Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 232: First Match

Chapter 232: First Match

The sparring session between samurais vs pirates finally starts. Oden's side will send a challenger first. A middle-aged man walks forward while holding a wooden sword just like the other samurais.

The samurais wield wooden swords as their dummy weapons. There's no variation except for their weapons' sizes. But the Clown Pirates wield many kinds of weapons and some of them are bare-handed.

The first samurai looks at the Clown Pirates and choose his opponent. He chooses a tall black man with sharp facial features and short dark blue spiky hair. This man is from Enel's team, so he is a Helmsman, not a pure fighter.

He doesn't use any weapon, he just uses his bare hands & legs as he is a kick-boxer. His martial art is learned after he joined the crew. They have many martial art manuals that they collect along the way, after all.

Both fighters get on the stage and get ready to fight. Everyone waits in anticipation as the referee gets ready to start the match. Some audiences even start to bet on who's gonna win.

"Start!" shouts the referee, starting the match.

The match starts and both fighters get into their fighting stances. The samurai just stands and wait because he wants to judge his opponent first. But the pirate immediately rushes to attack the samurai.

His sudden movement surprise the samurai who thought that he will wait first before attacking. But waiting in a direct battle isn't exist in the Clowns' library. They always move first in a war because that means they have the initiative and will have a better chance to win.

The black pirate guy sends a jab at the samurai who succeeds to block it with his wooden sword reflexively. But suddenly, a punch hits his jaw from the side, unhindered by his hand & sword that blocked the jab.

The pirate has sent a hook with the other hand. He has prepared it even before he sent the jab because his jab has a high possibility to get blocked. That's what normally happens to the first attack, so he has prepared for the 2nd attack.

The hook on his lower jaw makes the samurai's brain shakes. It makes him pass out in an instant and falls to the floor. His jaw even gets dislocated because the punch was very strong and he didn't defend it.

Everyone gets silent in surprise, even the one who causes it. None of them expects that the match will end just like that. The silence finally breaks after Brook farts and wakes up everyone, returning them to their senses.

After they wake up from their stupor, the referee checks on the fallen samurai and concludes the match with the pirate's victory. An uproar happens because everyone starts to express their disbelief & surprise.

They all thought that it will be a rather good and long battle. At the very least, they will exchange some moves before it finishes. But this is not even a battle, not even a one-sided beating, they don't even know what to call it.

"Buggyjiro, this is...," Oden doesn't even know what to say.

"I know what you think and I think you are correct. I could feel that their strength is actually similar to my Observation Haki. So the result isn't caused by their difference in strength. But it's because of their difference in experience," says Buggy.

"But we samurais have been through many battles and gained a lot of experiences too," says Kiku.

"I know, but who did you fight? I bet you have just fought other samurais, ninjas, or other kinds of fighters on Wano. There aren't that many types of fighters on Wano, it's very few compared to the fighters who spread all over the world. My crew has seen more than what you guys have. Your world only revolves around Wano, while our world is far bigger than that. We have met more people and more kinds of fighters out there. So our experiences are surely higher than yours," says Buggy.

"Hmm, you're right. What I experienced when I was confined in Wano and when I sailed around the world were very different. Wano is just like a speck of dust in this vast world," says Oden.

"There is a famous idiom that people often use. 'A frog in the well'. The frog that lives at the bottom of a well only knows that the well is the whole world. It never knows that the world is a lot bigger than the well," says Buggy.

"Do you want to say that we don't know how big the world is?" asks Ashura Doji rather angrily.

"Are you not? You might know that the world is big, but do you know how big it is? Do you know what the world outside Wano looks like? How it is outside of New World, outside of Grandline, under the sea, in the sky, etc. Even I who have sailed around the world for 2 years won't say that I know how big the world is. There are still many things that I haven't known," says Buggy while smirking.

Cricket & the boys also smirk and Cricket says, "We all are frogs that have left the well. But when you guys are just standing on the well's wall, we have explored the world around that well although we don't know how far we've gone."

The Red Scabbards know that they are true, but it still makes them pissed when being told like that. Also, Buggy & Cricket's tones were very irritating because they sounded as if they are looking down on the samurais.

Palu added the fuel and says, "Maybe these frogs are too afraid to leave the well? There are many scary things out there, after all."

Enel thinks it's fun and joins too, "Yahaha, I think they are still tadpoles, not frogs."


The other Scabbards don't say anything because they agree with Ashura. But they also can't refute the Clowns' words.

Palu suddenly says, "So what if we don't know what you've gone through. You also don't know what we've gone through. We can say anything we want with our mouths. If you don't like it then show us that we are wrong."

The Red Scabbards & the executive boys start to argue and fight verbally. Buggy just watches while smirking and the girls are sighing. They don't know what Buggy & the boys are up to, so they just keep silent.

Oden & Toki are dumbfounded at the turns of the event. This sparring session is supposed to make them closer, not fighting for real. If this goes on, they will hate each other and grow apart. It is not good for their war against Beasts Pirates.

"Buggyjiro, what is," Oden wants to ask but Buggy cuts his words.

"Oden, we are called Clowns for a reason. I will tell you my reason for doing this later. Let's just enjoy this show," says Buggy while smirking and looking at Kanjuro.

'This guy is really good at acting. He truly looks as if he is very angry. Although maybe he is truly angry because we also ridicule him. But it doesn't matter as long as this works. We need to move fast after this though so it won't hinder the war,' thinks Buggy while looking at Kanjuro who also argues with Cricket & co.

The executive boys & the Red Scabbards keep arguing. Their verbal fight gathers everyone's attention and they look at them confusedly.

"Then how about this? Let's just make this a free for all battle. We'll still use the other rules because this is still a sparring session," says Cricket so suddenly.

The Red Scabbards are surprised then Kiku suddenly says, "Fine by me. This is the best solution to prove who's right."

Kin'emon hesitates and tells them to rethink it, but he finally agrees after the others persuade him. So now, the sparring system will change.


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 256 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 267 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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