To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 271. Abraxas (4)

Chapter 271. Abraxas (4)

“The tenth reinforcements.” Chi-Hyun said, “It was decided not long ago in the Celestial Realm. I heard they were going to recruit and dispatch heroes as soon as possible.”

Although it was only a few words, it had a great effect on everyone. Everyone began murmuring amongst themselves in confusion. The first reason for confusion was the timing. Of course, recruits had been continuously sent out since the first deployment, but the ninth recruits had arrived at Liber only a few months ago. Therefore, everyone who was gathered here except Chi-Hyun was wondering, ‘Why already?’

“Reinforcements?” Chi-Woo tilted his head. “They’re not recruits?” Chi-Woo entered Liber as part of the seventh recruits, and the most recent arrivals were the ninth recruits. “Why all of a sudden…”

“Sir, I think it’s right to change the terminology,” Ru Amuh answered Chi-Woo’s question. “In the technical sense alone. In fact, except for Sir Chi-Hyun, who came first, it is more accurate to call the deployed heroes reinforcements.” As Ru Amuh said, a more accurate terminology to describe the advance recruits from the second deployment onwards would be reinforcements, since they were being sent to reinforce the previous heroes.

However, the Celestial Realm had been using the term advance recruits until the ninth recruits. Why did they suddenly adopt the term ‘reinforcements’ after all this time, instead of consistently using the same one?

“Rather than the Celestial Realm, it’s the prophecy’s will.” As Ru Amuh said, the prophecy held the full authority to recruit teams sent to Liber. The Celestial Realm was merely an agent that followed the will of the prophecy. “Thus, we have to figure out the reason why the prophecy has changed the term to reinforcements…”

Chi-Woo understood what Ru Amuh was saying; rather than simply changing the terms, there was meaning behind the prophecy’s choice of words. They needed to focus on the goal without thinking too hard. And what was the reason why they were sending out more heroes in the first place?

When Chi-Woo first entered Liber, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the situation surrounding the heroes was simply disastrous. There was nowhere to eat or sleep. The heroes lost all their power and weren't able to secure a single god, let alone a growth system. It was the same for the central region where Chi-Hyun was. Although they had established a base, they had only met their basic needs for survival, and they were not in a situation to even attempt saving Liber.

However, the situation was completely different now. They succeeded in establishing a base in a secure sacred city protected by the White Horse General’s sanctuary. Moreover, they formed a strong alliance with one of the four major forces, the Cassiubia League. Compared to the past, the difference was as big as heaven and earth. It was safe to say that from this point on, the purpose of the recruits to ‘settle down’ has been achieved. Henceforth, the heroes had to start working towards Liber’s salvation using the base they had established so far. In short, the prophecy’s change of terminology indicated that they had now entered the middle stage in the flow of Liber’s future.

“I understand the prophecy’s intention, but I still have questions. How come the tenth reinforcements are coming already…and with the clue that they’ll be sent as soon as possible…?” Ru Amuh tilted his head and caressed his chin, as even he couldn’t guess the prophecy’s intention in this regard.

“What do you—?” Chi-Woo was about to ask what he meant, but he suddenly felt a strong gaze and flinched. When he turned around, Chi-Hyun was looking in his direction, his gaze icy cold.

“So, did you finish talking?” Chi-Hyun spoke with a cold voice. “I’ve only said three sentences so far.”


“Isn’t being quiet commonsense in important meetings?” When Chi-Woo became flustered, Chi-Hyun smirked and said, “Isn’t that right? Mr. Choi Chi-Woo?”

“…What?” A shrill sound came out. It wasn’t from Chi-Woo, but Nangnang, who had a dumbfounded expression. “What did he say…boss is Choi Chi-Woo…? The legend is Choi Chi-Hyun…huh? Huh? Huhhhhhh?” Nangnang looked between Chi-Hyun and Chi-Woo and fell into confusion.

Come to think of it, Chi-Woo realized he hadn’t revealed his identity to Nangnang yet. It seemed Alice had kept his secret very well. Chi-Woo felt Nangnang’s fervent eyes demanding an explanation, but he couldn’t respond to it because Chi-Hyun was staring at him with an intense glare.

“I’m sorry, sir.” Ru Amuh, who was ever so polite, bowed and apologized respectfully to Chi-Hyun, but Chi-Woo had no intention of apologizing.

What did Chi-Hyun just say? Mr. Choi Chi-Woo? Well, technically, he had called his brother Mr. Choi Chi-Hyun before too. Even so, Chi-Woo still thought it was ridiculous. While it was true that they were in a meeting, he wasn’t talking loudly enough for the whole neighborhood to hear him. He whispered as quietly as he could. In addition, the others had also looked back at each other and exchanged a few words, but Chi-Hyun singled him out. Chi-Woo thought Chi-Hyun must be taking out his anger for that message he sent recently and was purposely picking on him.

