Touch of Flame

Chapter 185 Encounters (part 3)

Ares wasn’t fazed by Malachi’s accusation but Ravina felt her fingertips turning cold. Yes, she had planned all of this with Ares.

“That is not entirely true but if you say so then you have me to thank for…” he looked at Ravina again implying the obvious.

Malachi’s jaw tensed. He didn’t like the idea of owing Ares anything.

Ravina just grew more uneasy watching the two men converse. Two men she cared about and now she was a bundle of confusion. This wasn’t how she imagined meeting Ares again and not how she thought she would feel whatever this strange feeling was. She had thought that she would just feel happy and relieved and she was but there was something else and it was reflected in his eyes when he glanced her way.

Of course, she thought. She was sitting beside another man in front of the man she once wanted to marry. That must be it. The feeling of uneasiness. It wasn’t the ideal situation and she didn’t want to hurt either of them. But she could see the pain in Ares’ eyes when he implied that he let her go. A thick lump settled in her throat again. She wanted to disappear from this situation.

She could see that he felt as restricted as her. There were many eyes on them and they had to act this way, almost as if they didn’t know each other.

“Now that is two things to thank me for.” He said returning his gaze to Malachi.

Ravina could see Malachi’s brothers getting annoyed with Ares except for Joel who seemed amused. Ares was too bold with his delivery while in the enemy’s home. What exactly was he thinking? It wasn’t the best idea to agitate a house of dragons. Was he on a death mission?

Despite the smile, there was anger in his eyes. It was the first time seeing him like this. She wasn’t sure if Malachi could see it but she was glad Malachi was calm.

“I will make sure to thank you properly,” Malachi said. “Once we have cleared this and hopefully no one is harmed by the end of it.”

Ares said nothing to the threat but she was sure he had something in mind that he kept to himself.

“So the reason you released her…” Malachi demanded.

Ares’ gaze shifted to look into the distance as if truly thinking about it. “For the same reason, I released you.” He then replied.

“You want to use her.”

“I call it a trade. I do nothing for free.”

Malachi was disgusted by his statement but Ravina wasn’t surprised. Ares was the kind to get his way by any means. She doubted he got to where he was by being considerate. There was a reason he had a reputation and why she had chosen him to keep her cousin away.

And now he was a tamer so the mission was wired in him and he would make sure to accomplish it. He was here for the female because she would help him with his mission.

“Now, are you trying to find whoever hurt you or the one who killed King Tural? I am sure you are already aware that I have no intention of killing you and as for King Tural, you killed him. I don’t understand what you are accusing me of.” Ares brought the whole conversation to a near end with this statement.

Ravina didn’t think for a second that he would put her in such danger to remove King Tural and Malachi knew that as well. He gave one of his brothers a nod, probably to go get Nazneen.

The room turned into an awkward silence as they waited. They were interrupted for a moment as Nako came to serve them tea. They could hear the liquid pour into the cups in the eerie silence.

The unknown lady who came with Ares, a priestess Ravina guessed spoke first. “I hope none of you was badly injured.” She said.

“We were not. Thank you.” Ravina hurried to reply. “May I ask who you are?”

“Oh, I am sorry.” She smiled with a shake of her head. “I am Ankine. A priestess. I met Ares when he came to the mountains.”

Ravina nodded.

“You seem very interested in political matters to shelter a human and a Katharos.” Malachi continued with his suspicion.

She kept her smile. “As a priestess, helping those in need regardless of race or class is what I do.”

Malachi tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. Ravina wondered what he was thinking.

The sound of footsteps made her gaze shift to the entrance. A tall, hourglass-shaped female figure stepped inside. She was clad in a silky brown garment, complimenting a skin the color and glow of honey. Dark black shiny hair fell the sides of a delicate face, but not too delicate expression. Her eyes were those of a seductress and her gaze enchanting. Eyes of amber, lined with black, and lips to taunt a man. Or hips. Or her entire being.

So this was her? Princess Nazneen. Utterly stunning.

Ares turned his head to look and Ravina felt that sting again. Even if he made it seem like a business, he was a man and this woman was a walking temptation. She wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted her.

He stood up from his seat as she neared the two men escorting her inside. She had some dirt on her body and her wrists looked raw. Her eyes widened with worry and fear when she saw him.

“Ares,” she breathed and then looked scoldingly over at Ankine.

At least she cared about him. He looked at her wrists, as he offered his hand and helped her sit beside him. Then he released her but looked over at Malachi with a displeased look.

Ravina realized that this was bad and anyone who cared about Nazneen would be angry to have her wrongly accused and locked up.

Anyone who cared?

Ares’ expression returned to normal, hiding his emotions. What was his relationship with her exactly but also why did she care? It was hypocritical of her to be here with Malachi and expect Ares to be with no one.

“There seems to have been a misunderstanding. I apologize for that,” Ravina told Nazneen feeling guilty for what happened. It shouldn’t have.

Nazneen turned to her with an amused smile. “So you are the human breedmate? Do you have any authority here?” She asked.

Ravina was taken aback by the question.

“She will be my queen,” Malachi told her.

Everyone in the room shifted either with surprise or discomfort except for Ankine and Nazneen. Ravina kept her gaze down not wanting to see anyone’s reaction.

“Hmm…” Nazneen tilted her head. “You got yourself a wise queen who can see the errors in your ways.”

Ravina felt like it was getting heated again so she interrupted before Malachi could say something in turn.

“Maybe we could proceed to talk after having some rest.” She forced a smile and turned to Nazneen. “Allow me to help with your wounds.”

“I am fine.”

“It is the least I can do. Please.” Ravina said.

Nazneen looked over at Ares and he gave her a nod. Ravina stood up and motioned for Nazneen to follow her. She didn’t want to leave the two men alone, but decided to trust both of them to act like adults.

Malachi sent the guards with them probably worried to leave her alone with Nazneen but Ravina took her to her room and closed the door. She wanted Nazneen to feel comfortable.

Nazneen looked around at the interior of the room. She knew it wasn’t typical dragon style.

“You have a separate room.” She pointed casually.

“Ah, yes.”

“Humans still get married first right?”

Ravina nodded. “Yes.”

Even this was too scandalous. A forever tarnished reputation.

“Maybe you would like a bath? And some food?”

Those amber eyes stared at her for a moment and Ravina thought she would decline harshly. “I would love that.”

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