To Love You Again

Chapter 394 - Xiong Wuyues Predicament

Chapter 394 - Xiong Wuyue's Predicament


The resounding slap echoed throughout the huge hall.

All people gasped in shock.

No one dared to breathe or interrupt this moment. Especially after hearing the cold voice of this powerful heiress.

Xiong De, the father, had his eyes red.

"You despicable woman! You dare touch my daughter—!"

"What are you waiting for? Drag this criminal out." Old Xiong's cold voice cut him off.

What did this criminal see him as? A tiny ant in the way? His granddaughter still had him!

Let's see if anyone dared to stand in his granddaughter's path today.

"You people with no eyes! You can't bully my daughter-!"

Xiong Zhi felt funny as he heard Xiong De's shouts to not harass his daughter. Like he was the victim and they were the bad people.

What was this? These vile people could only bully and trample others with no conscience or guilt while if they retaliate they act like they were the victims. They didn't have any sense of shame or guilt.

Xiong Zhi's cold heart hardened more. She was more comfortable to put her revenge on these loathsome people.

The judges signaled the guards to drag the man out.

Because of the old man's voice, no one dared to break this silence. The reporters stayed put, but their cameras and microphones were ready to catch scoop.

As the door shut, the hallway turned silent again.

Xiong Wuyue's reddened as her only ally was gone.

The shame...the hatred...and the helplessness. She could do nothing but glare at the venomous woman in front of her.

She just hoped that this farce would soon end. Once done, she would really cook up a plan to kill this bitch for real!

However, reality sucked for her. Her hands were tied right now and she was totally at the other person's mercy.

Xiong Zhi wiped her hand with a handkerchief. Her face was calm and her eyes indifferent as if slapping Xiong Wuyue was nothing surprising.

She then threw the handkerchief on the floor, then stepped on it.

"I feel betrayed. Honestly, I thought you are on my side. After all, you have flattering me and my grandfather left and right. I can't believe you are like this."

After saying this, Xiong Zhi finally remembered to sound aggrieved. A frown appeared on her previously uncaring face. This was the best she could act.

Xiong Wuyue gritted her teeth inwardly. With nothing in hand, she could only go on the flow like this.

She raised a hand to touch her inflamed cheek, squeezed out some tears and appeared terribly wronged. Only she and Xiong Zhi knew that her heart was filled with fury.

"C-cousin! How could you accuse me? I've done nothing wrong. Those are assumptions from the reporters, totally based on nothing but slander. Will you rather believe them than me, your dear cousin who always treated you kindly? Is this who you think of me?"

Xiong Zhi: ... 'Treated me kindly?'

She found this thick face of Xiong Wuyue very amusing. This thick-face woman and her unscrupulous father was really a pair of despicable people.

Xiong Zhi tried to act wronged as well. However, her facial paralysis could only know how to smile lightly and frown. But she got it back through her voice.

"How can I not? After all these years, you coveted for my status and position. Your father also held malicious intentions towards me and my grandfather. What that would you, his closest kin mostly by his side, make you then? Are you saying you're innocent after all this, unaware of his feelings?"

The crowd murmured among themselves. They looked at Xiong Wuyue with doubtful eyes.

Xiong Zhi knew what Xiong Wuyue gave importance to the most. It was her face and her reputation.

Like she expected, Xiong Wuyue's face turned black. Xiong Zhi's accusation was true, but considering that there was no warrant against her, Xiong Wuyue should still be the only one who knew it aside from her father.

This despicable woman definitely was just bluffing her.

Xiong Wuyue mustered all her strength to not erupt and continued the 'pitiful' act. "What you are saying, cousin? Don't speak with no evidences! Accusations with no basis, you are destroying a person's life!"

Xiong Zhi smirked. Of course, the reason there was no evidence yet was because she was holding onto it. How could she let this witch go to prison so easily?

She should suffer more. Her plan for her was just recently laid, it was no fun if the subject of her revenge got an easy ending, right? Xiong Zhi still wanted to play with her. To get everything away from her bit by bit. Right now, she only took her father, her backing and pillar, away.

Now, how would she defend herself without someone shielding her from troubles? Xiong Zhi really wanted to see how she would fare.

Xiong Zhi lowered her eyes and pretended to wipe away non-existent tears. "I want to believe you, cousin. But I am afraid that once an evidence comes out, all of our 'good memories' would turn out to be a lie."


The crowd was speechless while they watched the cold heiress who slapped her 'dear cousin' earlier without batting an eye began to act pitiful and regretful.

Xiong Wuyue's mouth twitched at the mention of 'good memories'. She could feel her temper flaring again. All memories of this bitch in her mind were infuriating! She got angrier in her heart.

But also she realized some hints based on her words.

They were investigating her?!

This made her heart panic again. No, her father should have at least cleaned the way for her.

However, in face of this, Xiong Wuyue still had hope. "Of course. Cousin doesn't need to worry. I am pure in heart and I will never do those kinds of things. I just really don't know why my father confessed those crimes. He was not the father I know," she sobbed.

Xiong Zhi coldly smiled under her palm. "I hope you hold onto your word, cousin. I want to believe you are innocent. Because if you aren't, then don't blame me for being impolite."

Xiong Wuyue shuddered a bit from the other's menacing eyes, both from fury and fear. But she just wanted nothing but to finish this farce.

"Then I hope cousin would not be so violent against an innocent person. People would think of you as someone who thinks with her hands. Cousin, you have to take care of your image. You are the heiress after all." This was clearly dissing Xiong Zhi.

Her meaning was clear. There was no evidence. She might be the daughter of a sinner but she was innocent in the eyes of the law. However, a woman like Xiong Zhi used her authority to vent the anger with violence on the innocent her.

The crowd looked at them left and right, enjoying the undercurrent in the show.

Xiong Zh just shook her head pitifully. "That was only a part of down payment for what your father had done. There was still remaining in the future. Oh, and the interest."

"..." The crowd.

"..." Xiong Wuyue.

So you were basically saying you were still going to be violent in the future?

Xiong Wuyue really wanted to erupt into anger right now. If she did not get out of here soon, she was afraid she would start spitting fire. Having no choice, she used her final option.

She stumbled, her wan face appearing even paler. "Ah...My head feels a bit faint... Cousin, why hit me so strongly... Cousin is really... too much...How could you think of me like this.." Then she weakly walked towards a reported and fainted against that person's body.

"..." The 'cushion' was stunned. Why me?

At least with this, Xiong Wuyue thought she would be able escape this situation and leave the impression that Xiong Zhi, the heiress, was so violent and harassed people indiscriminately in the court.

There were so many media, there were so many witnesses. Even though she was against making this situation known to the outside world because her involvement was not pleasant, if Xiong Zhi's name would be smudged by this, then it was worth it. She could clean up after this with her water army.

However, she clearly forgot that her only pillar and her biggest golden finger was gone.


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