‘So childish…!’ Chi-Woo gritted his teeth and glared. Chi-Hyun snorted and looked away because Yeriel had raised her hand.

Chi-Hyun slightly raised his chin for her to talk, and Yeriel carefully said, “Uh…sir, you said it was decided by the Celestial Realm just now, right?”

“Don’t repeat what we already all heard.” He was telling her to not waste his time and quickly speak what was on her mind.

Yeriel’s brow twitched at Chi-Hyun’s response, but she instinctively felt that she wouldn’t get what she wanted if she responded according to her usual personality. Sometimes, it was necessary to act accordingly to different people. “Yes, I’m just wondering how you were able to hear from the Celestial Realm under the current circumstances.”

“That’s unexpected. Was it a secret that the Celestial Realm communicates with heroes using the devices we all received?”

“…What?” Yeriel blinked. “No, wait. Sir, I know that you’re communicating through the devices, but what I’m asking is—” Yeriel was asking how it was possible for Chi-Hyun to communicate with the Celestial Realm when the connection between Liber and the Celestial Realm was so unstable.

“Of course, I can’t say the connection is good now, but it’s better than before.”

“But we’re—”

Chi-Hyun cut her off, “You people may not be able to, but I can.” And just like that, he shut off the conversation, so Yeriel closed her mouth. Since Chi-Hyun came to Liber alone, he must have monopolized the Celestial Realm’s energy when he first entered. Moreover, he would have generously used his family’s merits. It was not strange that his situation would be very different from that of others.

“Mariaju comes right after Afrilith, but…” Chi-Hyun continued flatly, “they must not have supported you as much as I thought—if you’re curious about how much merit another person used.” He was mocking Mariaju for making remarks that was not relevant to the meeting.

“Sir, Yeriel didn’t mean it like that.” When Yeriel quietly lowered her head, Emmanuel stepped forward. “Sir, if you can communicate with the Celestial Realm, you’ll be able to ask more about the meaning behind the prophecy’s—”

“Who told you that you can intervene whenever you want?” Chi-Hyun abruptly cut another person off again. “As the one who initiated this meeting, I don’t remember giving you permission to speak.”

Emmanuel had no choice but to close his mouth. This meeting was 180 degrees different from when Ismile was the host; Chi-Hyun’s meeting was extremely overbearing and authoritative.

“And prophecies are prophecies, while interpretation is up to each person.” Chi-Hyun clicked his tongue as if he thought he shouldn’t even be explaining such a basic idea. “In the Eustitia family, do they teach you that if you don’t know something, you can ask the prophecy and they’ll tell you everything?”

Emmanuel’s face turned purple in rage. He seemed like he had a lot to say, but was holding it all in. “…No, sir,” Emmanuel barely managed to answer with a strained voice.

“Geez, give me a break.” Someone spoke as if they thought Chi-Hyun was being preposterous.

Who dared to speak like this when the legend was speaking? Noel wondered who had such bravery to show their discontent so openly. She was about to glare at the culprit, but when she saw who it was, her eyes widened—because it was no other than the young master, Chi-Woo.

Chi-Hyun clearly heard him too. If any other Celestial Light said it, he would have taken this opportunity to establish a clear hierarchy between him and them, but he didn’t say anything. He could guess why his brother was acting like this. He must be angry about what he said earlier, and based on personal experience, it was better to leave his brother alone when he was like this. Chi-Woo really had no limits when he was pushed too far.

Thus, Chi-Hyun went back to the main point, “The tenth reinforcements are not going to immediately enter Liber. The Celestial Realm just said they would recruit and send the heroes as fast as possible. Of course, even so, it’s unusual.” Chi-Hyun continued, “Besides this, I received a request from the Cassiubia League recently.” Chi-Hyun glanced at Noel, and Noel moved quickly. She brought out something that looked like a poster and plastered it on the wall so that everyone could see it. It was a huge map of Liber.

“Here.” Chi-Hyun picked up a stick and pointed at an area on the map. It was a considerable distance away from Shalyh, and the Cassiubia mountain range was the closest to it among the places they had connection to. However, it was also quite far for it to be considered a part of the Cassiubia League’s territory. With a bit of a stretch, it could be deemed as the outermost edge of the Cassiubia League’s territory. However, the importance of this location was irrefutable.

