Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 303: Goa

Chapter 303: Goa

On the coast beside the forest, near the mountain bandit's hideout, the Clowns are in the middle of docking their ship. Cricket has commanded the crew to move their ship here after finishing their party in the bar.

When they are tying their ship's ropes to some trees, Buggy comes out of the forest. He comes with Belle, their daughters, Rouge, & Ace. They are right on time when the crew has almost finished their job.

Cricket, Mantis, Jude, & Manba smile widely at the sight of Rouge & Ace. They were the only ones who have joined the crew when they saved Rouge & Ace. Palu joined shortly after that, so he doesn't know Rouge yet.

The 4 of them jump out of the ship and run toward Rouge. She is also happy to see them and they ask about each other's news. Rouge knows what happened between Jude & Buggy, and she knows how it ended, so she doesn't talk about it because she doesn't want to hurt Jude.

Manba immediately checks Rouge's condition without anyone asking him. He was the one who treated Rogue before she gave birth and he is the reason she could survive the labor even after losing so much life energy. She lost her lower body's function as a result, but at least she's alive.

"You are healthy, but you need to eat more meat," says Manba.

"See, mom? I told you to eat more meat so you can be strong," says Ace.

"Haha, I don't really like meat now, you know. It tasted quite unappetizing lately," says Rouge.

"Then eat fish, or maybe eggs. You need protein," says Manba.

Rouge smiles and says, "Alright, doctor, I will try to eat more."

"Heh, maybe meat didn't taste good because of how it was cooked. Let me treat you to some good food then. I'll show you the skills that I've improved in these 3 years," says Mantis smugly.

Mantis then cooks a lot of food with her team while The Clowns introduce themselves to Rouge & Ace. There are many strange guys on the crew and some of them aren't even humans. A Giant, some Fishmen, strange-looking men, and a skeleton. It's all new for Ace, so he is very surprised to see the diversity in the crew.

Buggy orders his men who are free to call the mountain bandits. They will hold a small feast here and they can't leave the bandits. Those guys have taken care of Rouge & Ace for 3 years, so they can't be left.

While the guys call the bandits, the kids are talking with Ace. They all are showing off to him because he said he is curious about their strength after he lost to Nojiko. Even Jack who always stays quiet is showing off to him. Jack has started to act like a normal kid after joining the Clowns, it's a good thing.

Ace is very surprised to see the kids' power, especially Alan, who is the strongest kid on the crew. Of course, it makes Ace curious about how they can get this strong. So they tell him that he needs to train, but he also needs to fight strong people that are scattered all over the world.

While the kids get closer to each other, the bandits finally arrived. They walk slowly because they are very scared now. After Buggy left with Rouge, they tried to find out his identity, and when they found it, they got scared to the core.

So when Buggy's crewmates called them, they get frightened. They didn't even hear what the crew said to them and just follow the crew to the coast. The bandits thought they will be killed, but they don't retaliate because they know they can't do anything.

They finally get back to their sense when Rouge talk to them and asks them to help prepare the food for the feast. Now they know that they are just going to eat because The Clowns are Rouge's friends. It makes them very relieved because they won't die today.

They all have a feast and it becomes a wild party as usual. The Clowns have just held a party in the bar, but they will always have energy for another party. That's why this party can last for a whole night even though the ones who can keep up are just the adult pirates.

The next day, many of them get wasted, but it's a usual thing, so the others let them be. They just go with their day as usual and today they will explore the island. This place is a part of Goa Kingdom, so they all will go to explore the Kingdom.

Buggy goes with his family as usual while the others form their own groups. Ace joins the kids' group who are going with Mantis & Cricket. The kids aren't allowed to move by themselves because it's too dangerous.

But the kids won't just do as the adults told them. So Mantis hold their allowance, making them can't go on their own because they don't have money. They've done it many times and it's quite effective.

Still, kids are kids, they tend to make trouble even if they don't mean to do it. The kids actually provoke some hooligans on the street, which causes a fuss. But they aren't normal kids, so they beat up the hooligans quickly.

The problem is the guards who have come because of the commotion. Cricket & Mantis quickly take the kids away so when the guards arrive, they've gone. Both of them now have a good time lecturing the kids.

Buggy's exploration with his family is far better than that. Nojiko listens well to their words, and Nami is still too small to do anything too troublesome. So they can walk around in peace and buy a lot of good things.

The Clowns finish Goa Kingdom's exploration in a week. They finished their exploration without any problem even though they created some trouble. It is impossible to make these guys stay out of trouble. But at least they can fix the trouble they made, so it's good.

After they finish their business here, The Clown Pirates leave the island. They bid farewell to Rouge, Ace, the mountain bandits, and their other acquaintances that they've just gotten on that island. It's time to resume their journey on East Blue.

"Where will we go next, Captain?" asks Jude who has fully moved on from Buggy.

In the last week, Jude has finally fully moved on from Buggy after getting many lessons from Rouge. It's not just her who gets some lessons, but also Palu. He has finally gotten closer to Jude and his fear of women has reduced quite a lot now even though he can still only talk normally to Jude & Mantis.

"As I've said, it's time for me to go home for real. There's only 1 place that I called home in the past when I have nowhere to be called that. Set the course to Orange Town," says Buggy.

"Aye Aye," says Jude before she checks the map and set the ship's course.

The Black Pearl moves fast to Orange Town which is not too far from Goa. They will reach the town in some hours at their ship's full speed. Buggy is anticipating this because the people of Orange Town have taken care of him a lot, so he thinks of them as family, and he misses them.

"I wonder if they still remember me," says Buggy jokingly.

"They surely will. No one will forget a man with a big red nose like you," says Belle while smirking.

Buggy can't even get mad at her. He can only twitch his mouth pissedly before pulling her and hugging her.

"But you are the woman who gets attracted by this big red nose," says Buggy while lifting her face.

".... You're right," says Belle while blushing.

Buggy grins and kisses her before they continue to watch the sea from the ship's head. They watch as an island finally appears after some hours. It's the Orange Town, the place that Buggy used as a base in the past.

"Finally, home sweet home," says Buggy happily.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 327 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 338 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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