Touch of Flame

Chapter 217 West Mountain

Malachi watched Ravina squirm and quiver under his touch just like he wanted her to, and then satisfied with what he did, he caressed her legs as they trembled from the pleasure his fingertips brought. He wanted to do it again, just to see that flush, smell that aroma of desire, and hear those small gasps from her lips.

She was perfect and she was his. He leaned down and places a kiss on her quivering stomach and then on her sternum, feeling her thumbing heart under his lips. Then he came to her face, touching those burning cheeks, feeling her soft skin, and tracing her trembling lips.

Ravina opened her eyes and gazed into his with enlarged pupils. He could feel her shaky breath on his fingers. He wanted to continue with what he started but the reason he chose this place was to force himself to stay in control. She was innocent and he didn't want her first experience to be out of control and painful.

As he pushed himself away from her, he heard the sounds of footsteps coming closer.

Ravina sat up quickly in panic as she heard it as well and pulled her top up and her skirt down while glancing his way with panic.

"Stay here," he told her getting up.

Malachi swung the door open and stepped outside, swiftly adjusting his hair before approaching his brother. Joel's lips curved up with a knowing smile. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

"What is it?" Malachi asked ignoring his looks.

"Nothing urgent. Do you want me to come back later?"

Malachi gave him a stern look and his brother smiled. "Alright. The contestants are coming with their families tomorrow for the tournament but they wish to have a word with you before that. The messengers will also arrive earlier to join the meeting."

Malachi sighed. They were probably going to complain about Nazneen joining. They had to be nervous to fight a Katharos.

"They must be worried about Nazneen," Joel said as if reading his thoughts. "Anyway, I have also found the witch for you. Also a shaman it seems. He lives on the high tower in the west mountain."

Many shamans lived in the west mountain so it wasn't surprising. "Alright."

"Let me bring him here. You shouldn't go there."

"Will you force him here? You know we shouldn't anger those who use magic."

"No. We shouldn't get involved with those who use magic. I won't force him. I will try to politely invite him to your home and take someone with a smart tongue with me."

Now Malachi was confused. He couldn't be talking about Ares.

"Have you lost your mind? Why would he go with you?"

"I'll give him a reason. We need to find out what he is after all. I will be studying his reaction."

If anyone could do it, it was Joel. "Alright."

Joel stepped back with a smile. "Continue." He said.

"Also let Saul know you are leaving."

"He knows. Worry not brother and enjoy for a while." He winked.


Joel left the stable with a smirk on his face. It had been a while since his brother had engaged in such activities. Everywhere from near the river, in the woods, behind corners, and all the way to the bedroom and now he was in a stall. At least he wasn't his melancholic self since their sister passed away. All of them changed, but mostly Malachi and Saul.

When Joel found out that a human was his brother's breedmate he thought it would be the end. The end for his brother. He was already becoming another person and now this human came with revenge. He knew nothing good would come out of it, but he was happy that he was wrong even if he couldn't understand how it was possible to live with a human. He would be exhausted having to be careful around the fragile creatures.

To his relief, Ravina wasn't as fragile as she looked. For a small body like hers, she held power in her voice and she had frightening blue eyes. He never liked that color. It was too cold for his liking and the woman had an unwavering gaze. It was her sharp tongue that annoyed him the most but he liked that as well.

He made his way to the guest house and found Aaron sitting with Ares outside. This man was clearly drawn to these humans. What was he doing here?

Aaron turned his head as soon as he sensed him but Ares only shifted his gaze. He put down the cup he was drinking from as Joel made his way up to the porch.

"Where you looking for me?" Aaron asked.

"No. I was looking for Ares."

Ares who had been following him with his gaze smiled. "I am having many guests today."

Nazneen came out with a tray of fruits, looking him up and down before she went and sat down with them.

"I am going to the west mountain," Joel said.

"You want to meet a shaman?" Nazneen asked putting a piece of fruit in her mouth.

The man was lucky.

"Yes. I need to bring the shaman here and the company of a human would help me convince them. I don't know any human except for you and Ravina. She offered to come with me but I don't want to trouble her, so I wondered if you could help me." Joel lied.

Ares raised a brow while Nazneen shook her head. "No!" She looked at Ares. "I don't like those creatures. They get inside your head."

Ares tilted his head. "Why would I?"

"You can have your benefits from it. They know a lot of things and you might want to know a few things about the future."

"Future?" His expression changed and his eyes looked into the distance. He was thinking about it. He couldn't be this easily convinced. Joel was ready to try more and didn't think the man would contemplate his offer this fast.

"They speak nonsense," Nazneen said.

Ares turned to her. "Do they?"

They looked at each other for a moment. "Ares, no." She said.

"There are certain things I would like to know," his lips curved into that mysterious smile he often wore. Joel wasn't sure yet what to make of this man.

Nazneen looked like she wanted to protest but decided it would be useless. "I will come with you," she said instead.

"Um... that is not a good idea." Joel shook his head. "Remember, we want to appear friendly."

Nazneen didn't like it. "Ares, we need to talk." She said.

"I will let you two talk. I will wait at the stable." He told Ares and nodded for Aaron to follow him.

Aaron followed him in silence until they were a good distance away to be heard. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Joel shrugged. "I need to bring a witch and this is a good opportunity to explore what he is."

"He doesn't seem bad to me."

Joel chuckled. His innocent brother always saw the good in people. "Why would he hurt us? He seems to genuinely care about Nazneen."

"Feelings can be faked. Does he look like someone who can't lie to your face? What did he tell you about his leg?"

Aaron sighed. "He didn't really give me an answer."

"See. He knows how to avoid answering questions. Now let me deal with him."

"Does Malachi know about this?"

"Ugh... Aaron. Please! Don't involve Malachi all the time. We are not children and he isn't our father."

"No. He is our king and you are dealing with his guest."

Always with the smart answers. He forced a smile. "Why don't you go run and tell him."

Aaron's eyes blazed red. He could tell he wanted to throw a punch but he stepped back instead. "Don't waste your time with stupid plans of getting rid of him. If you want the woman, you need to mature. That seems to be her preference." He mocked.

Joel scoffed. This little boy wanted to get his teeth knocked out. What did this have to do with Nazneen? He could get any other woman he wanted.

Aaron walked away with a shrug. Joel huffed. He was surrounded by crazy brothers.

As he waited he wondered if Ares would come or if Nazneen managed to convince him to stay. He prepared two horses for them and as he walked them out, he saw Ares walking down the street. He had changed into those layers of heavy clothes that humans wore.

"Shall we?" He said.

Joel gave him a horse and then they rode away. What was it that he wanted to know about his future so badly that he decided to come with him? There was indeed something about this man that he needed to find out.

Once they arrived at the west mountain, Joel already felt like a stranger. He had only been here a few times before with his father. They rode past the small homes and cottages and arrived at the high tower. The only of its kind in the west mountain and the shaman was well known among his people.

They went and knocked on his door. Ares looked around, his eyes scanning the area. He seemed rather relaxed. No change in heartbeat.

After a while, the old wooden door opened with a creaking sound. There was no one on the other side.

So the witch was already playing this game?

They looked at each other and then Joel stepped into the dark tower. Ares was right behind him and the door shut behind them. Ares was still calm.

Candles suddenly burned, lighting up the dark hall and his eyes fell on the old man walking down old wooden stairs. He took his time, looking down at his feet as if afraid to miss a step, and looked up only once he came down.

His grey gaze traveled between him and Ares. He tilted his head and his lips curved into an unsettling smile.

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