In fact, the Demon Empire had secured a direct passage to the deepest part of the Cassiubia League’s territory with the opening of that area and succeeded in safely sending about 70 percent of their army through the rugged Cassiubia mountain range. It was also through this path that the Sernitas was able to storm into the Cassiubia mountain range a few months ago. In short, it was a key area that the Cassiubia League must recover, and the Demon Empire sought to defend.

“This place was originally guarded by the Fenrir tribes, one of the Cassiubia League’s leading members. It used to be the front line on the border with the Demon Empire.”

A key name came out of Chi-Hyun’s mouth. The Fenrir tribe was a tribe with a long and deep history that has been in existence since the mythical period. They were the mad moon wolves that even the gods feared. At one point in time, they were influential enough to be comparable to the Last Dragon, but…

They met a pitiful end when their god was stolen and reconstructed by the Sernitas and massacred by the Demon Empire. Although there were very few Fenrirs, the Demon Empire had been unable to recklessly trespass into the Cassiubia League’s territory when they were alive.

“After the Fenrir tribe went extinct, this territory actually became part of the Demon Empire, but the ownership is now a bit vague.” The Demon Empire was faring poorly at the moment. The Demon Empire’s failure to invade Shalyh had given them a huge scar that they couldn’t easily recover from. Due to this matter, their internal structure also became chaotic, and they were having a difficult time even maintaining their reduced territory. On the other hand, there was no way the Cassiubia League, which suffered a painful memory at the hand of the Demon Empire, would miss this golden opportunity.

Or so they thought. Chi-Hyun said, “But it seems like it’s not going as smoothly as they thought.”

Everyone looked at him with questioning gazes.

Chi-Hyun stopped talking for a moment and turned on his device before reading aloud. “The Cassiubia League made several secret attempts, but it all ended in futility. Not a single member of the Cassiubia League who participated in the operation returned. Although it has not been confirmed yet, I heard rumors that the ecosystem in the area has changed significantly. And the Last Dragon says…” After a short pause, he continued, “we should keep in mind the possibility that a fifth faction has emerged outside the existing four major factions.”

The meeting room fell into a commotion by the shocking news.

“If the Last Dragon’s hypothesis is true, the Sernitas has judged humanity, which joined forces with the Cassiubia League, as a potential threat and might have created a new species to deal with humanity.”

Humanity, which used to be insignificant, was now rising up with the Cassiubia League at its back and by rallying around the Celestial Lights. As a response, the Sernitas created a new species as a countermeasure.

“No matter how powerful they are…how can they create a new life form comparable to the existing factions…” Yeriel had a hard time accepting this information.

While Yeriel’s response was understandable, Chi-Woo had a different thought because although he had never clashed directly with the Sernitas, he had indirectly faced them through one of their experiments. He didn’t think much back then, but after hearing what his brother said, he thought of a conjecture.

‘Perhaps…’ One thing that was clear was that the Sernitas were beings that could even capture and transform a god. But what if the god he faced wasn’t a failure? What if the Sernitas were merely throwing the god away after experimenting and getting everything they could from them?

While everyone was confused, Ru Amuh raised his hand. “Sir, I can roughly guess what the Cassiubia League’s request will be, but before you move to that topic, there is a question I would like to ask.” Ru Amuh asked just in case, “Before you mentioned this, you said that the tenth reinforcements would arrive soon… Don’t tell me…”

It was then that some heroes guessed what he was about to say and exclaimed.

“…Yeah.” Chi-Hyun nodded. “The place where the next tenth reinforcements will arrive will also be—” Chi-Hyun pointed with the stick again. “here.” He pointed to the same place on the map again. It matched exactly where the Cassiubia League was requesting assistance. Everyone looked slightly taken aback because one thing was now clear—if they did nothing in this state, the tenth reinforcements would be annihilated as soon as they arrived at Liber. They needed to ensure the tenth reinforcement’s safety as much as possible before this happened.

Moreover, the prophecy meant that there was something in that area; something that shouldn’t be ignored and was significant beyond just a strategic location. Thus, the prophecy was telling them to not turn a blind eye to this area and actively help the Cassiubia League solve this problem as soon as possible…

‘Wait a minute.’ Chi-Woo’s eyes suddenly narrowed. He suddenly had an intuition. ‘What’s this?’ He got an intuition, but how should he describe it? ‘Why…’ Something bothered him about this conversation; he didn’t know why, but he felt like they were forgetting something very important. However, he couldn’t grasp the exact reason and clutched his temples in frustration.

Then one person raised her hand quietly. “Why?” A clear, transparent voice range through the meeting room. Alice of the Ho Lactea family, who had been listening silently without saying a single word, asked while not taking her eyes from the point that Chi-Hyun pointed at, “Why is it that place?”

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