Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 297: That Devil Fruit

Chapter 297: That Devil Fruit

At night after the big feast, Buggy & Bellemere sleep together. They just do it in Belle's house, but they toned it down so they won't disturb the kids' sleep. Then after their night session, both of them talk on the bed.

"B, I have a request. Can you train me? I want to be strong so that I can handle the danger that might come in the future," says Belle.

"Sure, but why so suddenly?" asks Buggy.

"Don't feign ignorance. You know it as well, that if the Marine knows our relationship, they might try to do something to me & the girls. I don't want the girls to be in danger, so I need to be strong," says Belle.

Buggy smiles and says, "Alright then, but it won't be easy. I won't go easy on the training just because you are my lover."

"Hmph, I will punch you if you go easy on me," says Belle smugly.

Buggy laughs and then they go to sleep so that they can rest. The next day, they start the training after breakfast. They go to an empty space with Nojiko & Nami. They can't leave the girls because it might take a rather long time to finish.

Before the training starts, Buggy gives a small box to Belle. She opens it and sees a strange fruit with twirl patterns inside. It's the devil fruit that Buggy found on the volcano in Ruff's hometown. He has kept it for a long time because he planned to give it to Belle.

"What devil fruit is this?" asks Belle.

"I don't know, no one knows. It isn't listed in the Devil Fruit encyclopedia, so it's an unknown devil fruit. It might have an ability that you'll like or hate so it will be a gamble. People will say it might be a strong or weak devil fruit, but I do not agree with that. There is no such thing as weak or strong devil fruits, there are only strong & weak users. It all depends on how the users train & utilize their devil fruits. So how is it? Do you want to take the bet?" asks Buggy while smirking.

Belle looks at Buggy and then the kids before looking at the devil fruits. She doesn't say anything before she takes a bite of the devil fruit.

"Ugh, it's disgusting," says Belle with a very disgusted expression.

She is very disgusted, but she still continues to eat the fruit. Belle eats all the fruit's flesh and only leaves the unedible parts. Buggy doesn't say anything and just lets her eat the whole fruit because it looks funny.

"Do you feel something?" asks Buggy.

"W-Wait! Let me drink something first to wash away this disgusting taste," says Belle before she gulps a glass of orange juice immediately.

Buggy waits for her to finish drinking before asking her to show him her power. Devil fruit users will instantly know what their ability is. So Belle also knows instantly after she ate the fruit.

She closes her eyes and suddenly, a pair of black bat-like wings appear on her back. Then a pair of rather long black horns appear on the temples of her head. A long black tail also appears on her butt and a dark red flame appears on its tip.

The dark red flame also appears on her head, replacing her red hair, and even replacing her eyebrows. It also appears on her hands that becomes sharper like claws, and on her feet. Even her clothes also transform into sexy dark red flame armor that reveals her cleavage and thighs.

Buggy is speechless seeing Belle's devil fruit transformation. If she doesn't grow the wings, horns, and tail, he will mistake it as fire-type logia or paramecia. But it's clear that this is a zoan-type devil fruit.

Nojiko is quite afraid of the transformation at first and hides behind Buggy. But then she calms down after Buggy told her that it's just magic. Nami is sleeping in Buggy's arms, so she doesn't react. It's good though because she might cry out of surprise.

"Uhm, so, do you know what kind of ability is this?" asks Buggy.

"Uh, the information that I got on my head is that this is the power of uh... Demon, I think," says Belle unsurely.

Buggy widens his eyes because now he finally knows what devil fruit that Belle ate. This is a fruit that was known to exist but no one knows its appearance because it has been lost for a very long time.

"Mythical Zoan, Human Human Fruit, model: Archdemon!" says Buggy in surprise.

There are 2 devil fruits with demon power. The Demon model and Archdemon model. Belle's devil fruit is the Archdemon model because it can control fire. The Demon model is not a mythical category and it just granted transformation into a demonic being with strong physical power & the ability to fly.

"Both Demon & Archdemon zoan fruits have been lost for a long time. I can't believe that the first one to appear is the Archdemon model. We surely are very lucky. I'm glad that I saved this devil fruit for you," says Buggy.

"Is this good? I won't become an evil person because I have demonic power, right?" asks Belle worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's just an ability. You are the one controlling your power," says Buggy.

Buggy knows that devil fruits are said to have their own personalities. But he also knows that the concept of evil & good isn't clear in this world. Even demons can't be called evil as long as Celestial Dragons are alive, after all.

Also, just like what Buggy said, in the end, it's just power. Just because it's a power of a demon, doesn't mean that it's an evil power. The users are the ones who make that power evil or good

"Hmm, so this is what a demon looks like," says Belle.

"I don't think so. Instead of an Archdemon, I think it's actually a succubus," says Buggy while grinning perversely.

Belle gets a tickmark and flies toward Buggy before knocking his head. Nojiko is curious about Belle's new form and she tries to touch her. But Buggy reacts fast and catches Nojiko's hand before she touches Belle while making sure Nami doesn't fall from his arms.

"Wait, Nojiko! You shouldn't touch her carelessly. Her body is full of flame, so it might be very hot. Your hand might get burnt," says Buggy.

"B-But... Sorry," says Nojiko sadly.

Buggy pats her hair and says, "It's okay, I'm not angry at you, just worried. Let me check her thoroughly first, alright? I will let you touch her if it's safe."

Nojiko nods and Buggy gives Nami to her so he can inspect Belle's power closely. He tries to touch the dark red flame and it's really hot upon touching. It wasn't this hot when they stand close to each other, but it becomes very hot upon touching.

Belle's body is also hot enough to hurt normal people. Even Buggy will get hurt if he touches it for too long. Luckily, he stopped Nojiko from touching Belle or her hand might get burnt.

"Hmm, the heat doesn't spread from your body or flame. Most likely, it's because you are still new to this power and you are still weak. I'm glad though because sometimes, a new user's power can get out of control because they aren't used to their new abilities yet. At least your power stays inside your body because you can't draw them out yet," says Buggy.

"I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment, but I'm glad that I didn't hurt the kid because of that," says Belle.

Buggy nods and says, "That's right, safety is very important. I've decided on the training that I'll give you. We will train here every day and it will just be the 2 of us. The kids aren't allowed to come until you have good control."

Bellemere nods back and says, "Aye Aye, Instructor."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 321 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 332 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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