Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 265: Kuri's War

Chapter 265: Kuri's War

Deon & his team are wreaking havoc in Orochi's army's formation. The samurais that are led by Ushimaru take advantage of the situation and also attack the army. Now the army's formation has been broken apart so their strategy is useless.

While that happens, Deon is fighting against the elite ninjas of Oniwabanshu. He is in his hybrid Chameleon form and he fights them really well. They surround him but they can't gain an advantage at all.

In his hybrid form, Deon can see almost 360 degrees with his Chameleon eyes. Combined with his O-Haki, he can see his surroundings perfectly. At a close range, Deon's senses are almost invincible because of those.

He uses his tail & hands to attack his opponents that come from every direction. His tail is also long enough to hit someone quite far and it's flexible enough to grab & throw them. It's like he has a very good additional limb on his body.

Deon also uses his tongue to hit his opponents by shooting it at a very high speed. He also uses his camouflaging ability to disappear from his opponents' sights many times. It really gives them trouble because he can't be seen at all.

His mastery over his camouflaging ability is very high so no one can see him without O-Haki or a special method. The ninjas are quite smart to find a method after some of them get defeated by Deon. They spread flour around them so that Deon's body will be covered in it.

He might be invisible but his body doesn't really disappear. The flour sticks onto him and makes him visible again. Now they can finally see him and attack him. But it doesn't mean they can defeat him just with that.

In the end, Deon defeats the elites even though he also receives some injuries. They aren't called elites for nothing. Their ninjutsus which come from training and devil fruit abilities are quite troublesome to face.

Now the only one who protects Orochi is Fukurokuju because the other men under Orochi are busy fighting against the Samurais on Oden's side. Deon just needs to attack Fukurokuju but he is quite far now because those elites have driven him far from Orochi with their battle and Orochi also retreat while that happened.

"Tsk, it won't be that easy, huh? I think I need to retreat first and tend my wounds. It's not ideal to fight Fukurokuju with these wounds. Also, the samurais are getting overwhelmed by the enemy's number. We have reduced their number with our attack but there are still too many of them," says Deon before he gives a signal to his team by shooting a blue flare into the sky.

His team understand it immediately and retreat to aid Oden's samurais. They will stay in a defensive position and save their energy. So they just play a supportive role and aid Oden's samurais led by Ushimaru.

Deon goes to Ushimaru and explains his identity with some proof that Ushimaru will understand easily like his bounty poster. He then explains his plan in this war because the enemy's number is too high.

"So we will be the main attackers while you'll support us from behind?" asks Ushimaru.

"Correct, we need to save our energy, and my team is specialized in a supportive role in a war. Also-," Deon can't finish his words because his denden mushi rang off.

*Puru Puru Puru*

"Yeah? Deon is here," says Deon to the caller.

<Deon, has the war started in Kuri?> asks Jude through the denden mushi.

"Yeah, it has gone for some minutes now. How do you know about this war? I don't remember telling it to you because I've just found it out too," says Deon.

<Some people from Orochi's side who are on Onigashima told us. You need to hold them for some more minutes, alright? I am going there right now with Oden,> says Jude.

"Oho? That's good then. Alright, we will do our best," says Deon before closing the call.

"Who is that?" asks Ushimaru.

"My crew's navigator. Old man, I have a piece of bad & good news. The bad news is we need to fight them by ourselves for some more minutes which I don't know how long. The good news is Oden has come here, so we just need to hold them off," says Deon.

"What?! Master Oden is coming here? If he comes here then we won't lose. But how about Kaido?" asks Ushimaru.

"Don't worry about Kaido, my Captain will handle him. If Captain can't defeat Kaido alone, then no one else can," says Deon while smirking.

"You believe your Captain so much, aren't you?" asks Ushimaru while smirking.

"That's for sure. No one in our crew will ever doubt him. Isn't it the same with you how you guys believe in Oden?" asks Deon back.

"You've got a point," says Ushimaru while smirking.

"Then, let's do our best until Oden arrives," says Deon.

Ushimaru agrees and the both of them rush to the front line. Deon can't stay in the rear and just give support like his teammates. His battle power is too great to be wasted as support so he needs to fight in the front.

Both Deon & Ushimaru are fighting back to back while being surrounded by enemies. Deon uses his hand-to-hand combat and his devil fruit abilities like before. Ushimaru uses his katana just like other samurais but he is very flexible and uses his fist, kicks, & even headbutt too.

"Is it fine for a samurai to use his fist & kick in a fight, old man?" asks Deon while grinning as he hits the enemies.

"Everything is fine in a war, lad. You need to use anything at your disposal to win. Well, except for dirty tricks that I'll never use. But anything else is fine as long as it gives us victory & keeps our lives. Honor can only be enjoyed if we are alive," says Ushimaru while grinning and attacking some enemies.

"Hahaha, you sure are an interesting old samurai, I like you. It's too bad that you won't use dirty tricks though because I quite like using dirty tricks," says Deon while grinning widely.

Deon suddenly throws sand onto an enemy's eyes and attacks him when he got distracted. Someone tries to sneak up to Deon from behind but suddenly he froze up with a pained expression. His mouth starts to foam and his eyes roll backward.

Everyone looks below the man and sees Deon's tail is right below the man's crotch. He slapped the man's sausage & eggs using his tail. Now everyone understands why the man's face is full of agony even when he faints.

Deon grins evilly and says, "Why do you guys stay silent? You are the next targets, you know."

They all suddenly shiver very hard and take a step back while holding their precious little men down there. But Deon takes a step forward as they step back. He keeps following them with an evil grin while swinging his tail.

Deon laughs evilly and says, "This Ultimate Technique was taught to me by Captain. Very effective against men and very helpful in reducing population. Ultimate Technique: Family Destroyer!"

Deon suddenly jumps forward and the men scream like girls as they scatter in fear. He chases them with an evil face and keeps swinging his tail toward their lower bodies. Some men get caught and have their hope to continue their family trees being cut off.

The other men who see it get more frightened and run away frantically. Deon chases them while still aiming at that part and make them run for their life. Their escape from Deon breaks their formation even further.

"W-What an evil technique. Truly befitting of a cruel pirate. I'm glad they aren't our enemies," says Ushimaru.


A booming sound comes from behind Oden's men's side. They all look at it and both sides have opposite reactions with Orochi's army getting afraid. Well, they sure will because they all see someone there, it's Oden.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 289 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 300 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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