Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 143: Kizaru's Show Off

Chapter 143: Kizaru's Show Off

The Clowns face Kizaru's unit and Buggy has defeated 230 soldiers using his Conqueror Haki. The Marine officers who know about Haki get alerted by it. They know what it implies and the danger that it poses.

Having Conqueror Haki means Buggy has the potential to be a 'King', to stand above others. Only some people in the world have that haki. And all those people are big names in the world, with most of them being pirates.

"He can control his Conqueror Haki already to such a high degree. It is not a good thing," says Dalmatian

"Yeah, he is very dangerous. His potential is the one that makes him very dangerous," says Momonga.

"Then, we should remove him as soon as possible," says Kizaru as he turns into yellow light.

Kizaru suddenly appears in front of Buggy with a kick ready in front of Buggy's face. The Clowns are surprised to see his sudden appearance, including Enel. They can't see his movement at all and only see a flash of yellow light.

The Marines anticipated Kizaru's kick to fling Buggy away, but it doesn't happen. Kizaru's kick is stopped in front of Buggy's face and it makes them frown. Buggy has caught Kizaru's leg with his right hand.

"Don't be too hasty, Kizaru. Let's have some talk or drinks first," says Buggy while smirking.

"Oh, such a fast move. You have a strong Observation Haki, and you caught my leg too. That means you have Armament Haki, very problematic indeed. A pirate in Paradise can use 3 types of haki. Roger has taught you well it seems," says Kizaru.

"He sure was," says Buggy as he sends a kick at Kizaru.

Kizaru flashes away to avoid that and then he flies above the Marines. The Clowns are still shocked after seeing Kizaru's speed. They know they can't stop him, they can't even sense him coming, after all.

"Such high speed. Even Enel can't move that fast," says Cricket.

Enel clicks his tongue, but he knows that it's true. Kizaru is very fast, a lot faster than him. He can't see Kizaru's movement at all even though he has the lightning ability, an ability that enhanced his speed a lot.

"Luckily, Captain sensed him coming and could react to his kick. They are truly out of our leagues, they're monsters," says Palu.

"It seems that only Captain who can face him. Let's help him by taking care of the others," says Cricket.

The others nod, but Enel still has a bitter & pissed expression. He thought he is the fastest, but there is someone faster than him. The Clowns are looking at Kizaru who flies in the air and prepares themselves.

Kizaru crosses his hands in front of him and says, "He can use all types of haki. Let's test if they all can use haki too."

"Damn, he will use it," says Buggy as he moves in front of his crew and withdraws his swords.

"Captain?" asks Palu curiously.

"BRACE FOR ATTACKS!" shouts Buggy.

"Too late. Yasakani no Magatama (Comma Jewel of Eight Shaku)!" says Kizaru.

Kizaru shoots many light bullets from his hands toward the Clowns. Buggy coats his swords with Armament Haki and detaches his wrists. Then he moves the swords around very fast to block the incoming light bullets.

By detaching his wrists, Buggy can move his swords at a wider range. He concentrates on using his Observation Haki to sense all incoming light bullets. He focuses on blocking the ones that will hit his crew.

Cricket, Palu, & Mantis get ready behind Buggy to block the ones that Buggy can't stop. Jude & Enel also make a wall in front of them to block the ones that the three can't stop. But Buggy can block all light bullets and doesn't let them pass at all.

"Don't push yourself, Captain. We are right behind you," says Palu.

Buggy doesn't answer and just keeps grinning excitedly.

"Sigh, it's useless, he doesn't hear us. He is very excited to fight a strong opponent," says Cricket.

"It's been a long time since he needs to go all out, after all," says Mantis.

Buggy blocks all the bullets and succeeds to protect his crew. Blocking all those bullets that move at high speed is very tiring. He used a lot of his energy to block them all, but Buggy is very excited now.

"Is that all you've got, Kizaru?" asks Buggy while grinning.

"Ooh~, scary. Not only do you have strong haki, but you also have strong physical power, and good swordsmanship. This won't be easy," says Kizaru as he gets down.

"What should we do, Vice-Admiral?" asks Momonga.

"I will take care of him, you take care of the others," says Kizaru.

"Understood," replies the officers.

"Now, let's get serious. Ama no Murakumo!" says Kizaru as he creates a long light sword on his hand.

Kizaru flashes to Buggy and swings his sword down. Buggy crosses his swords above him to block the light sword.

"Leave him to me, take care of those guys," orders Buggy to his crew.

The Clowns nod and move to attack the Marine officers. They all move, except Enel who is looking at Kizaru angrily. Enel suddenly flashes to Kizaru and sends a punch at the lightman.

Buggy sees it and curses, "Idiot!"

"Ooh, lightning logia, impressive. But you're not ready yet," says Kizaru unimpressed.

Kizaru evades Enel's punch and kicks him with his right foot's backside. Enel gets hit and flies to the Marine officers. Momonga moves to attack Enel who flies toward him, but Cricket stops his sword with haki covered hand while Palu stops Enel from flying even further.

"You've tried it, so focus on your task now," says Palu.

Enel has a bitter expression, but he nods because he knows he is still far from Kizaru's level. He will only get killed if he still holds his pride too high. Only Buggy can face Kizaru now, so he needs to fight the weaker one.

Dalmatian looks at Enel & Jude before giving an order, "Captain Greg, Tono, and Parjo, you need to face those 2 logia with your seastone coated weapons. None of you can use haki, so only seastone weapons can help you touch them. Be careful of them, especially that lightning logia. Momonga & I will take care of these 2."

Dalmatian said that as he looks at Cricket & Palu. Cricket has shown that he is strong enough to block Momonga's attack. While Palu can stop Enel's flight, so he knows that Palu has Armament Haki.

The officers nod before they withdraw their weapons. Greg wields a club, Tono wields a pair of short sticks, and Parjo wields a spiked wrecking ball. All their weapons are coated with seastone, so they can touch & nullify devil fruit users' ability.

Enel & Jude know that they need to be careful of those weapons. They can't let themselves get touched by those weapons because their abilities will get nullified. Buggy has taught them about seastone, so they know its power.

Without any other command, the Clowns move to attack the Marine officers. Cricket faces Momonga, Palu faces Dalmatian, Mantis faces Commodore Jasmine, Manba faces Captain Slek, Jude faces Captain Tono, while Enel faces 2 Captains, Greg & Parjo.

Meanwhile, Buggy fights with Kizaru using their swordsmanship only. Kizaru is fast, but Buggy can use his Observation Haki to predict Kizaru's attacks. He can block all Kizaru's attacks with his 2 Kopis Swords.

"You might be a Light, but you are still a human, so you can't move at light speed even though you are very fast. Am I right, Kizaru?" asks Buggy while grinning.

"Do you think I've gotten serious already? Too bad," says Kizaru before swinging his sword horizontally at higher speed.

Buggy widens his eyes and coats his front body with armament. He gets hit and flies back very fast before crashing to a cliff.

"Damn, he can move faster, huh? But that should be the case or it won't be a good battle," says Buggy as he wipes the blood that trickles from his mouth while grinning.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 167 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 178 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.