Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 290: Chaos in Marine

Chapter 290: Chaos in Marine

Sometime before the meeting of Clown Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates, the Marine and World Government are in chaos. Something big might happen because of their meeting. That's why the Marine is now in chaos, trying to prevent another big war in New World.

"What's the situation?" asks Admiral Sengoku.

"It's not good, sir. We lost contact with the fleets that were tailing Clown Pirates. It's highly likely that they have been destroyed," says an officer.

"Damn, those pirates," says Sengoku angrily.

Fleet Admiral Kong who is in the room then says, "Forget about tailing them for now. We can't lose another fleet without achieving anything. Tell the fleets that supervise Whitebeard's territories to stay on guard and report if they see the 2 Pirate Crews. We need to move immediately too before this really turns out into a war."

"We won't make it in time if they decide to fight," says Z.

"Yeah, but we can at least intercept in the middle of their battle. Sengoku will go with Garp and a few Vice-Admirals to Whitebeard's territories. Z, you stay here, prepare to move anytime," says Kong.

"Whitebeard and he brat from Roger Pirates, huh? This will be interesting," says Garp while eating his rice crackers.

"GARP! Don't talk as if it has nothing to do with you! If you have just killed or captured him back then, he won't be such a pain in our asses," says Kong angrily.

"Hmph, I don't kill kids," says Garp.


Garp just picks his nose while walking away, making Kong sigh in frustration. The others also sigh while Kuzan just giggles seeing Garp's nonchalant attitude toward the Fleet Admiral. They all can't do anything to him even though Garp is insolent because he is their strongest force.

The Marine fleets immediately set off to New World. An Admiral and 5 Vice-Admiral are sent on this mission. The Admiral is obviously Sengoku while the Vice-Admirals are Garp, Tsuru, Kuzan, Borsalino, and Sakazuki.

This formation will destroy most Pirate Crews but it might not be enough to go against both Whitebeard & Clown Pirates. They are even ready to send more fleets later. Their enemies are the old and new monsters of the Sea, so these preparations are necessary.

~Current time~

The Clown Pirates leave after finishing their business with Whitebeard Pirates. Buggy massages his hand because it is very sore after taking Whitebeard's attack.

"How is it, Captain?" asks Enel.

"Well, he really deserves the title of the strongest man in the world. His physical strength is far above mine. So if he uses his devil fruit and Haki, I might be blown to pieces," says Buggy.

"Of course, you will. Your body will split into many pieces because of your devil fruit, after all," says Magnus.

Buggy just stares blankly at Magnus before he sighs, "Magnus, big boy, that's just a form of speech. Although you are correct."

"... Oh," says Magnus in realization as he scratches the back of his head awkwardly.

"Anyway, the Marine might come here anytime soon. They should've realized our contact with Whitebeard so they might send some big shots," says Buggy.

"CAPTAIN!" shouts a scout from the crow nest.

"Well, I guess they're here already. PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" shouts Buggy.

The crew scrambles to prepare their weapons.

"SCOUT, WHO HAVE BEEN SENT BY MARINE? HOW MANY SHIPS?" asks Buggy while looking up.


".... Damn, what a line-up," says Buggy.

"What should we do, Captain?" asks Cricket.

"What do you think should we do, First Mate?" asks Buggy back.

"Escaping is the best way. But not before we leave an impression," says Cricket.

"Exactly my thought. ENEL! Shoot the railgun!" orders Buggy.

Enel grins when he hears that, "Aye Aye, Captain!"

The Marine fleet has also seen The Black Pearl from their position. They now know that there is no war between Clown & Whitebeard Pirates. But they won't just return, they have come this far, so they will try to defeat The Clown Pirates.

"Everybody, prepare for combat! We will capture those Clowns!" orders Sengoku.

The Marine scrambles and prepares their cannons while the officers also prepare themselves to fight.

Garp suddenly calls Sengoku from his ship, "Sengoku, there's something strange on the Black Pearl."

Sengoku and the other officers look at the Black Pearl. They see a bright white light on the Pearl and it gives them a bad feeling.

Tsuru realizes it first and shouts, "THEY'LL SHOOT THEIR SUPER CANNON!"

Super Cannon, that's the name that the Marine gave to The Clowns' railgun. They don't know its real name and this is the only name that they could think of considering its range and power. There's no other known cannon that can match the railgun, after all.

Sengoku gets serious and gives his order, "Kuzan, Sakazuki, Borsalino, get ready! We'll do as we've planned."

The 3 Vice-Admirals move their ship to the front and get ready on their ships' front too. They activate their devil fruit abilities and get ready to move anytime. They will use their abilities to block the Railgun's attack.

Of course, The Clowns see this and Buggy just smirks seeing that. He asks Enel to keep charging the railgun with lightning to its maximum capacity. Then he orders Ruff to load the railgun with their new cannonball.

Sometime later, the railgun is ready and The Clowns have aimed. The Marines are ready too and they are confident they can stop the Clowns' attack. Then Buggy finally gives his order and they shoot the railgun.


A cannonball covered in bluish-white lightning flies at a very high speed toward the Marine ships. Well, it can't be called a cannonball because it is long & pointy, making it able to fly at a higher speed. It spins as it flies and it parts the seawater below it.

Kizaru sees it first and he prepares his attack, followed by Aokiji & Akainu. An incredible amount of yellow light bullets fly above the sea that is frozen as 3 massive ice birds fly among the light bullets. Then behind them are some hound heads made of magma that melt the frozen sea.

However, the light bullets are too weak to stop the fully charged shot that can even crack the frozen sea. The sharp bullet powered by lightning pierces through the ice birds as the lightning's high temperature melts them. Of course, it also pierces through the magma hounds in the back.

They succeed to slightly changing its direction though. It moves toward the sea and enters the sea before it hits the Marine ships. The Marines are quite happy about it but Buggy is still grinning.

"Boom," says Buggy with a low voice.

Right after he said that, the bullet explodes, and it was a very big explosion. The explosion covers a wide area and causes the seawater below the Marine ships to shoot up. It surprises the Marine as their ships shake and the water that shot up enters their ship.

"Arara, that's a big explosion. If we didn't change its direction, our ship might get destroyed," says Aokiji.

"You're right, that explosion is terrifying even though it was underwater. My wounds get itchy now," says Kizaru while touching his chest which get wounded by Buggy in the past and almost killed him.

"Is that it? I thought it will be scarier than this considering all the fuss everyone made," says Akainu.

"Don't let your guard down yet, Sakazuki. These Clowns are very tricky," says Tsuru.

"Hmph, I would have captured them if you just sent me after they defeated Beasts Pirates," says Akainu.

Sengoku tells them to stop bantering and orders them to move forward. But then they realize that their ships are moving a lot slower than usual and they keep getting down.

"What happen?" asks Sengoku to his men.

"A-Admiral, water is filling up the ship's lower cabins at a high rate. We are sinking," says a soldier.

Sengoku widens his eyes and turns around to look at The Black Pearl. It is moving away fast and The Clowns are laughing as they watch the Marine ships sinking slowly.

"DAMN!" shouts Sengoku angrily as he punches the railing.


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 314 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 325 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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