Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 360: Uhuh, yeah

Chapter 360: Uhuh, yeah

Shanks tells Buggy the story of how he gets injured by Teach.

Buggy keeps listening and says, "Damn! Really? Woah, that's crazy. Uhuh. So that's how it is. No way!"

He keeps saying those things while nodding with a surprised expression. Buggy isn't too interested in that, but he can't ignore Shanks, so he just responds like that. For Buggy, the current Teach isn't as problematic as the future Teach, so he isn't too interested in that guy.

But his attitude changes when Shanks tells him about Rubber Rubber Fruit that the Red Hair stole from World Government's ship. Buggy has suspected that it was not a normal fruit as it is made for the Main Character of this world.

Also, there's no way Shanks would steal it from World Government if it's not so valuable. The World Government also won't take a normal fruit and assigned Cipher Pol to guard it. That means the Rubber Rubber Fruit has a big secret.

In his past life, Buggy died before Luffy awakened his power, so he doesn't know Rubber Rubber Fruit's true ability. That's why he listens to Shanks's story seriously. But Shanks just keep talking about how he stole it and then a kid ate it before starting to talk about the kid.

It pisses Buggy off, but he doesn't want to ask Shanks about the fruit too deeply. Even if they are like brothers, there are limits to what they can ask of each other. If Shanks doesn't say anything that means he wants to keep it a secret and Buggy won't pry into it.

Shanks then talks about Luffy and Buggy just listens again. It might be interesting if he doesn't know about Luffy, but he already knows about that idiot even before Luffy was born in this world. So it's just like hearing something that he already knows very well.

"What's your plan after this, Buggy?" asks Shanks.

"I will just continue my exploration after this break ends. My crewmates are enjoying their lives now to prepare for our next journey. What about you?" asks Buggy back.

Shanks smiles and says, "I'll go to New World and start getting serious."

"Heh, just don't mess with my people," says Buggy while smirking.

"Why should I? There are still many people that can be my targets out there," says Shanks.

They talk again for some time before returning to the village. The Red Hairs have blended with the villagers and no one finds it strange anymore. Well, everyone in this place is used to Pirates already, so the villagers aren't afraid of Pirates anymore.

But Shanks & Buggy are surprised by something when they go to Buggy's house. Many people are gathering in front of the house. They all are enjoying the music that comes out of a piano and a singer.

Leo & Uta are playing a song in front of the house right now. The kids were talking to each other when a talk of Leo's music and Uta's singing hobby came out. So they wanted to check each other's skills and start playing some songs.

They are playing together right now, but everyone can feel the competition between them. Leo is younger than Uta, but his play isn't losing to her. Well, Brook was the one who taught him music, so his skills are great at his age.

"Hey Buggy, you never told me that your son is good at playing music," says Shanks with a surprised tone.

"And you never told me that your daughter can sing this well," says Buggy with a surprised tone too.

The song finishes after a few minutes and the 2 kids are not satisfied because they can't find a winner yet. Then they see their dads and look at each other before nodding. They run to their dads and ask them to play a song to decide the winner.

It surprises everyone, but then they all start cheering for the 2 Captains to play. Without any choice, the 2 men sigh and agree to play a song. Shanks prepares his throat while Buggy sits on the piano chair.

"You can play that?" asks Shanks impressedly.

"Well, just a little," says Buggy before he starts playing Bink's Sake.

Shanks & everyone there get impressed by Buggy's play. It's not the level of being able to play 'a little', he is quite good at it. After all, Buggy often plays with Brook in their free time, and it all started when Leo started liking music.

Buggy wanted to be a cool dad, so he asked Brook to teach him. In another word, he has waited for this moment all these years. His hard work pays off when he sees his kids' impressed expressions. He isn't talented in music, but he can play decently now.

"Oi, Shanks, hurry up and sing," says Buggy because Shanks just watches him play the piano.

"Oh, right," says Shanks.

Shanks starts to sing, but he is not good at all compared to the music that Buggy plays. Leo looks at Uta smugly and Uta pouts while looking at Shanks.

"Hey kids, this is time to get fun, so why don't we all sing together?" asks Buggy.

The adults know Buggy's intention, so they all start singing and dancing together. Nojiko & Nami also join them, while Leo & Uta look at each other before shrugging their shoulders. Then they all start singing together and Leo joins Buggy to play the piano.

The children's competition ends and now it's just a time to get fun. Then, typical of these pirates, this turns into a party in a short time. They all are enjoying this day as usual because these pirates know that they can die anytime, so they are enjoying every moment of their lives.

The Red Hair Pirates leave the island after a week because this place is more enjoyable than they thought. Everyone on this island is treating pirates like them normally unlike other islands, after all. Well, they all are used to Clown Pirates, and Red Hair Pirates act quite similarly to them.

Buggy starts training Leo again after the Red Hairs left. He also teaches Nojiko & Nami about business and navigation. Luckily he has skills on what his kids like, so he can teach them those things.

Then a month after the Red Hair Pirates left, Buggy gets another visitor. Well, this guy is not really a visitor because Buggy was the one who called him here. He called Bentham, a.k.a Mr. 2 Bon-chan who has joined The Caribbean's East Blue branch.

Bentham is just like how Buggy remembers him in the series. The guy is very cheerful and full of emotions which makes Buggy's kids like him fast. But he doesn't seem to have any respect for his boss which makes Buggy sigh deeply.

"So, Buggy-chan, what's the business that you meant?" asks Bon-chan while spinning on his toes.

"Let's talk in the base," says Buggy before walking to the base.

Bon-chan follows him and they talk in the base. Buggy has a secret plan that he hasn't revealed to even his family. He has just told Cricket & Mantis about this and the 2 of them were very surprised, but they didn't oppose it.

Buggy tells his secret plan to Bon-chan and the Okama is very shocked. He even calls Buggy crazy but Buggy just grins and doesn't deny it. If he is not crazy, he would never reach this level because he won't dare to fight Kaido and all those powerful people.

"How is it, Bon? I will help you meet Ivankov if you agree to do it, and there will be more rewards too. But you will need to train with me while I'm on my break because you are too weak for this plan right now," says Buggy while smirking.

"My life won't be threatened, right?" asks Bon suspiciously.

"No, but you will still need to get stronger. At least to the level that will help you survive in New World," says Buggy.

Bon-chan thinks deeply for minutes and Buggy doesn't interrupt him. Eventually, Bon-chan agrees after making sure that he won't die by asking it to Buggy many times. Buggy grins widely when Bon agrees because the future looks more fun now.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 384 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 395 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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