Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 293: Reunion

Chapter 293: Reunion

East Blue, the sea that becomes Buggy's starting line. Sure, he has joined Roger Pirates and gone around the world, but just as an apprentice. His real start is when he came to East Blue after the Pirate King disbanded the crew.

Buggy stands on the ship's head and spread his arms while breathing deeply. "I've just realized that the air here feels very different than the one in Grandline."

"Yeah, it feels very peaceful here," says Cricket.

"No shit! Here, in this sea, we don't need to worry that this nice weather will suddenly turn into a blizzard. The sea also won't split, tsunami won't appear without warning, lightning won't rain on us, thick fog or whirlpools won't suddenly appear, etc. We won't need to worry about getting killed by the sea itself before the Marine kills us," says Palu.

The crew is very happy with the change of atmosphere. They've lived in a super dangerous sea for a long time. So this normal and peaceful sea is making them a lot more relaxed. This feels like a holiday after working for a long time.

Everyone is happy now, everyone but one. Jude isn't happy and can't be happy now. This is where her position in Buggy's life will be decided. The answer is always clear though. She just can't accept it yet.

"Let's see what kind of woman stole Captain's heart. I won't give up that easily," mumbles Jude in her room while looking at Buggy's new bounty picture.

His new bounty picture is quite good. It is a picture of him grinning widely when he sent Kaido's head to a Marine base. As a reminder, he doesn't have any make-up and doesn't wear a hat like the Buggy in the series, he looks badass in the poster, even with his red nose.

Cricket's bounty picture was taken slightly from the left while he grinned & smoked. Palu's picture was taken when he yawned, so it's quite funny. Enel's picture was taken when he lay on his side with his arm supporting his head like usual.

Those pictures were taken when they sent Kaido's head to a Marine base. The others' bounty poster pictures were also taken at that time, so they mostly have relaxed expressions. It's just that the girls seemed to notice the cameraman and posed sexily as if they've planned it.

Anyway, they keep sailing on East Blue relaxedly at a normal pace. This is the Black Pearl's first sail on such a calm sea. It's also the first for many members who were born on Grandline and lived there their whole lives.

Buggy takes over the ship's control completely now. He navigates and helms it himself, taking over Jude's & Enel's works. He wants to do it himself after a long time because they are on East Blue.

They encounter some ships on their way, but most are just fishing ships. Of course, the fishermen are terrified seeing a pirate ship, but their worry is just for naught. Some merchant ships also see them and run away out of fear.

Surely, there are some pirate ships too, and 5 of those crews attack them without knowing who they are. Buggy lets the kids have fun with those crews while the other crew members watch from the back. Unsurprisingly, the kids win against 3 crews, but they get too tired, so the other 2 crews are handled by the adults.

Luckily, no Marine spots them so their whereabouts won't be detected for some time. They arrive on Conomi Island but on the wrong side. So they need to go around to reach Cocoyasi Village.

When they appear near the port, everyone there runs away out of fear. The villagers are panicking after knowing that a pirate ship come to their port. Then many brave people, men & women go to the port to fight the pirates while the others evacuate.

Among the people who come to the port, there is a red-haired woman with a chelsea hawk cut. She holds a riffle and stands in the front beside an old man who wears a hat that has a pinwheel attached to it. They are ready to fight to the death, but then the woman's riffle drops when she sees a figure standing on the ship's head.

"B!?" shouts Bellemere with a very surprised tone.

Buggy grins and jumps to the port even though the ship is still very far. Of course, he can reach the port in one jump with his strength. He lands on the port smoothly, barely making any impact or even sound.

He looks at Bellemere and is just about to say something but she jumps on him and hugs him happily. The villagers are confused but also scared that the pirate will attack Bellemere. They get even more surprised when they see Buggy & Bellemere kiss, making their jaws drop.

Just like Buggy before, the villagers want to say something, but Bellemere talks first. "It's been 3 years, isn't it? Have you finally remembered me after 3 years?"

"There's no way. I always remember you every day and wanted to return anytime. But things don't always go as we want," says Buggy.

"Well, I'm sure it is, Mr. Big Shot. Anyway, how do you know that I'm here? We haven't contacted each other for 3 years, so I thought you will go to the Marine base," says Bellemere.

Buggy smirks and says, "Don't underestimate my love for you. I can always feel your presence anywhere you are."

Bellemere scoffs, "I see that you have trained your mouth to speak nonsense too."

"Oi, Bellemere, do you know him?" asks the old man with the pinwheel hat.

Bellemere finally remembers the wary villagers behind her. "Ah, right. You guys don't need to worry, he isn't an enemy."

The villagers look at each other confusedly, so Buggy decides to clear things up. "Be at ease, people. We won't attack you, we never attacked civilians. Also, there's no way I'll harm my lover's friends & family."

"Lo-Lover?" asks the villagers with a more shocked tone, their brains seem to have stopped now.

"Well, that's that. Can you guys tell the ones who evacuate to come back?" asks Bellemere.

The villagers just nod absentmindedly before they leave. Only Genzo, the doctor, and a few men stay behind, still with stunned expressions. The Black Pearl then docks on the port and the Clown Pirates get down after dropping the anchor and tying the ship to a post.

Almost everyone is grinning teasingly while looking at Buggy. It's the first time they see their Captain so meek in front of a woman, after all. He had never been so affectionate to a woman like this since they know him

But someone doesn't look happy at all while looking at Bellemere. Jude is very jealous now because Belle gets what she always wanted. But she doesn't say anything and just looks at Belle through the corners of her eyes as her face points to her left.

Buggy & the others sigh internally but they don't say anything. This is the consequence that Jude should've expected when she decided to pursue Buggy's love. They are just relieved that she doesn't get violent toward Belle because of her jealousy.

"Alright, fellas. You are free to do what you want like usual. But make sure to not scare anyone here. If I hear any of you scaring even a baby, then I will hang you upside down for one night," says Buggy.

The Clowns scratch their heads because they don't know what to do to avoid that. Most of them have scary faces already, whether since they were born or because of their scars. So they often scare people just by walking.

Buggy slaps his forehead and sighs, "Just don't act badly."

"AYE AYE, SIR!" replies the Clowns before they disperse.

The only ones who don't leave are Cricket, Mantis, & Jude. Cricket & Mantis won't leave Jude alone because they are worried about her, they don't know what she might do. She is a good girl, but people always say love can change someone.

The 3 follow Buggy & Bellemere to the village. Mantis makes the 3 walk slower to put a distance between them and the couple. They arrive in the village and then a blue-haired little girl carrying an orange-haired baby come to Bellemere.

"Oh, Nojiko, Nami, you've returned," says Bellemere while smiling and patting the girls' heads.

Buggy widens his eyes before he falls to his knees with an expression full of disbelief. "C-Children? Y-You have children? No way."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 317 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 328 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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