Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 438: Marineford War

Chapter 438: Marineford War

Whitebeard takes a closer look at the irritating young man who has just dropped on his ship.

"Hmm? Aren't you that rookie who became the talk of the world lately? It seems you escaped Impel Down, brat. Furthermore, you brought those guys too."

"You are mistaken, oh big ass old fossil. I wasn't the one who released them. They came out because of someone else."

Kuroko Buggy still acts politely but talks without any politeness whatsoever and it pisses the old Whitebeard.


"Stop that annoying act of yours! I have no time to play around with you."


Suddenly, they hear Luffy's screams from the ship, so they look there. They see Luffy poses on the wrecked ship with the other escapees while shouting that he'll save Ace.

"You don't want to join them?"

"No, I will look like a side character if I join that group pose."

"What a peculiar reason. So, what will you do now, brat? I don't care what you'll do, but don't get in my way."

Whitebeard slams his bisento to the floor again to intimidate him, but obviously Buggy won't budge even though the bottles of wine on his waist shakes and the metal pipe on his back vibrates. Now everyone finally notices him because their focus was on the fallen ship before. They are surprised to see the most super of the super rookies is also there.

"Me? Getting in your way? Are you sure it's you who are getting in my way, geezer?"

Kuroko Buggy takes the metal pipe on his back and slams it on the floor, creating an impact that doesn't lose to Whitebeard's bisento slam. It shocks everyone there because it looks like Kuroko Buggy is challenging Whitebeard while in truth, Buggy just wants to play around.

"I will be the one who'll take your head, Whitebeard."

Crocodile suddenly appears behind Whitebeard to attack the old man. He doesn't want Kuroko Buggy to attack Whitebeard before him. But just like in the series, Luffy stops Crocodile while being drenched with water, so he can touch Crocodile's sand body.

Buggy watches the drama unfold similarly to the series with great interest. He keeps watching while nodding along impressedly when Luffy gets into an argument with Whitebeard. But from his point of view as Buggy, the Emperor of The Sea, Luffy is nothing more than a weakling who doesn't have any fear now.

'Well, I was the same back then, so I can't judge him. Though I always calculated everything I did because I didn't have a strong plot armor like this guy. We may have the same strong mentality, but our way of thinking is different.'

Luffy finally rushes to the battlefield after telling Whitebeard about the message that he heard on the marine ship. Buggy also thinks he has played enough, so he wants to leave.

"Alright then, geezer, I will just watch your war. At the very least, I won't get in your way by watching."

"Hmph, do as you please."

Out of Whitebeard's expectation, Kuroko Buggy is climbing to Moby Dick's crow nest. It pisses the Whitebeard Pirates including its Captain. But Whitebeard tells his men to let Kuroko be. Right now, they need to focus on the Marines, after all.

"Crocodile, Jinbe, Ivankov, Luffy, and even he is here. "Babysitter" Kuroko. What a strange yet worrying lineup. At the very least, we know quite a lot about Crocodile, Jinbe, and Luffy. But that Babysitter, that guy is full of mystery. I can only feel danger coming from him even from this distance. Sengoku, are you sure that Borsalino defeated that guy without getting a scratch?"

"What are you on about, Garp?"

"I have a strong feeling that he is the most dangerous here, even more than Whitebeard himself. Different from Luffy, that guy didn't just look afraid when facing Whitebeard, but also confident if things went wrong in their brief talk. Unless he has the confidence to block Whitebeard's attack without any problem, he won't tease that guy like that. Only other Emperors have the guts to talk like that to Whitebeard."

"Hmph, he is just a fool who overestimates himself."

"I hope so."

Garp gets silent while looking at Kuroko with a very serious expression. Sengoku actually understands Garp's feelings because he feels it too. But he needs to remove that thought because he needs to focus on commanding the Marines.

Their talk ends when they see Luffy storming into the battlefield. Kizaru attacks him, but Ivankov saves him. Then he gets attacked by Hina and Moria who also fail because Luffy has gotten stronger and faster as he reveals his Gear 2.


Ace shouts at Luffy and tells him to leave. He says he doesn't need Luffy's help because it will shame him. They both have their own adventures & friends, so they shouldn't meddle in each other's business. That's the pretense Ace says to make Luffy leaves the dangerous war.

Obviously, Luffy doesn't agree and tells Ace that he needs to save his brother. It shocks the Marines when they hear that Luffy is Ace's brother. They assume that Luffy is also Roger's son. But Sengoku then tells them that Luffy and Ace are just sworn brothers as Luffy's father is Dragon.

