To Love You Again

Chapter 311 - Wet dream and the day of retrial

Chapter 311 - Wet dream and the day of retrial

In the Xiong Mansion, East Wing.

Lying down on the bed, Xiong Zhi stared dazedly at the ceiling. She caressed her moon necklace. The beautiful melody of guzheng played in the background.

In her mind, the scorching hot kiss inside the dark room was revisited over and over again. With misty eyes, she unconsciously touched her lips.

Linfeng was usually serious, like a refined gentleman. His shirt normally was buttoned up to his throat, his necktie tightly wrapped around his neck without a wrinkle, his suit well-ironed, his hair neatly brushed, his face cold. He was like an ascetic monk who was far from the worldly desires of the mortal world.

Yet that night, he was like a predator. His eyes shone with a dangerous glint, as if wanting to devour her. His body was n.a.k.e.d, his skin glistened with sweat, and the sculpted muscles on his arms, chests, and abdomen made him look like a s.e.xy Adonis.

Her face flushed again at the memory. She turned her body to the side, ignored the pounding of her heart, and continued to think of him. His wildly ferocious kisses, the way he rubbed at her body, and his tight embrace, all of these were so unlike his usual restrained actions when there were people around.

This contrast made him s.e.xier and hotter, more attractive to Xiong Zhi. She covered her blushing face and inwardly let out a 'wuaaahhh~', overwhelmed by her thoughts.

That kiss was vastly different from what she knew. His whispers, his warm breath, his husky voice, and his words brought her feelings that made her feel weakened and alive at the same time. She remembered that she was… very overwhelmed by a strange tingling sensation filling her body, as if she wanted more. But she did not know exactly what it was that she wanted. The impressions she got were fiery hot, thirsty, dry, and itchy.

She should ask Song Xuantin what it was when there's a chance. She felt like there should be something more after a kiss. She had always thought that getting Linfeng's kiss was the best affirmation of their love, but could it be that there was something else?

In a way, Xiong Zhi was still truly inexperienced in the ways of intimacy between a man and a woman.

She felt so awake despite all the tiring things that happened.

Xiong Zhi was so happy with the finale that she threw the last vestige of hateful thoughts on that damned father and daughter pair and the beast who ruined her day to the back of her mind.

For now, she wanted to sleep happily while thinking of that kiss. After a long time of silently squealing under the blankets, her eyes finally closed and she fell into a fitful sleep myriad with dreams.

In her dreams, she was inside a dark room. There was a black figure on top of her, no features could be seen aside from a large hideous smile. She struggled, but chains appeared around her, tightening with each movement. Then, two more black figures appeared around her and reached out to her. She was desperate and cried loudly. Suddenly, she remembered the magic word that could dispel the evil around her. After she shouted out 'Linfeng!', the surroundings changed into a sunny meadow beside a pond.

The sun shone from the top, hitting the evil things, and smoke emitted from their bodies. A knight riding a white horse appeared and slashed a large sword at the monsters, and the evil things flew into the pond, which melted their bodies into nothingness. Chains around her body disappeared, and the knight took off the helmet, revealing Linfeng's face.

Then the sun set and his clothes magically disappeared, turning him into a sensual Adonis. They were suddenly back inside the dark room, but she no longer felt afraid. Linfeng pushed her down the bed which magically appeared out of nowhere. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and they kissed.

The tone of the dream changed somewhat. Xiong Zhi felt heated up. Linfeng kissed her lips for a long time, and his head slowly traveled down, kissing her neck, her soft bosoms, her waist, and further down... She vaguely felt their bodies intertwine, and hear him say that everything was alright. Her ears were filled with his whispers. The dark room slowly lit up and red brocade pillows, red curtains, and red bedsheets appeared, reminiscent of a wedding room. A pair of shadows entangled through the curtain… endlessly.

Xiong Zhi's dream went on hazily.

Back on her bed, the sleeping girl's face changed faintly as she slept. Her face frowned faintly and she fidgeted, sweating as if she was having a nightmare.

