To Love You Again

Chapter 142 - Step 3 (V)

Chapter 142 - Step 3 (V)

When Xiong Zhi arrived at IHZHI, Fang Dien and Xiao Mei were having dinner at their office. Since she unexpectedly visited them, they ordered extra food for Mr. Ji and Xiong Zhi.

After dinner, Xiong Zhi told her plan to expand in the entertainment industry.

Fang Dien was against it at first. IHZHI was still growing in the business industry. It would be bad if the baby IHZHI expand its weak arms to the entertainment industry.

There were many companies who were weary of them, if they expand more in the entertainment, their rivalry would increase more. And it would be too bad for IHZHI. They couldn't handle it at the moment.

Besides, Fang Dien thought that it was still too early to expand in the entertainment. IHZHI might not be able to handle two expansion at the same time. It would take a toll on the company.

Xiong Zhi expressed that she understands.

"Don't worry. I'm not asking to build an agency in a large scale. We are just going to support one artist. Then once we stabilized in the business industry, we can expand then to entertainment."

"One artist? So you want to make an agency under IHZHI just for one artist?" Fang Dien was taken aback. This was ridiculous. Who would make an agency just for one person?

"If you dont like it, Xiao Mei could handle it. We would just take care of him for a moment. Train him. He would be the very first member of the agency."

Fang Dien and Xiong Zhi argued first. But since Xiong Zhi was stubborn and she was the boss Fang Dien admitted defeat.

"Fine. Let Xiao Mei take care of it. But the budget we have is only limited. We are still expanding. Don't gather too much attention." Fang Dien passed this problem to Xiao Mei. Xiao Mei was not against it as she believes in Xiong Zhi's decision.

"Contact this person once you have a studio. Train him well." Xiong Zhi gave King Yan's personal number.

"Alright. I will prepare right away." Xiao Mei said.

Xiong Zhi then left IHZHI. She just wanted to at least make an agency to support one person, her future money tree. That would be the start of her monopolizing the entertainment industry.


Sunday came.

Xiong Zhi was in the car when she received a message.

[I'm on my way.]

She smiled with this and expected the day would be fruitful.


Lin Ruo was sipping on his coffee while having a staring contest to the man in front of him.

The door opened a teenage girl appeared.

Lin Ruo waved his hand.

"She's here."

Xiong Zhi went to their seat. A waiter approached them and gave her her usual drink as she sat. As expected of Lin Ruo, he was very efficient when it comes to hospitality.

Xiong Zhi took a sip and then looked at the unfamiliar man in the table.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Wu Er. I'm Xiong Zhi. I bet Mr. Ruo has told you what is my business."

Wu Er nodded. He was a bit taken aback that the person they would meet was a girl.

'Is she eighteen yet?'

But he quickly moved on and went directly to the business. He doesn't care who the other person is. As long she can help him.

"Nice to meet you too. I've heard about it from Mr. Ruo. I've read the doc.u.ments as well. If you could really help my brother to get out of prison I'll continue the investment as long as you want." Wu Er said with desperation on his voice.

Wu Er came from the big Wu Family. They are not as legendary as the Xiong. But they have been in the business industry for a long time. They acc.u.mulated much wealth that each heir would be able to build their own business from the shared inheritance they've got from their grandfathers.

But as every wealthy family, they have internal struggles too. Especially in the case of Wu Er's generation.

There are three young masters in the Wu family. Wu Er's big brother, Wu Yu, was the strongest contender for the heir. Secondly, the bastard child of his father, Wu Ling, and lastly, him.

When Wu Er's big brother got framed. And the Wu family just stand by, Wu Er distanced himself from the Wu family.

Since the people who are monopolizing the Wu family was the mistress-bastard-son duo, Wu Er had no desire to stay with them or work for the company. The company itself was slowly deteriorating because of the abuse of money and improper management of the mistress-bastard-son duo. But all of it has nothing to do to Wu Er. He already sold his shares and he has his own company to run.

The only regret he has was his big brother in prison. He wasted so much money to bribe people to help his brother out. But no lawyer was capable enough or proofs that could help them win the trial. Wu Er also suspected that the mistress-bastard-son duo has strong connections to the prosecutors.

But he never loses hope. He got more desperate as time passed by. So even the help came from a teenager he would grab it. Any little help he could get was needed.

Xiong Zhi lightly smiled.

"Of course. I have a person to introduce to you." The sound of the door opening made Xiong Zhi's smile deepened. It was Xiong Zhi's favorite coffee shop so she was very familiar of this place.

Xiong Zhi raised her hand.

A tall woman with a good figure came to them.

"I'm not late am I?" Bolivia Chang took a seat with them.