It still shocks the world though because Dragon's reputation is as bad as the Pirate King himself. At the very least, Pirate King Roger has died, but Dragon is still alive and poses danger to this world now as the worst criminal. The Emperors are still better in this sense because they don't stir up the world like Dragon.

Buggy watches in amusement as Luffy breaks through the marine's defense using his Gear 3 while shouting that he'll save Ace even if he dies. It reminds Buggy that he'll do the exact same thing as Luffy if this happens to his family. But because of that, Buggy knows the importance of power, that's why he always chases it every day.

Buggy keeps watching as battles happen everywhere across the battlefield. There are many interesting battles here and there, but he is waiting for something more interesting. Akainu has died, so he wonders whether the Marine will provoke Squard to stab Whitebeard or not.

But then his attention shifts to Mihawk who approaches Luffy. "Hmm, it's been a long time since we clashed our swords. Sigh, I missed my Kopis swords now. It was just a few months, but I felt like I haven't held any sword for years."

Buggy hasn't used swords for real battles when he acts as Kuroko. His reason is he might get found out because of his swordsmanship and he wanted Kuroko to have a different image. He still trains his swordsmanship every day in secret though.

So now he is quite jealous of Mihawk who swings his big-ass sword freely. Buggy then remembers that Mihawk said he won't hold back against Luffy. But no matter how he sees it, Mihawk is holding back a lot right now. If Mihawk doesn't hold back, then Luffy would've been cut in half.

But it's not Luffy that gets cut in half, it's the frozen tsunami. Mihawk slashes horizontally and Luffy barely avoids it. The wave of that slash flies across the battlefield and then cuts the frozen tsunami in half. It obviously shocks the people there except for a few individuals.

Buggy is one of those who don't get shocked, but he is jealous of Mihawk being able to show his power like this. Well, Buggy has a plan of his own, so he just looks as the upper half of the iceberg falls on the battlefield.

Then suddenly he remembers that he needs to secure a broadcast denden mushi. The Marine will stop the broadcast soon, so he needs to get a broadcast denden mushi to keep the broadcast on. After all, he can't let the world down by not showing the epic scenes of the war.

Well, his main reason is he wants to show something interesting later. That's why he needs to find one and he scouts the surrounding. He finally finds one on the port wall which is quite far from his position.

"Oi, geezer, I will leave for a while, don't miss me, alright?"

Kuroko Buggy leaves Moby Dick under Whitebeard's pissed but amused look. It's not just Whitebeard who's watching him, the whole battlefield is looking at him right now. He hasn't made any move so far, but suddenly he rushes into the battlefield, after all.

Kuroko Buggy rushes toward the escapees' side because they are on his path. He holds his metal pipe and coats it with invisible haki before he starts attacking the marines who got in his way. With every swing, he defeats a marine soldier, and even the marine officers there also get defeated with one attack.

"Babysitter Kuroko! We won't let you do as you please."

3 Vice-Admirals and some high-ranking officers suddenly get in his way to stop him. There are also marine soldiers who come to assist the officers. Kuroko Buggy grins before looking at the escapees beside him who also get ready to fight because they are also surrounded.

"You guys, I will take care of them, so you don't need to fight them. However, I have a task for you right now."

"Y-you'll really fight them alone?"

"Yeah, so you don't need to fight. I will even help you survive this war and find a place to work after this as long as you do what I ask."

"I-is it dangerous?"

"Everything here is dangerous. But your chance of survival will increase if you do as I say."

The escapees look at each other for a while before agreeing to follow him. He grins and tells them to get the broadcast denden mushi. It will be better if they can catch some, but even 1 is alright.


Kuroko Buggy opens up a path by blasting some marine soldiers using his metal pipe. The escapees runs away while he attacks the other marines. He defeats the marine soldiers and officers before finally facing the 3 Vice-Admirals.

"So he was the one who defeated Onigumo, huh? He is quite formidable."

"Don't let your guard down. He defeated Onigumo without receiving any major injuries."

The 3 Vice-Admirals who stand in his way are Yamakaji, Dobberman, and Dalmatian.

"Well, well, well, it seems I will need to beat some Vice-Admirals' asses again. Onigumo couldn't entertain me, so I hope you guys can do it in his place."

Compared to the 3 of them, Kuroko looks very small because of his normal height. However, his presence doesn't lose one bit to them and his confidence is overwhelming. There's no way Buggy will lose to them just because he is disguising himself, so he just wants to have fun.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 475. Holding On (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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