Touch of Fate

Chapter 154: Living On

Chapter 154: Living On



Age: 28

Race: Vampire

Class: Rogue

Title: Familiar


The former Vargul was average sized for a woman of her apparent age, standing about the same height as Mike, and had every appearance of a vibrant person in the prime of her life. Copper colored skin and dark brown, curly hair bespoke ancestry from somewhere beyond the shores of the central continent. If Mike didn't know any better, he would have assumed that she was a human, and with the exception of slightly elongated canines, there were no outward signs of her vampirism.

[So, it seems like her class changed in response to her new form. I wonder if she used to be a rogue or if it was adjusted in response to her current status.]

"I'm not entirely sure how this naming process works, but I might be able to change it if it bothers you." Mike mentioned, feeling slightly embarrassed.

'Selene' shrugged. "It's just a name, and I've been called a lot worse in my time. More importantly, what do you want me to do from here on out? At the very least I would like to move somewhere more civilized. I'm not exactly fond of spending all my time in caves."

Thinking about it for a few moments, Mike nodded once before answering. "Very well, I'd like you to move to the capital, blend in with the populace, and collect information. I am in need of more complete understanding of what's going on in the city, especially with the coming war."

"War?" Selene replied, sounding mildly intrigued.

"Apparently, Tennundi is in the middle of some sort of campaign against the Kingdom of Almir. They launched a strike on the University in an effort to kidnap Princess Andrea."

She blinked, "I have been away for a while, so this is all news to me. Anyway, if that's all you want me to do, boss, it won't be a problem. Never been to the capital, but it should be like any other major city."

Mike tossed her a pouch, "Here's some money to cover your expenses for a while. Try to avoid drawing attention to yourself, I don't know how much the vampires will want to keep tabs on you. Speaking of which, is it a problem for you to go out in the sun?" If she had to limit her activity to the hours of darkness, it would be a severe hindrance.

"It will be a little bit of a pain to switch my sleep schedule, but otherwise it shouldn't be an issue. We aren't nearly as vulnerable to sun as they make us out to be in the stories." She replied with a yawn, before looking through the pouch, "This is all gold."

Resisting the urge to yawn as well, Mike nodded. "Yes, is that a concern?"

"No, I was just once again recognizing the difference between myself and the wealthy." Selene explained with a shake of her head. "Alright, boss. I'll do as you ask. How will we get in contact going forward?"

Not sure how much he should trust his new familiar, especially with how cooperative she'd been up to this point, Mike decided to keep some of his information close to the chest. "Don't worry about that, I'll find you when I need you. Just focus on laying low, gathering information, and improving your skills."

"You're the boss."

"Besides the main entrance, do you have a means of exiting this cave system?"

She nodded, "Two others, actually. Why..Ah, you don't want me to be seen by those adventurers that I presume are still hanging around the entrance. Don't worry, I'll sneak out the back like a good vampire."

Mike sighed. "Do you still have control over the remaining goblins in the cave?"

"There shouldn't be many left, but I can check." Selene opened her mouth and emitted a sound too high pitched to be heard. "Looks like I can still use Harmonic Domination, at the very least."

"We will be reporting that the cave has been cleared, so make sure that any of the survivors are taken care of. I'll leave the method to your discretion. Make sure you are set up in the capital by this time tomorrow. I recommend building a viable alias before you arrive." He replied, then started walking towards the exit.

Selene clicked her tongue, before muttering under her breath. "Tch, such a slave driver. Alright, will do boss."

The newbie adventurers were still clustered in a small group in the woods next to the cave entrance. Ophelia and the two boys were sitting next to Morgan's corpse. They looked hollowed out, but at least they had stopped crying. Ruby had seated herself against a tree several meters from the rest, and had her arms wrapped around her knees. As Mike watched, he saw her tremble slightly before settling down once again.

He made sure to keep his face in the shadow of his hood, obscuring his features. It was a little late to completely hide his identity, but he hoped that the confidentiality of the Guild would prevent him from being completely exposed. Although, a part of him felt that the time for secrecy was soon coming to an end. Once the war kicked off in earnest, he couldn't afford to hold back.

"The cave is clear," He called to the group. "Once you've gotten a chance to rest and recover, I would recommend coming back to gather goblin ears for the turn in."

Ophelia stood up shakily, a look of profound guilt evident on her face. "But we didn't do anything. You saved us twice over, and killed the majority of the goblins. If anyone should turn in the request, it should be you."

"I have what I came for, and I have no need for the paltry sum the Guild is offering for this request. Collect the ears or don't, it matters little to me." Besides, he'd already pocketed a few of the ears so he could get credit for the request.

