Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 230: A Big Secret

Chapter 230: A Big Secret

While The Clowns stay in Kuri, Deon & his team are in Flower Capital. They have come here since the crew landed on Kuri's beach. Buggy has sent them on a mission in Flower Capital to gather information and infiltrate the palace.

Deon & his team are specialists in this type of job and they've done this every time before their raids in these last few months. They are like the crew's version of Cipher Pols or Ninjas. Their skills are also high enough as they have always succeeded in their mission so far.

They've arrived in Flower Capital last night when the crew was having a party with Oden's group. They are quite pitiful to not being able to join the party. But they have important missions and everyone on the crew has their job.

There are 6 people on Deon's team including him. But only 5 are in Flower Capital while 1 stays with Buggy in Kuri. The one who stays in Kuri has the same job to gather information, but his job is in Kuri instead of Flower Capital.

This guy is also very skilled, only 2nd to Deon in their team. He has mastered the art of stealth and can even hide from weak Observation Haki users. Buggy needs this guy because his mission is to spy on Kanjuro.

They need to know Kanjuro's movements and possibly remove him in the process. But that's difficult, so at least they need to know what Kanjuro does and planned. They can also find out about Orochi & Kaido's plans through Kanjuro.

His mission went well so far and so are the others' missions. They are now spreading in Flower Capital and disguised as normal citizens. Deon even has infiltrate the palace by disguising himself as a servant.

The team really move fast and they send a lot of information to Buggy on the 2nd night. But it's still the 2nd day, so the information that they get is mostly about what happened there before they arrived and important issues.

That's enough for now because the Clowns don't know what happened in Wano before they arrived here. Even Buggy only knows a few things from the series. He never knows the details and only knows the gist of what happened.

Yes, he can ask Oden too and he has done it. But Oden himself doesn't know much of the things that happened in his country because he is basically being confined by Orochi & Kaido. Also, he doesn't know what happened inside the enemy's circle.

Deon's team's job is to get information from the enemy's inner circle. They have other jobs but the information is the most important. Having enough information is the key to winning a war and it has worked for the Clowns so far.

"Hmm, so Kaido knew that I have arrived here already but he doesn't make any move. I guess it's because I'm in Kuri and Oden's group is here. He must be wary of our combined force. Coming to Kuri immediately is a correct choice it seems," says Buggy while smirking.

Currently, Buggy is having a meeting with his executives in a closed room. Only Magnus & Deon aren't here because one is too big while the other is on a mission.

"What should we do now, Captain?" asks Enel.

"Let's take our time first. There are many things to do before the war, after all. We need to gather information, train ourselves again, prepare our strategy & weapons, and some other things to do. Oden also needs time to gather more allies for the war," says Buggy.

"Well, there are more than 15 thousand enemies based on Deon's report. So of course, we need more people on our side. Still, the most important thing for us is to get stronger for the war even if it's just a little. We need to train our men more seriously now," says Cricket.

"Well, I agree, but is it okay to move so openly like this? If Oden gathers more men, it will cause a rather big ruckus and the enemies will realize it. They might try to attack us before we have more people and get stronger," says Enel.

"It doesn't matter even if they know. Kaido already knows that we are here but he still doesn't make a move. He still won't do anything even if we gather more men," says Palu.

"Yeah, he knows that it's better to prepare themselves in the meantime rather than rushing to attack us. Also, he must've known that we are prepared for a case where they attack now. If he still attacks now, then it will be them who lose because we are more prepared for it," says Mantis.

"They will even think that we are hoping for them to attack," says Jude.

"Sigh, you guys are too complicated with your thinking. They won't attack us because they will know our every move through their spy. They can just wait and do things based on the information they get from their spy. It will be more effective for them," says Cricket.

"Well, it doesn't matter whatever their reason is as long as it benefits us. Anyway, we need to use these days well to get our crew stronger. Try to get closer to the samurais too and learn anything useful from them. Brook, there are many audiences here," says Buggy.

"Yohohoho, I've waited for this. There will be so many panties-," says Brook before Mantis hits his head and stops him.

Brook & his music team will play their music to entertain everyone before the war. It will raise their morale and make the samurais like them. Music is also a form of training for Brook, so it's very useful.

Buggy then tells Dela to help the people of Wano's to have better clothes. Most of their clothes are tattered or patched badly. Dela's sewing skills & fashion sense are top-notch after she learned on many islands.

"Leave it to me, Captain," says Dela.

Buggy nods and then they talk about other things to do before the war. After they finished, Buggy returns to his ship to do something. It's midnight so most people have slept and the town is very quiet.

He arrives on the ship after walking for a few minutes and goes to his room. Buggy opens a crate that has a small box in it, some treasures, and a devil fruit. This crate is where Buggy keeps his most valuable items.

The treasures are his personal saving and he still has a few more crates to keep treasures. He has a lot of wealth, but it's actually very low compared to his crew's wealth. Most of their wealth is for the crew's needs, only some are for him & his crewmates.

The devil fruit was the one he found on the volcano on Ruff's island. He keeps it because he has a very good feeling about this devil fruit. It might be a very rare & strong devil fruit, so he won't give it to just anyone.

Buggy plans to give it to Bellemere so that she can protect herself better. His name is very big already now and he is one of the most wanted men in the world. If Marine & WG knows his relationship with Bellemere, they will use her as a tool to get him.

She will also get put in danger many times because of it. Also, there's the Arlong incident where she gets killed in the series. He won't let it happen, so he needs to make her strong, and this devil fruit wi help.

But Buggy doesn't come here for the treasures or the devil fruit. He comes for the small box that he opens slowly. There are 2 compartments covered with soft red cloth in the box. In one part is a dingdong with its balls, while in the other one is a beating hard.

They are Buggy's dingdong, balls, & heart that he keeps here. He has kept them in the box for a long time to keep himself alive in most situations. It proved useful when he fought Kizaru because Kizaru stabbed his left chest, but he didn't die because his heart wasn't there.

Dingdong & balls are men's weaknesses, so he needs to hide them in this box made of Adam Wood. The crates are also made of Adam Wood, the leftovers of the material for this ship. Palu also coated these crates with strong metal to add durability.

But even Palu doesn't know that Buggy keeps these things in this small box. None of his crewmates know it and they thought it was just to save his treasures. It's not that he doesn't believe his crewmates, but he needs to be very careful.

Buggy closes the box and says, "I need to hide this box somewhere else along with the other treasures. This war will be very big and this ship might even get destroyed, so I can't take a risk."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 254 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 265 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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