Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 278: Post Battle

Chapter 278: Post Battle

Deon's denden mushi suddenly rang off so he picks it up. It is Brook who calls him to inform him that the war on Onigashima has finished. They've defeated all enemies on Onigashima so they can go back now.

"You've finished them all? That's good, then you need to return ASAP, we need Manba now," says Deon.

"Oh no, has someone been injured badly?" asks Brook worriedly.

"Yeah, it's Captain. He defeated Kaido but his condition is worse than the one that he defeated," says Deon.

"Then we will go back now... Ah!" says Brook before he realizes something.

"What is it?" asks Deon.

"The Black Pearl isn't here," says Brook.

"Ah," says Deon back.

They've just remembered that the Black Pearl was used by Jude, Dela, & Oden to return from Onigashima. There are still the ships that the samurai used but they aren't as fast as the Black Pearl.

"Well, it's better than nothing. Tell Manba to return now, his team can stay behind to treat the others. But he needs to return because I don't think anyone else can treat Captain's injuries. There are also some badly injured people here so we need his help," says Deon.

"I understand," says Brook before closing the call.

Deon & Jude then take Buggy back to Kuri while Oden & Ushimaru stay behind. They still have some business with the chopped Kaido. The Clowns don't have anything to do with it so they leave.

"What do you think they'll do to Kaido?" asks Jude while running.

Deon who runs with Buggy on his back ponders for a moment before replying, "Beat him up, I guess."

"Isn't that obvious?" asks Jude while looking at Deon as if he is an idiot.

'Then why did you ask if the answer is obvious? Sigh, women are difficult,' says Deon in his heart. He doesn't say it out loud because he will just get hit by Jude if he says that. So he just stays silent and keeps running while being careful to not shake Buggy too much.

Just like what Deon thought, Oden is beating up Kaido. He punches Kaido's head a few times with advanced haki-coated fists. Oden doesn't use his sword at all because he just wants to vent his anger at Kaido for making his people suffer for years.

Ushimaru just watches it without saying anything because he knows what Oden feels. So he lets Oden does it and decides to look around instead. He is looking at Kaido's body which has been transformed into a ball by Buggy curiously.

"Is this also a part of his ability? I don't know how he did it but it's very impressive. Can Kaido's body return to normal, I wonder?" ponders Ushimaru as he inspects Kaido's body ball from all angles.

Buggy has combined the body parts perfectly so there's no gap at all. Ushimaru tries to move the parts but he can't. He also tries to stab & cut Kaido's body but none of his attacks work because Kaido's body is too tough.

"So Kaido's power doesn't get affected by this. But Kaido can't do anything too when his body parts are separated and placed randomly like this. Also, it seems that only Buggyjiro-kun can reform his body to its original appearance. But I doubt that will ever happen so Kaido has been done for," says Ushimaru while smirking.

Meanwhile, Deon, Jude, & Buggy have arrived on Kuri. They go to the camp and Deon immediately puts Buggy on a comfortable bed inside a tent. Deon & Jude don't do anything to Buggy and just wait for Manba to arrive because they're worried that they'll worsen Buggy's condition by doing something.

Buggy's injuries are mostly internal so only professional doctors can handle them. Even the medical personnel there aren't skillful enough to treat Buggy's internal injuries. They can only treat his external injuries like wounds and burnt skin.

After that, they can only wait for Manba to come and treat Buggy. While they wait, Odem and Ushimaru return from Udon. They bring Kaido with them, still with his head attached to a rock & his body formed as a ball.

Oden had destroyed the boulder so now Kaido's head only gets attached to a rock. Ushimaru carried Kaido's body ball as it is because he couldn't do anything to it. They place Kaido near the tied-up Orochi, making him tremble in fear and disbelief.

Orochi never thought that Kaido would get defeated. He is the reason why Orochi can do anything he wants on Wano. Now with Kaido's defeat, Orochi has lost all his hope to continue his ambition.

The samurais tie Kaido's body with seastone chains. Even though he can't move or attack with his current condition, his presence is still dangerous enough. The people are still wary of him, after all, so the seastone chains also reassure them.

After they feel safe, the people suddenly become beasts. They start throwing pebbles at Kaido & Orochi while yelling angrily. They've suffered a lot and even lost their loved ones because of these 2 bastards.

Kaido doesn't have much reaction because the pebbles don't really hurt him. Even if they shoot bullets at him, he won't get damaged so pebbles are nothing. But Orochi isn't as tough as Kaido without his devil fruit ability so the pebbles hurt him a lot.

The Clowns watch this show while waiting for Manba to come. They need to wait for almost half an hour before Manba arrives because the ship that he uses is slow. He comes with Mantis, her team, and some samurais.

Mantis & her team return with Manba because she wants to prepare food for everyone. They all must've been hungry after fighting for a long time. So she needs to return first and cook a lot of food before the others return.

Manba immediately goes to check Buggy's condition. His expression turns graver and graver as he checks Buggy's injuries. It's not visible from the outside but his internal organs are in a mess and a lot of his bones are fractured or broken.

"How could he defeat Kaido in such a condition? I would've died many times if I was in his condition while fighting," says Manba with a worried but amazed tone.

"That is not important right now. You need to treat him immediately," says Jude.

"I can't, it's better to wait for Captain to regain his consciousness. It will be easier to operate him if he splits his body. That way, we can reduce the risk of the operation and we don't need to open his skin. Besides," says Manba before he stabs a medical knife at Buggy's left leg.

The others are surprised by Manba's sudden action. But they get even more surprised when Manba pulls the knife out. There's no wound whatsoever on the place that he stabbed.

"I don't know what happened but his devil fruit is still active even when he is unconscious. For your information, I used Armament Haki just now, but I still couldn't open his skin. This can only mean that his devil fruit ability has improved tremendously," says Manba.

"Hmm, now that I think about it, Captain must've chopped Kaido's body using his ability. That's why Kaido is still alive even after being chopped and turned into a ball like that. Then, there's only one answer, devil fruit awakening," says Deon.

"Yeah, that's the only possible answer. We have seen Captain's ability for a long time but this is on a whole new level. So awakening is the only possibility," says Manba.

Jude smiles and says, "He always talked about awakening and now he finally gets it. It's a good thing but it's saddening that he needs to be like this to awaken his devil fruit."

They all wait for Buggy to wake up and he awakes 3 hours later. Effective immediately, Manba starts to operate Buggy after explaining the situation. The war has ended but they still have problems to solve.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 302 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 313 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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