To Love You Again

Chapter 191 - The Play

Chapter 191 - The Play

The sound of an eagle resounded throughout the theatre.

A trained eagle went to Prince Ethan's shoulder.

Prince Ethan pick up a piece of paper that was tied to the owl. Then he replaced it with another piece of paper before he let it fly.

The narrator started to speak.

[It's been two years since Prince Ethan infiltrate the GNIOX kingdom. ]

Xiong Zhi then appeared and walked towards Lu Yin Ze. She was still wearing the knight's armor.

Prince Ethan smiled at her and they began to train. The scenery behind them was changing as well as the light effects.

[After the incident in the forest, Princess Ariana becomes closer to Prince Ethan. They trained together in spring, enjoyed the summer, and watch the full winter. They spent it all together.]

Princess Ariana was smiling as she ran around in places with Prince Ethan. Prince Ethan was a bit behind her and watched her back with a smile.

[The two heirs of two different kingdoms spent their time while smiling at each other. And maybe the so-called love was about to blossom between them ..]

But then all the lights turned off except the spotlight that was directed at Prince Ethan.

[However, Prince Ethan never forgets why he was here. His motive of being here.]

The sound background was played. It gave a vibe of confusion, darkness, and solid determination. But a hint of sorrow was on it as well.

Prince Ethan's smile turned into a frown. He stepped forward and began his monologue. The wind effect was added and some black petals were scattered all over the theatre. It was fluttering in Prince Ethan's background.

Prince Ethan's silver hair swayed as he looked at the audience with a confused expression.

"I have always been determined to be a King. And to be a king is to severe's one's pointless emotions. I thought my mission would be easier if I got closer to the princess. But this fake feeling of closeness I felt to her was turning into a reality.?" Prince Ethan held his heart.

The sound in the background changed to a fast-beating sound. Then it stopped.

Prince Ethan looked at the audience again. There's no sorrow or confused expression on his face. It was just blank. Empty eyes met the audience.

Master Lu gasped. It gave him heartache to see such an emotionless expression on his grandson's face.

Prince Ethan spoke again. This time his voice was cold and detached.

"But this feeling of mine should never exist in the first place. Our love story is bound to be a tragedy."


Linfeng's heart skipped a beat.

His eyes were watching the man on the stage intently.

He agreed with the man. Their love story was bounded to be tragic. Those words had been said by him before.

But why he felt a pang on his heart?

Would he be like Prince Ethan who would kill his emotion and be an empty person? Just to get what he wants?

Linfeng bitterly smiled. This play actually affected him greatly.

Another scene appeared.

It was a beautiful scene in spring. The cherry blossoms on the stage were real. The petals and its fragrance were spreading throughout the theatre.

Princess Ariana was not in her usual attire. She was wearing a dress and laying on Prince Ethan's lap. They were under a cherry blossom tree. A romantic sound echoed throughout the place.

"Ethan, I have decided. " Princess Ariana was looking at her hands that were outstretched towards the sky.

"What is it, Princess?" Prince Ethan was leaning on the three and combing Princess Ariana's hair.

"I have talked to father. I told him that I would marry the man I love not the man he chose."

Prince Ethan's hand halted. Then he continued touching Princess Ariana's hair. No one could tell what Prince Ethan's expression behind those long silver hair as he asked Princess Ariana.


Princess Ariana sit up and faced Prince Ethan.

The bold princess held the prince's hands.

"Let's get married."


The Audience gasped at this smooth proposal that come out of nowhere.

Linfeng was a bit stunned too. He really felt strange watching the two. He could not help but relate himself to Prince's Ethan.

The most shocked was of course Prince Ethan.

The narrator spoke at this moment when time seemed to stop.

[At this moment, Prince Ethan felt a pang of happiness and a bucket of sorrow. ]

Linfeng watched this scene with anticipation. What prince Ethan would do? Would he accept it? Leave all the responsibilities behind and be drunk in love? But Linfeng was sure that Prince Ethan would not do that. He was sure because he understands Prince Ethan's feelings and thoughts.

