Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 249: Cricket vs Kaido

Chapter 249: Cricket vs Kaido

Kin'emon & Ashura who see Kaido suddenly appears decide to help Cricket. They know that only Buggy and Oden have the chance to win against Kaido. If Cricket faces him alone while King is also there, he might get killed.

The 2 dispose of their opponents soon and rush toward Cricket's side. They arrive soon but it's not just them who has the initiative to help. Magnus also thinks the same and he jumps behind the 3 of them.

"We come to help, Cricket-dono," says Kin'emon.

"You sure are busybodies. Why don't you just fight somewhere else?" asks Cricket while smiling.

"How can we let you have all the fun for yourself? Just because you always won against us doesn't mean you can take all the fights for yourself," says Ashura.

"Hey, I don't think it's a good time for a nice talk, you know," says Magnus.

"Ah, that's right," says Cricket as he looks at Kaido & King.

Kaido & King also look back at them calmly despite the 4 being rather nervous. Then Kaido orders King to take care of Magnus while he'll have fun with the other 3. King just nods and flies to attack Magnus after transforming into his Pteranodon form.

Cricket, Kin'emon, & Ashura can't even think about how Magnus will do because Kaido has moved to attack them too. He rushes at them while swinging his spiked-metal club at his right side very fast & strongly.

Kin'emon & Ashura can't see the club's movement even though they can feel it. Meanwhile, Cricket can see the club's movement clearly with the help of his strong O-Haki. But although he can see it, he can't really do much against it.

One thing he knows is that Kaido is far stronger than him. So taking Kaido's attack head-on is not a wise choice. That's why Cricket doesn't intend to take it and chooses to evade it.

Cricket drops himself backward while also pushing Kin'emon & Ashura on his sides. The 2 who can't react get pushed back and fall on their back along with Cricket. Kaido's spiked-metal club moves past them, just right in front of their face.

Kin'emon & Ashura are surprised that they didn't get hit and fall on their back instead. They know it's because of Cricket's fast reaction toward Kaido's fast attack. Both of them know that it would be very bad if they got hit by Kaido's spiked-metal club.

The 2 are surprised, but the most surprised here is Kaido. He thought he will defeat them in one strike, but it doesn't turn out that way. Cricket's reaction was beyond his expectation and simply surprising.

But that just makes Kaido gets more excited, "Worororo, it seems this war will be more interesting. I hope it wasn't just luck that you could evade my attack."

Cricket stands up while smiling a little, "I think that's just luck, so please don't test it on me again."

Kaido smirks as he says, "If luck can be used against me, then I would have died a long time ago."

"Then, I hope we have good luck on our side today," says Cricket as he rushes at Kaido.

Kin'emon & Ashura also follow him to attack Kaido. They attack from 3 sides with the 2 samurais on the flanks. Both samurais attack Kaido first using their swords.

But Kaido brushes them off easily by swinging his club in a circle to the side, hitting both of them in one swipe. He succeeds to push them away and they get flung quite far.

Cricket uses this chance and sends a punch at Kaido using his right hand. Kaido blocks Cricket's punch using his metal club. Cricket's gauntlet clashes against Kaido's metal club and vibration ripples appear between them.

Kaido is quite surprised to see Cricket uses Hasshoken and asks, "Hasshoken? Are you from Kano Country?"

"Why should I come from there to know Hasshoken?" asks Cricket back.

"Heh, you stole it, huh? Interesting," says Kaido as he swings his club forward.

Cricket gets swung back but he can stabilize himself and lands a few meters from Kaido. Then Cricket rushes again at Kaido and attacks Kaido using his Hasshoken multiple times. Kaido just blocks his attacks using the metal club to see Cricket's power.

All Cricket's attacks are very strong as it pushes everyone in the surrounding away. Even Kaido is getting pushed slowly by his attacks. His strong attacks make Kaido even more interested in him because he can entertain Kaido for now.

Kaido grins excitedly but Cricket isn't enjoying this too much because he knows Kaido is playing with him. So he gets a little mad and pours more power on his attacks. Even though fighting Kaido is Buggy's job, now when he fights Kaido, Cricket won't fight half-heartedly.

He knows for sure that if he isn't serious against this beast, he will get killed by Kaido. If he gets killed, then everyone on his side will get killed. He can't let that happen so he needs to go all out and surpasses his limit.

Kin'emon & Ashura who want to help Cricket are amazed by Cricket's power. But now they can't find a good time to help Cricket attack Kaido. Just there's no room for them to interfere and they can't even get closer.

Cricket's barrage of attacks is too strong and the 2 can't move closer because of the vibration in the air. It keeps pushing them away and they also can feel a kind of familiar sensation in the air, but they can't discern it.

Different from them, Kaido knows exactly the sensation that he feels coming from Cricket. Kaido gets more sure when Cricket uses A-Haki on his gauntlets to strengthen his attack. To confirm it, Kaido also coats his club with A-Haki, and then lightning-like effects appear from their clash.

The lightning-like effects spread everywhere and create a loud sound. It gathers everyone's attention because it's just too eyecatching. Those who know it are very surprised because it is a very rare thing to see.

"The clash of Conquerors," comments King who halts his battle with Magnus for a moment as he flies in the air.

The Beasts Pirates are very surprised to see another Conqueror Haki user besides Kaido. The samurais who know it too after they saw Buggy's & Oden's clash are also surprised. They never know that Cricket has the same Conqueror Haki as those 2.

Meanwhile, the Clowns aren't that surprised even though they never see Cricket using it. After all, they always think that Cricket also has it just like Buggy. They all are just happy that Cricket finally awakens his Conqueror Haki.

"Finally, took you long enough to activate it," says Mantis as she stands on an Oniwabanshu ninja's dead body.

Palu who is holding Queen's brachiosaurus form's tail also comments, "I hope no less from our First Mate. It will be disappointing if the Vice-Captain doesn't have it."

Enel who halts his fight against Jack the T-Rex also says, "Hah, if you don't have it, then I will take that Vice-Captain position from you."

"Say that after you can defeat him," comments Jude who stands near Enel.

"Shut up, you damn woman! And get away from here! You disturb me," says Enel angrily.

"Why should I do what you ask. I am older than you, so I am your big sister. You are the one who should listen to me!" says Jude.

Both of them start to fight among themselves, but then a metal staff hits their heads, stopping their fight instantly. They look up and see Mantis who looks at them with a scary face which freaks them out.

Mantis hasn't said anything but they suddenly say, "Yes, Ma'am!" as they return to their spots.

Meanwhile, Kaido & Cricket have been separated and they stand a few meters from each other. Cricket is surprised by what has just happened, but he doesn't think much about it and just focuses on Kaido.

Kaido grins as he laughs, "Worororo, this war is more fun than I thought."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 273 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 284 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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