Looking down, Ophelia nodded. "Thank you."

"Anyway, I must be going." Mike spoke while orienting himself to the north.

Looking slightly panicked, perhaps at the idea of suddenly being left in charge. "Wait! How can we repay you? We don't even know your name?"

Fixing the woman with a cold stare, "Oh, don't worry. I always remember a debt. When I have need of you, I will come to collect."

Ophelia's mouth worked slightly a few times before she closed it with a gulp.

[Hopefully, this will keep her off my back for now. If I can avoid running into them in the future, it will be perfect.]

Ignoring the stunned silence, Mike started walking to the north, quickly leaving the group behind. If he moved quickly, he would still have time to stop by the Guild to turn in the requests before heading back to the dorm to get ready for tonight.

However, there was one last thing he knew he needed to take care of, he just hoped that it wouldn't take too long.


Ruby stared at her hands, mind still refusing to come to terms. The others had already left, carrying Morgan's body, and shooting accusatory looks in her direction.

Lonnie and Ethan had been ready to attack her, but Ophelia interceded, inspiring a small amount of hope in Ruby's heart. Hope that was very soon crushed.

"I said it in the cave, Ruby. We are done. I will not be doing you any more favors. You will have to find someone else to be your nursemaid."

"But Ophelia.please..." Ruby had pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"No more, never again." Ophelia spat, before turning on her heels to join the others. "From this moment forward, you are dead to me. I never want to see you again."

And just like that, Ruby's only friend walked out of her life, leaving her utterly alone and lost. She had messed up, and clearly had no means of fixing it.

"What should I do?" She whispered to herself, drawing her knees up to her chest in an effort to block out the pain that was still stabbing at her heart.

[I should have died in that cave.]

The thought came unexpectedly, and with it a sense of release. Yes, maybe everyone would have been better off if she had died.

"Your death will accomplish nothing, save invalidating Morgan's sacrifice."

Ruby glanced up and saw the mage looking down on her with those golden eyes. She hadn't heard him approach. Once again, she was struck by the sheer aura that seemed to surround him, as if his mere presence was bending the world around him.

"How did."

"It was easy to see,"

"Then what am I supposed to do?!" She yelled through another round of tears, "I was a coward. I abandoned my companions, I betrayed my only friend. Now I have nothing. The world would be better off if I was dead" She trailed off before collapsing back against the tree.

The mage was silent for a few moments after that outburst, simply staring down at her. "If you're seeking pity, look elsewhere. You ran away from your friend, and now you are running again. If you want to take the coward's way out, I will not stop you. However, I would like to ask you a few questions before you do."

Ruby looked up at him, confused. "What do you want to know?"

"You are a dragon beastman, correct?"

"That's right."

"Then why are you so weak?" He asked mercilessly.

A pit seemed to form in Ruby's stomach. She knew that she wasn't strong in any sense of the word, but to hear that denunciation from the lips of the man who had saved her was a hard blow.

"I don't know. Maybe there is something fundamentally wrong with me. I was abandoned by my parents, after all. Maybe they didn't want to raise a failure." She felt the cruel grasp of despair around her heart.

Turning his eyes to the sky, the mage replied. "Well, that answers my second question. Anyway, I doubt you are somehow inherently flawed in any category save personality. It seems to me you are holding yourself back. Letting your fear and self-pity consume you."

The words stung. She'd heard something similar from Ophelia for much of her life, only she'd never really listened. To hear it from the mouth of the powerful figure in front of her was....painful.

"In any event, I don't have time to sit here and try to talk you out of suicide. Just know, that dragons are among the strongest beings to inhabit this world, in many ways. As a dragon beastman, you have inherited a portion of that strength. Do not let it go to waste."

A blast of wind swept the small clearing around the cave entrance, momentarily blinding Ruby with a wash of leaves. When it cleared, she felt her jaw drop.

The mage had disappeared, and in his place was a creature of legend. A true dragon, the color of flame towered over her, red eyes fixed upon her seated form.

It should have been terrifying. After all, the creature could crush her in an instant, should he desire to do so. However, she only felt awe, and a strange kinship that resonated deep within her bones.

The dragon stretched its wings, and flapped but once, creating another storm of wind, blinding her once more. By the time she opened her eyes again, he had vanished, leaving her alone in the clearing.

It took her until nightfall to get her thoughts and emotions in order. By then, her stomach was growling.

Silently thanking the man who had saved her life thrice, Ruby stood and started walking. There was an inn not too far away that was famous for its stew. She'd never had it before, but today seemed like a good day to try.

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