But even he knew what Prince Ethan would likely do, he felt hopeful that the Prince would agree to the Princess and told the Princess who he was, what was his plans, and what he planned for the future. And that future he planned still has the Princess.

Prince Ethan smiled and cupped Princess Ariana's hands.

"Alright. But let it take it slowly. I am just a humble knight after all."

Princess Ariana was happy as she hugged Prince Ethan.

The audience felt conflicted. They don't know if they would be happy or not.

Master Lu chose to side his grandson as he wiped some bitter tears.

"Ethan. Come with me, I will show you the future of GNIOX kingdom." Princess Ariana's happy laugh resounded as she jumped to her horse. Prince Ethan followed behind her with an empty face.

As the were jolted by the horse and the scenery changed behind their back, the fast beating sound accompanied them. Making the audience felt the suspense.

Some audiences even commented.

"Oh no. Princess Ariana would show the mine!"

Like what the audience guessed, the scenery changed to that of desolate land filled with diamonds.

Princess Ariana opened her arms wide and looked at Prince Ethan.

"This is the wealth of our kingdom. This is where our future lays. With this, we don't need to be scared against the other kingdoms. As you wish, we can stand above them and made our citizens live without worries."

Dudung. Dudung. The sound increased its beat. Until it stopped. The narrator sounded again.

[At this moment, Prince Ethan made a decision. ]

Prince Ethan took a step to Princess Ariana. He then hugged her.

Princess Ariana's back was at the audience while Prince Ethan was facing the audience. They could see the expressionless Prince Ethan as he said these words.

"I'm glad Princess. With this, our Kingdom will forever prosper."

A wind came out from the stage. Black petals scattered.

As the scenery again changed, Linfeng was saddened.

Prince Ethan had made a decision. A decision to kill his own heart and looked for the greater benefits of his kingdom.

Linfeng pitied Prince Ethan and he was angry with him as well.

But he chose to watch how the story would unfold.


The King of UL silently read the reports. He then passed it to his knight and announced.

"Call all the officials and the nobles. We would have a diplomatic war."

King UL stood up and walked to the stage.

"If they wanted to own something big like that. They should have the capability to protect it. That land should belong to the most powerful."

[As King UL received the report from Prince Ethan, the King made a decision to get the mine from the GNIOX kingdom. The Kingdom of UL is the most powerful kingdom after all. They have the most land, more advanced tools, and more manpower. King UL knew he wouldn't lose against a mere kingdom like GNIOX.]

The scenery change and it was that of GNIOX kingdom.

Princess Ariana was training with the other knights. Including Prince Ethan.

An extra ran forward,

"Princess! The tower keeper spotted twenty thousand plus soldiers in the north! They are coming here!"

Princess Ariana's face paled.

"Knights! Gather your soldiers! I will meet you at the gate."

Princess Ariana ran towards the castle.

When Princess Ariana was not on the stage, the spotlight turned to Prince Ethan. Everything went dark except the lights toward him.

"It's starting." Prince Ethan's sorrowful face looked up at the ceiling.

Then everything went dark.

Princess Ariana was wearing her armor. She knelt in front of King GNIOX.

"Father. Let me lead the GNIOX soldiers. As their princess, I need to be there to guide them and give them moral support. My very existence is very important for them, Father."

King GNIOX felt like he aged ten years in one night.

"My Princess, you are also my daughter. This is the first face-off. The UL Kingdom will show their powers in this first war. The first battle would be annihilation or an overwhelming win. "

"Then father. Are you willing to give them our future? That mine is founded by me! That is not theirs!" Princess Ariana shouted all over the stage.

King GNIOX massaged his head.

"My daughter, no matter what. We don't have a choice but to fight them at this first battle. But as I told you, if we lose, that would be complete annihilation. They would show their power in the first battle. To intimidate us and let us be scared."

"Then we will win! We should give our all in this first face off!"

[At this moment, King GNIOX knew that his daughter's stubbornness would always persevere. But as a father, he would not let his daughter go to the war that he was not sure if they could win it.]

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