Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 197: To The Depth

Chapter 197: To The Depth

For the next 2 days, The Clowns do normal activities while still avoiding trouble. They still have some fights with other lawless people though as it is one of their entertainments. But they avoid Celestial Dragons and Marine in the last 2 days.

Luckily, the Marine also doesn't try to make trouble with them. The HQ must've known that they are here now, but there's no movement from those people. Marine HQ just sends people to watch The Clowns' movements.

They all know that if the Marine sends people after The Clowns, then a big confrontation will happen in Sabaody. It will cause a lot of destruction and there will be a lot of civilian casualties. Not to mention, there are Rayleigh too in this place.

So the Clowns' 3 days of stay on Sabaody is very peaceful in a sense. After 3 days, their ship also has been coated perfectly by Rayleigh and some of his friends. Now they can finally leave Sabaody and go to Fishman Island.

But before they leave, Buggy goes to Shakky's bar for something. He has asked Shakky to find information about Beasts Pirates and he will take it now. Just like what Buggy hoped from Shakky, she gets a lot of information.

"I can only get this much. Beasts pirates' subordinates crews, their current locations & bases, their territories, their crew's number & strength, also some issues about them. I also get the Eternal Poses from New World. But I can't get all poses in here. You need to find the rest in New World," says Shakky.

"It's a lot, and you said you only get this much?" asks Buggy.

"I can get more if you give me more time," says Shakky.

"Hahaha, you surely will. But this is enough. It won't be interesting if I know everything about them. Sure, learning your enemies is good, but knowing too much will reduce the excitement," says Buggy.

"That's true, although it's not my style. But everyone has their preference, so I won't say anything about it," says Shakky.

Buggy pays Shakky and takes the papers & Eternal Poses before he leaves. He will read them on his way to Fishman Island. The Clowns bid farewell to Rayleigh & Shakky before they go to their ship.

After they get on their ship, The Clowns immediately prepare to sail. Rayleigh has taught Jude, Palu, & Enel everything about the coating. So now they can use it and know how to control the coated ship.

"We are ready, Captain," informs Jude after the ship gets encased in a giant bubble.

"Alright. ARE YOU READY, DEGENERATES?" asks Buggy to his crew.

"YEAH!" replies everyone.

"THEN, LET'S SAIL!" orders Buggy.

Everyone does their parts and the ship dives down into the sea. They finally leave Sabaody and go to Fishman Island which is located 10 km underwater. Their ship has turned from a normal ship into a submarine now.

As they dive into the depth of the sea, everyone is looking at the sea in amazement. They can see everything because the bubble is transparent. It truly is an amazing sight that hypnotizes every one of them.

As they get deeper, the temperature plummets, so they need to wear thick clothes. Luckily, Dela has bought thick clothing for all of them. If she's not here, the boys won't even think of buying thick clothes and will freeze to death here.

Jude then explains what they'll do and about the underwater current. The others just nod as she explains and act as if they understand. But there are only a few of them who understand it including Buggy.

They keep going deeper and everything looks normal so far. But then a giant red Grouper Seaking suddenly appears and targets them. It approaches them at high speed and shows clear hostility toward them.

"It wants to eat us, huh? What should we do, Captain? Should we attack it?" asks Cricket.

"Sigh, don't, it will damage the bubble. Let me handle it," says Buggy as he walks to the railing.

Buggy stands on the railing and looks at the incoming Seaking. He has a sharp gaze and then he releases a strong Conqueror Haki pressure aimed at the Seaking. But Buggy doesn't go all out and just uses enough to scare it.

"Begone!" says Buggy to the Seaking with an intimidating tone.

The Giant Seaking stops in its track and looks at Buggy with a scared expression. Then it leaves immediately and disappears into the dark sea. Buggy gets down from the railing & sigh as he walks to the front deck.

"Let's avoid physical confrontation as much as we can. We can't risk having our bubble gets destroyed because we damage it too much," says Buggy.

"Alright. We will keep watching the surroundings to prevent unwanted things," says Cricket.

Buggy nods and then Cricket gives an order to the crew. He spreads them to every side so they can watch almost all sides except below the ship. They can only use their Observation Haki to cover this part.

Soon, they reach a giant current that goes down and most of them are scared. Buggy calms them down and tells them to hold onto the ship. This current is the only way down, so they need to enter it.

The ship enters the big & strong current. Now they have lost control of the ship and they can only follow the current. They can only hope that they'll be fine while holding onto the ship so they won't get thrown.

After some time, they finally get out of the very strong current and enter a calm area. It is the seafloor, but it's not the deepest seafloor. This is still one level above Fishman Island where there are many underwater volcanoes.

They activate their lamp dials and now they can see their surroundings. There are many big fishes here and all of them have bad eyesight. Buggy wants to look at these fishes, but they need to be fast because the volcanoes here can erupt anytime.

"Palu, activate the jet dials and make this ship move faster. Gunners, I allow you to attack the fishes that threaten us. But use our explosive bullets, Muggy Balls that give more damage to the targets. The bullets will explode, so make sure that the targets are rather far from us or the explosion will damage the bubble. The others, don't attack but stay on your guard," says Buggy.

"AYE AYE, CAPTAIN!" replies everyone.

Buggy allows the gunners who use guns with blunt bullets. The blunt bullets do less damage to the bubble than sharp weapons, after all. Also, the bullets are small, so they won't damage the bubble too much.

They keep going at high speed while the gunners shoot a few times to repel some giant fishes that get closer to them. Soon, they reach the giant crevice that will take them to Fishman Island. They're very lucky that they can reach this crevice without any problem because the volcanoes aren't erupting now.

The Black Pearl immediately enters the giant crevice and goes down. Enel controls the ship to it from hitting the walls on their left & right. The others also stay on guard to do something if there is an accident.

Luckily, nothing happened and they reach the seafloor safely. They all are relieved and then they look around to find Fishman Island. But they don't see it and only see a bright place from afar, so they go there.

Shortly after that, they see an amazing thing that makes them smile happily. It's an island that is placed inside 2 layers of massive bubbles. They've seen many amazing places, but this thing still amazes them, this is Fishman Island.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 221 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 232 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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