Lawyer Chang looked at Xiong Zhi and the two men before him.

"I am a Lawyer Chang. Who is Mr.Wu Er?"

Wu Er offered his hands.

"I am him. Your name sounds familiar."

"Oh. She was from CJ's case." Xiong Zhi said proudly.

"You see, the lawyer and the media who brought down the CJ in a week is in front of you. They would promised to help your brother out." Xiong Zhi said it in a tempting manner.

Lawyer Chang and Lin Ruo looked at her. Their eyes seem to say, 'even though it was you who planned it all' but kept quiet.

This was how Xiong Zhi wants to play.

Wu Er finally recognized Lawyer Chang.

"Oh! " His eyes suddenly sparkled with hope. He could not imagine that one of the prime lawyer would help him. Even though he offered a lot of money, those prime lawyers could not afford to take his brother's case since all the odds was against his brother. Those lawyers cherished their reputation more.

'If it was this lawyer, my brother has the chance to get out.'

"I've heard the matter from Xiong Zhi. I had made an initial investigation last week. It seems your brother's case has strong evidence against him. But it was too perfect. Like everything has put all the puzzles in front of the police to complete. I think we will need a lot of time-"

The two then discussed Wu Er's brother's case.

Xiong Zhi let them took their time as they discussed things.

She checked her phone for Gi Pieng's message. But there's none.

If their plan and schedule went accordingly, Gi Pieng should have contacted her right now.

So she tried to call him. However, it was only ringing. She tried for the third time but it was cut off.

Xiong Zhi looked at her phone confused. It seems like Gi Pieng rejected her call. She tried one last time. But then it was out of reach.

'What happened to him?'

"Lin Ruo." Xiong Zhi called out to Lin Ruo.

"Can you try calling Gi Pieng? He was not answering his phone."

Lin Ruo tried to call Gi Pieng. However, after three consecutive attempts, Gi Pieng's phone was still out of reach.

"Something's amiss. Gi Pieng would never let his phone away from him. Nor he let his phone out of battery."

Lin Ruo said. He knows Gi Pieng since college days. That man always brings a power bank in his pocket.

"Then he must be in a situation where he couldn't answer his phone and turn it off." Xiong Zhi said.

"Can you go to the last place he'd been? Earlier, he messaged me he was in the underground parking of LG club." Xiong Zhi gave the address to Lin Ruo. Lin Ruo bid them goodbye and left.

Xiong Zhi took a sip on her coffee.

Everything was going smoothly because of her careful planning. This unexpected situation was disrupting her momentum. This was supposed to be a fruitful day. She was a bit annoyed. She had to finish this talk as soon as possible and check on Gi Pieng. Her gut was telling her they might have encountered some problems. Time was running. She could not afford to have some mistakes on the way, or another problem to sprout midway. She doesn't have the luxury of time.

"So what's your thought?" Xiong Zhi interrupted the two who were deep in their discussion.

"Ms. Lawyer Chang is very skilled. I trust her. I will continue investing in Art World for a month. But I also need some progress in the case. If I see there is progress after a month, then I will continue supporting ArtWorld no matter what's the name it is under." Wu Er said. He would probably lose a lot of money in the ArtWorld. Even though he only had to invest 5% in ArtWorld, that was still a lot of money in his end. Investing in ArtWorld is losing 1/4 of his company's revenue. But he doesn't care. As long as his brother would be out.

"Don't worry. As mentioned in the contract, your money would not be wasted. Just trust me." Xiong Zhi said sincerely. They might lose profit for a month. That's a big sacrifice for these businessmen. But she was sure that after IHZHI took over of ArtWorld, the tables would be turned around. Profit would rain on them. But that's all in the future.

Wu Er signed the paper. They discussed more about the contract. And like what Xiong Zhi said in the other investors, she would send to them the revised ArtWorld as soon as possible.

Lawyer Chang stayed together with Wu Er. They continued their discussion after Xiong Zhi left.

Xiong Zhi was in her car. She tried to call Gi Pieng once more. But there's no answer. She messaged Lin Ruo. Lin Ruo replied and told her that he was already in the club. He was looking for Gi Pieng. However, after a long time, Xiong Zhi got impatient and texted him. But after some time passed, Lin Ruo did not reply. This made Xiong Zhi anxious.

She dialed Lin Ruo's number.

"The number you are calling is out of reach. Please try again later.."

Xiong Zhi once more tried again with an interval of one minute.

She was staying in the car for about two hours now. This made Xiong Zhi really anxious and confused.

'What happened to them?'

Xiong Zhi organized her thoughts and contacted some people. Afterwards, she looked at Mr. Ji.

"Let's go to LG club."

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