Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 188: Buggy vs John

Chapter 188: Buggy vs John

The other battles have finished and Buggy's fight is the only one left. He was just dodging & blocking John's attack before training his advanced Observation Haki that he got since his battle with Kizaru.

Currently, Buggy can see 5 seconds into the future. It's 2 seconds more than the initial 3 seconds that he got at first. He wants to improve it further, but passing 5 seconds is very difficult, it's as if he has met a giant wall that can't be breached.

Buggy assumes that he can't breach that wall through training only. The only way to get past that mark is by fighting strong opponents that can force him to see more than 5 seconds. But it won't be easy to find someone like that.

In his battle against John Giant, Buggy also blocks a lot of attacks. He can always dodge them because he has seen through them, but he wanted to train his strength too. So blocking the attacks of a powerful Giant is a good way to do it.

John is far stronger than the current Magnus, even in his Asura form. Well, this guy is a Giant Vice Admiral, so his raw strength is very high. Without a doubt, John is the strongest Giant in Marine ranks currently.

That's why Buggy is using this chance to train his strength by blocking John's attacks too. But blocking with his swords doesn't give him the best result. This way he can only train his strength, not anything else.

So now he decides to block with his palms or fists. Of course, he covered them with Haki so he can block John's sword attack. Now he can train his Armament Haki too along with Observation Haki and strength.

Buggy also levitates now and left his feet on the ground. This way he can block every attack including the attacks from above without worrying about getting pushed into the soft ground.

What he does is very good training and he likes it. But his opponent doesn't like it one bit, especially after Buggy sheathed his swords and used his bare hands. It's like Buggy is insulting John by stopping using his sword.

So now John starts to exert more power on his attacks and even starts to coat his sword with Armament Haki. As a Vice Admiral, John can use 2 types of Haki. Although Buggy doesn't know John's Haki mastery level, it should be high enough to make him a Vice Admiral.

And it is really high enough, even for New World standards. If not, then the Marine will have a hard time holding their ground against strong pirate crews. They can't just rely on their Admirals to handle these big crews.

His high mastery over Haki has made John confident in defeating Buggy. He thought it will make Buggy stop playing around and be more serious because his sword has become tougher. But on the opposite, it makes Buggy more excited.

'John's sword has become a lot tougher now so it will be more difficult to break it. That means my Armament also needs to be tougher to outmatch and break it. This is great,' thinks Buggy excitedly.

Buggy starts to exert more power even though he kept using his full power. But in a situation like this where his opponent is getting stronger, he also needs to get stronger. He forces himself to get stronger and break his limit, this is the fastest and best way to be stronger.

The battle goes on and Buggy keeps punching John's sword with his Haki-covered fists. His hands are hurt and they bleed a little too. But he still keeps doing it happily because he can feel himself getting stronger.

Then after 15 minutes of the clash, Buggy can feel his Haki has become far stronger. Now he can block John's sword attack with ease because his Haki is hard enough. So he moves to his next plan, training advanced level Armament.

Buggy has tried to train it for a long time but still hasn't succeeded. He knows the principle behind it and how it works, but he still can't use it. There is only one reason that he can think of, he needs a strong opponent that will force him to improve his Armament Haki to the advanced level.

So meeting John and fighting him here is a stroke of very good luck. He needs to use this chance well and train the things that he lacks before he reaches New World. In New World, he will just need to improve his abilities and make his crew stronger.

Previously, he wanted to fight Sakazuki because that guy is very strong. But he canceled it because they were on the sea which will make the battle more difficult. Their only choice would be to fight on the ship. Surely the ship won't be able to handle it and break.

Besides, that guy is someone who will use underhanded tricks if needed. He might use his power to sink Black Pearl instead of fighting Buggy one on one. Or maybe he will attack Buggy's crewmates instead of Buggy alone. That's why Buggy decided to not fight Sakazuki.

So meeting John before he reaches the New World is good luck and he won't miss this chance. He will maximize his gains before he enters New World and meets stronger opponents. His time limit before facing Kaido is half a year, so he needs to do everything he can do.

'Flow the Haki outside to emit the Haki energy,' thinks Buggy as he punches John's sword.

His first attempt fails but he keeps trying and trying. He keeps trying to emit his haki energy patiently even though he's getting a little tired after using haki for 30 minutes straight now. But he is very excited now because he can feel the flow of Haki energy in his body.

'I think I understand it now,' thinks Buggy as he moves back.

John is surprised to see Buggy moves back now because he kept blocking before and hasn't moved away.

'What is he planning now? It frustrated me that he doesn't seem to fight me seriously. But I must admit that he is strong and can easily defeat most Vice Admirals. He must've planned something by suddenly backing off after he keeps blocking my sword attacks,' thinks John as he puts up his guard.

Buggy now stands on the ground like normal and gets into a stance with his haki-coated right fist cocked. He closes his eyes and concentrates to feel his Haki energy flow.

John sees what Buggy does and thinks 'Chance!'

Without a second thought, John swings his sword from above toward Buggy with full power. But right before the sword hits him, Buggy opens his eyes and sends a punch at the sword.


Before his fist even touches it, the sword gets pushed back. John gets surprised and tries to stop it but he can't. The sword flies upwards and gets released from John's grip.

The surprised John hasn't recovered when Buggy suddenly gets in front of his face with a punch ready. Reflexively, John covers his face with Armament. Buggy actually waits for John to do it before he punches John's face.


Just like with the sword, John's face gets hit even before Buggy's fist touches him. He gets flung behind and crashes onto the ground. Buggy's attack is very strong and he is in pain now, but John is still conscious.

However, he lost his consciousness shortly after that because Buggy used a barrage of punches at his body. Buggy used the same advanced level Armament that he can finally use. It's not the one that creates internal destruction, but still the one that emits Haki.

But it's still an advanced level Armament and causes more damage. And it's all thanks to John Giant that Buggy can finally use it. So he let John feel it directly to show his gratitude.

"Thanks for your guidance," says Buggy while smirking before he leaves.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 212 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 223 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.