To Love You Again

Chapter 301 - Rescue

Chapter 301 - Rescue

Just a few moments earlier.

Linfeng was looking for signs of the car. The captors would not dare to stay within the populated area of the town, but they also could not leave the town so easily due to the monitoring on the main street and on the exit of the town.

He asked his people to check the monitoring immediately after he realized his Young Miss's disappearance. No suspicious cars had left the town since his Zhi'er vanished.

It meant that the captors, together with his Young Miss, were still inside the town.

Likely, they retreated to an area without monitoring and was devoid of people.

He strongly believed that the captors intended to kidnap her, whatever the reason might be, compared to assassinating her. After all, if they wished to do the latter, then instead of taking her with them, Linfeng would have found her body the moment he went back earlier...

His heart trembled again as he blamed himself for the nth time.

Linfeng mobilized his mind to narrow down the possibilities.

He called Jang Shin and his team to send an aircraft to a specific part of the outskirts of the town. This area had no monitoring and was far from traffic of people.

He was tempted to call Old Xiong, but he held himself back. He did not contact anyone from the Xiong family, because according to that accomplice, this request to the underworld came from a member of the Xiong family.

He had a nagging suspicion that this was not just a run-of-the-mill kidnap for ransom. A person from the Xiong family would never lack money. Added to the fact that many people were eyeing the Young Miss's title, quite a lot would have found the Young Miss an eyesore.

To strip away the title using these kinds of measures, either kill the person, or make her unworthy of the title. Doing the earlier would bring too much trouble, so it could only be the latter. And the most effective way was to ruin the Young Miss's reputation.

Reputation in the high society was too important.

He suspected that even if he saved the Young Miss, the masterminds would still be able to overturn the story and expose to the media that the Young Miss of the Xiong family had been kidnapped. Adding some stories to destroy her reputation would be as easy as breathing.

Linfeng, who had maxed up his efficiency while tracking the abductors, had carefully considered all gaps including the aftermath of the kidnapping.

The most important thing was to save the Young Miss.

Linfeng's careful tracking led him to a desolate farmhouse at the outskirts of the town. The area was out of people's way and the common people did not go here often. It seemed to be an area that was left abandoned for a long time.

He had been on high alert all this time, his whole focus was spent on tracing the captor's tracks. His clothes was soaked wet by his sweat.

Although he tried to press it down, worry still filled his entire being. He had tried his best, but the captors were apparently prepared. It had been almost an hour since his Young Miss went missing.

Many things could happen during this forty minutes time frame.

He forcefully pushed down the ominous feeling within his heart and prayed. His Young Miss must be safe!

He looked at the barren farm and the dilapidated wooden house and quickly went to investigate the place. Just as he stepped forward towards the old two-storey house, his sharp ears caught a familiar sound.

"...Linfeng! ...Help!" The voice of the girl was a bit hoarse, as if the person had been shouting for a long time.


Her voice was filled with terror and desperation.

He trembled, and his shadow swiftly shot forward that it blurred from his position several meters away from the house. He instantly entered the first floor.

He could hear the threatening voices of the abductors.

"If you don't want to make it painful, you better be more obedient!"

How dare them!!!

Veins popped out from his temples as he suppressed the raging beast inside him.

"Linfeng!!! Linfeng!!!!"

She did not stop shouting. He would come. She knew he would come. He had said before that he would never be late again. He had promised...

"I don't care who that is, but no one is going to help you! Stay still!"

Xiong Zhi felt herself pushed down. She gritted her teeth and changed her tactics. "Change your mind and I will let it pass. Tell me who ordered you! "

The men did not buy it. "Too late for that, missy. We know how great your family is. That's why we are not going to tell you a thing," the other man said.

"If you don't want to make it painful, you better be more obedient!"

Beasts! I'll kill you all!!!

"You just lost your chance," Xiong Zhi said with a trembling voice. Hopelessness began to envelop her as she felt their disgusting hands tore at her clothes.


In a split second, he was already at the second floor. The locked door and the despairing sobs behind it unraveled Linfeng's self-control.

With a loud bang, he kicked the door down with full force, unleashing his rage.

The door flew meters away from where it had been.


Then, there she was on the floor near the window, blindfolded and half-n.a.k.e.d with her clothes torn to shreds.

There was an almost n.a.k.e.d man on top of her with his filthy hands on the girl's white skin, forcefully grabbing her exposed waist.

This scene snapped the only line of sanity left within him.

His mind emptied out and his vision was suddenly filled of dark burning flames. He could only see the man he wanted to tear into pieces.

He vanished from the doorway and appeared next to the man holding Xiong Zhi, ignoring the frozen man with a beard holding the camera on the other side of the room.

Linfeng grabbed the undressed man's hand and crushed it as he pulled the man towards him. He raised his fist and punched forward with a whistling sound. Once his fist collided with the man's face, all teeth flew out with splatters of blood.

The force of the impact hurtled the undressed man into the window, crashing the thin panel.

He was about to fall outside but Linfeng's hand caught him in a flash and threw him hard to the other side of the room, right beside the stunned man holding the camera.

The man could only grunt in pain. His back, his mouth, and most especially his hand were hurting. He laid there, m.o.a.ning in pain.

That was when the other man with the camera, who had wanted to help, noticed that his accomplice Min Dao's hand was broken. The boy must have broken every finger when he caught Min Dao earlier by hand.

His hand which had moved to the gun hidden by his waist suddenly stopped.

The boy had done it in a split second!

The man was frozen in shock at the obvious show of internal energy.

This boy moved too fast that he could barely see him!

Internal energy could only be used by martial artists. Also, it could only be used at a limited time. Once gone beyond the limit, the body would fall into coma.

He, too, was a professional of the underworld who knew how to manipulate his internal energy. Still, it was only a matter of seconds and by far, he could only use it to beat a group of ordinary people.

Yet this boy... was actually able to use his internal energy to this extent.

A body moving so fast that it blurred, heavy strikes that seemed to contain mountains, senses so sharp they seemed to perceive everything, and a sharp aura that suffocated his enemies. Is this how he managed to find them?

Who was he?

The client never mentioned him at all!

He had wanted to shoot earlier, but with the man's reaction speed, it would be useless. He would be disarmed in a flash.

He silently took a step back and calculated whether he could take the boy on with a fight, or to escape. It seemed that it could only be the latter…

Meanwhile, Linfeng did not immediately rush towards the two men whom he considered good as dead. After throwing the bloody man to the side, he swiftly caught Xiong Zhi into his arms.

Linfeng gently took off her blindfold. When he felt the wetness of the cloth, the madness in his heart burned strongly. However, he immediately suppressed his fury, letting none of it show on his face.

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