Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 254: The Great King

Chapter 254: The Great King

While Palu is having an equal battle against Queen, Magnus is having a hard time fighting against King. King can fly freely in his Pteranodon form, making it difficult for Magnus to hit him. Furthermore, King is very strong physically and can even control fire to some extent.

Magnus can't move as nimble as King because of his size. His attacks often miss and even if they hit, King can block them or counter them. King is obviously stronger than Magnus even when Magnus transforms into his 6-armed Asura form and they both know that.

But Magnus still fights King despite being at the losing end. He needs to keep King busy until Cricket recovers. Magnus knows that only Cricket can beat King other than Buggy. Palu might have a chance but he is busy fighting Queen & Enel is fighting Jack.

King knows Magnus is weaker than Cricket, Palu, & Enel. But he still fights Magnus nonetheless because he knows that defeating this giant can lower the Clowns' morale, at least that's what he hopes will happen.

Magnus attacks King with all his 6 arms and he doesn't use his Axes. It is to increase his attack speed because his Axes are heavy even for him. But King can still evade his attacks by flying around and getting out of Magnus's attack range.

The continuous attacks start to tire Magnus. Even his Haki energy also gets depleted because he needs to use it many times to defend against King's attacks. It's difficult for him to evade King's attacks because of his giant size.


Suddenly, a projectile hits King and explodes on his body. But King comes out of the explosion unscathed. He & Magnus look at where the projectile came from and see Ruff there.

"Keep him busy, big guy! I will assist you. It won't take long before our First Mate recovers," says Ruff while raising his thumb up.

Magnus smiles and says, "Copy that, smart guy."

"Another nuisance," says King before he dives down at high speed to attack Ruff.

But suddenly, Magnus sends a punch at King and succeeds to hit him. King gets flung to the wall and crashes onto it, making a big hole in it. But he is very tough that he can come out without meaningful injury.

King laments to himself that he was being careless just because of Ruff's appearance. But Ruff's weapons are really worth him being wary. The previous explosion might not damage him much, but he doesn't know whether Ruff has more lethal weapons or not.

"Better be cautious than not. But I guess I was being too cautious just now," says King before he flies again.

King tries to attack Ruff but Magnus gets between them and stops him. He doesn't have another choice than evading Magnus's kick. King flies up but he is chased by a rocket launched by Ruff from below.

He doesn't want to take it so he turns around and swipes his firey left wing toward the rocket. A fire blade flies toward the rocket & hit it, making it explode before it reaches King. But King can't get relaxed just yet as Magnus's punch is coming his way.

King agilely maneuvers midair to evade the punch and the next punches sent by Magnus who has 6 arms. He uses the previous tactic to get away from Magnus's attack range but Ruff has waited for it and shoots another rocket at King.

King uses his fire wing blade again but this rocket is different. It explodes like the previous rocket, but then a wide metal net appears from the explosion. The net was hidden inside the rocket that Ruff launched and get released when it explodes.

The net is too close to King already, so he can't evade and get captured. His wings get trapped so he can't fly and fall to the ground. Magnus uses this chance to attack King again because he can't evade now.

But then, Magnus's fist suddenly gets hit by a sharp flying slash attack. It cuts Magnus's skin but can't cut his tough Asura bones. Still, it has enough power to push him back and makes him fall on his back.

Some people get crushed by Magnus's fall, mostly Beasts Pirates & Orochi's men. The rests are samurais who can't move away. None of the Clowns get crushed because they all know well not to fight too close to their executives' battles, especially Magnus's battle.

In the air, King is falling in his normal form while holding his long katana. He cuts the metal net & created the slash attack that hit Magnus using his katana. King lands on the floor while looking at the falling Magnus then at Ruff who stands not far from him.

Ruff smiles nervously and asks, "Hey, how's your day?"

King isn't interested in answering him and just slashes his katana vertically upward, creating a slash attack. Ruff jumps away and evades it narrowly while screaming scaredly. He rolls on the floor because of his sudden jump.

Ruff immediately stands and runs away because he will get killed by King if he stays there. But King chases him at a higher speed making Ruff screams as he keeps running with the big backpack o his back. Some items are falling from his backpack and scatter on the floor.

King ignores them and keeps chasing Ruff, but that's another mistake made by him. The items suddenly explode as King gets between them. The explosions are big that it engulfs a wide area and also fling Ruff & some people who stand quite close.

The explosion effects stay for a while before disappearing. Then King appears without any apparent injuries. But his body is covered by some strange substances of different colors like black, green, yellow, red, blue, & purple.

These substances are sticky and have some more effects. The black one is the most sticky and it makes King unable to move. The green one is acidic and it corrodes King's clothes & skin. Then the yellow one is very smelly that those who stand nearby need to get away because of the smell.

As for the red, blue, & purple, they are very poisonous. These 3 substances are made of different types & combinations of poison. Someone in Ruff's team who has researched many types of poisons has made these combinations that cause different effects.

The poison substances are turning into gas and spread. These 3 types of poisons combined midair and spread around King. The Clowns immediately retreat while taking the samurais with them.

Their enemies also try to retreat, but the Clowns & samurais attack them and throw them into the poisonous gas area. The high toxicity kills them upon contact because they are too weak. The stronger ones can defend it to some extent but they also suffer in the end and some die.

The effect on the surrounding is already that scary so it must be worse for King who stays in the middle. Well, it should be the case but it's not the case because King just stands there as if nothing happens.

He suddenly makes the flame on his back bigger to cover his whole body. The flame burns the substance and also the poisonous gas in the air. The burnt gas creates another explosion in the area and kills some people. But it removes all the poisonous gas in the air.

"Damn, he doesn't hesitate even though his men are in the range," says Ruff in disbelief.

"There's no room for hesitation in the war. The weak will die, no matter who they are. Enemies, allies, or even yourself can die here," says King who suddenly appears in front of Ruff.

Ruff is very surprised to see King suddenly appears in front of him even though their distance was quite far. He sees King's flame reduce but he doesn't have time to think about it because King's sword is moving toward him already.

Ruff thinks his end has come but suddenly a hand wearing a metal gauntlet passes beside his left cheek & catches King's katana. King is surprised and so is Ruff who starts to smile brightly as he turns around.

Then Ruff says happily, "CRICKET!"


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 278 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 289 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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