Then slowly, her frown smoothened out and a faint blush rose on her cheeks. Her mouth opened slightly and a faint m.o.a.n came out.

The night went on and a new day approached the eastern horizon.


After the school trip, life went back to normal. The school has ended, so Xiong Zhi had more free time in her hands and spent her whole week by visiting IHZHI, meeting with Fang Dien and Xiao Mei, and busied herself with the implementation of projects for her IHZHI. On her remaining free time, she still tried to look for ways to help Linfeng. Her deal with Xiong Bilan was finally secured. Xiong Cai promised her to help Linfeng, and there was at least one Zhou butler who sided with her.

But Xiong Zhi knew these were not enough.

No matter, she would do everything she could to defend Linfeng. She trusted that Linfeng certainly had prepared certain measures. Nevertheless, a woman in love could not help but worry for the man she cared about the most.

She was too busy that she did not meet up with Song Xuantin to confirm the results from the school trip's endeavor.

A week quickly passed with various people's hearts hanging on a thread.

The day of the re-trial finally arrived.

Zhou Min, whose heart was amongst those hanging on a thread, stood at the entrance of the Xiong Mansion while waiting for the second branch's head master, the elderly Second Master Xiong Min.

Xiong Min was just one year younger than Old Xiong. However, his health was very poor and he had been at risk many times. He arrived sitting in a wheelchair as he had just undergone surgery last month, and his body was still very weak.

"Second Master, it's an honor to have you here. We are thankful for your effort in participating in this retrial."

The aged Xiong Min waved his hand dismissively.

"Where's my brother? He cannot even meet me?"

Butler Zhou bowed.

"Master is currently preparing for the retrial. Please follow me, I will lead you to him."

Xiong Min harrumphed.

"Your master is rude to his guests, really giving no face at all. No wonder that your future successor rebelled against him."

Butler Zhou Min just smiled professionally.

"Second Master is not a guest, but a family. I am sure Master will be happy to see you."

He escorted the grumpy old man along with his butler and they arrived in a spacious hall.

The hall was luxurious and elegant. A huge crystal chandelier hung on the center of the ceiling. The decorations were tastefully stylish and comfortable couches of low-key luxury had been arranged inside the room. It was clearly a place for gathering.

Xiong Min saw that most of the people were here already. Yet his brother still was not present.

He saw his three sons at the side. They each brought one of their own children.

He was about to gesture to his butler to lead him to them when his eyes caught someone.

A beautiful young girl was seated on one of the most prominent chairs, unmoving with a perfect poise. Even if she did not move or make any noise, she could easily attract attention with her calm aura and perfect manners. Yet the atmosphere she gave off was not just that of a well-bred lady, her demeanor was filled with majesty and confidence, like that of a leader.

He never noticed how that tiny, expressionless doll turned into such an extraordinary person. What could have brought such changes?

Xiong Min's impression of her was that of a sleeping tiger. She silently sat with indifference, but once disturbed, she would ruthlessly strike back.

Xiong Min was once an active member of the circle where Old Xiong stood. He understood clearly the temperament of various people.

Now he knew why his cold-blooded brother chose this young woman as his heir. It was not out of grandfatherly love.

Then, after observing for a while, he began to notice something else.

The girl would sometimes throw a subtle glance at a certain direction. After realizing it happen many times, Xiong Min followed her eyes.

Oh. It was the young man who was to be put on trial today.

Xiong Min's brow rose in interest.

The young man was not looking at her especially.

However, if someone with a lot of experience observed deeply, one would notice how the young man's eyes would imperceptibly pass by the young woman, as if truly looking around in passing. They were just fleeting looks, but to Xiong Min, this old man who had lived seventy more years and had encountered the same issues before, he knew that there was something going on between the two.

'So it is true.' The rumor about the inexplicit relationship between the heiress and her butler was true.

After a long pause, Xiong Min chuckled.

What a bad luck for his brother. It seemed like the tragedy of the past would happen again.

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