here until Robin comes to them.


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