Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 170: Change of Plan

Chapter 170: Change of Plan

Buggy decides to stay in Little Garden for 2 weeks. It is a long time to stay in their hastened journey but it is important. There are many giant animals with strong bodies here. He wants to train his crew by fighting these dinosaurs for 2 weeks just like how Luffy trains on Ruskaina.

Besides, he has thought about their journey time so far and decided on an important thing. They won't explore the whole Paradise before going to New World. This place doesn't give them many challenges anymore which won't make the crew grow.

He has decided to finish the exploration until they reach Skypiea where they'll find what Cricket searches, Gold City. After that, they'll follow the route which is the same as the Straw Hats, and then go to New World where they'll find bigger challenges.

But they'll still finish exploring the 2nd islands because there's only 1 island left. They also still need to get more crew members. Buggy aimed to at least has more than 50 people before entering New World. He will search the rest in New World while strengthening his crew.

This plan has been talked about with the executives and they agree with him. Paradise is good, but they need bigger challenges that will make them grow faster. They aim to defeat Beasts Pirates in a year, so staying in Paradise will make them unable to get sufficient strength.

So for 2 weeks, the normal members are fighting with the dinosaurs. The executives try it too but some of them can win easily, so they choose to spar among themselves. The ones who can train by fighting dinosaurs are Brook, Deon Jude, Manba, and Ruff.

In these 2 weeks, the Clowns have some good progress. Enel now can use Armament although it's just the basic colorless. He can also start to control his Mantra so he won't hear too many voices because of his devil fruit power that enhances his Mantra too much.

Brook now starts to understand his devil fruit power to control his soul. He is also training his swordsmanship with Buggy every day. But Buggy still doesn't allow him to train his haki and focus more on devil fruit and swordsmanship.

Jude and Manba still can't activate their armament, but their observation and fighting ability has grown a lot. Deon also has started to touch the surface of Armament, but he still can't use it.

As for Buggy, Cricket, Palu, and Mantis, they are focusing more on their fighting abilities. They refine their skills and strengthen their Haki. Buggy also needs to increase his devil fruit mastery and find more of its usage.

Aside from that, Buggy also tries to train his Armament and raises it to an advanced level. It will be the most important thing to have before he fights Kaido. Without it, he won't be able to injure that guy at all.

He spars with Magnus every day because the giant is very strong, especially when using his devil fruit. By fighting a strong opponent, Buggy hoped to increase his Armament's level. But it doesn't happen and he just gets stronger physically.

The normal members also show good progress in these 2 weeks. They fight a dinosaur with 10 people in a group before, but now they just need 6 people. It's not only their strength and skills that increased, but also their teamwork.

Alan & Elen also start to be trained by Cricket & Mantis. Both of them need to have the ability to protect themselves as pirates. Buggy leave it to Mantis because she was the one who took the kids and then she asked Cricket to help her.

After 2 weeks, the Clown Pirates finally leave Little Garden. They've got closer with Dorry & Broggy and they watched the 2's battles every day which also gave them some inspiration. The Giants also taught them about warriors' hearts that strengthen the crew's hearts, and Buggy is really thankful for that.

"So Magnus, what will you do now? You joined the crew temporarily to find Dorry, and now you have met him. Will you leave or stay as a permanent member?" asks Buggy before they leave.

"We-well, I," says Magnus hesitantly.

"Team leader, please don't leave," says someone from Magnus's team beggingly.

Magnus is looking at him and the other members of his team that also beg him to stay. He gets flustered and the 2 Giants are laughing at him.

"GABABABA, just do what you want, little Magnus. You need to choose your own warrior path and this seems to be yours," says Broggy.

"That's right, little brother. Enjoy your life, GEGYAGYAGYA!" says Dorry.

Magnus scratches his head before turning his head to the left shyly and says, "T-There's no choice, I will join you permanently or you will be sad. Besides, I don't know the way back to Elbaf, so it's better to stay with you."

The Clowns sweatdrop seeing Magnus act like a tsundere teenager. It really doesn't match his appearance and just makes them cringe. But they brush it off because they are happy that he decides to stay.

"Alright, now hurry up and get on the ship, our schedule is tight," says Buggy.

"Aye aye, Captain," says Magnus before getting on the ship.

The Clowns then bid farewell to Dorry and Broggy before leaving. They sail to the last 2nd island on the next route. But then a gigantic Goldfish appear in front of them. It's the same Goldfish that eat the Straw Hats.

"The Island Eater, huh? You are overestimating yourself, fish," says Buggy while standing on the ship's front and holding a sword in his right hand.

Buggy raises the sword high before swinging it down. A blue sharp energy arc generates from his sword and flies toward the Goldfish. It moves fast and passes through the Goldfish's body. Nothing happens for a second, but then the Goldfish gets split into 2.

That slash attack was created purely of Buggy's swordsmanship. He has improved it a lot and doesn't need Pollux's press ability to cut something like this Goldfish. But he is still sure that it can't cut Kaido's skin yet.

"GABABABA, as I thought we don't need to worry about them," says Dorry who watched what happened from the island.

"GEGYAGYAGYA, that's for sure. If he is not that strong, then I won't let my brother join his crew," says Dorry.

The Clowns can't hear what the Giants said and just continue to sail. They don't take the fish meat because their supply is full already after they hunted many dinosaurs. Now they just need to reach the next island fast.

"Enel, show those 2 Giants our ship's ability. Let's impress them before leaving," says Buggy.

"Heh, you've read my mind," says Enel before clicking a button on the steering wheel.

Right after Enel do that, their ship move a lot faster than before. Enel has activated the dials that blow strong wind to their sails and make the ship faster. It surprises Dorry and Broggy because they've never seen a ship that can move this fast.

"Hehe, we must've shocked them," says Buggy smugly.

"Of course, this ship is full of surprise," says Palu while nodding, followed by the boys who then laugh happily.

"Sigh, a bunch of childish show-offs," says Mantis tiredly as he looks at the happy boys.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 194 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 205 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.