To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 138

Chapter 138. Transcending Time (2)

“What is an executive of the Abyss faction like you doing here?”

The mysterious man asked, and Evelyn didn’t answer. She was too flustered to talk. It was too much of a shock that she had been overpowered. Although she was ambushed suddenly, it was still hard for her to accept her defeat. Even the two monarchs who ruled over Abyss couldn’t have cornered her to this degree. In other words, this mysterious man was superior to the Abyss’s two monarchs.

“Aren’t you going to answer?” Unknowable energy forcefully lifted Evelyn off the ground.

“Kugh!” The shapeless mana gripped around her neck tightly and made her pupils jitter. This man wasn’t torturing her to make her confess. He was really going to kill her like this if she didn’t answer. Evelyn opened and closed her mouth, and the mana around her neck loosened slightly.

“The Demon Empire...on the way of returning...” she muttered in bits and pieces. “Met...needed to talk...”

The man’s eyes glinted, and after organizing his thoughts for a bit, he nodded.

“Yes, I was wondering about that.”


“How was the Abyss able to restrain the Demon Empire? From what I know, your hands should’ve been too full to deal with the Sernitas.”


“Well, thanks to that, I was able to move around more freely.”

The energy gripping her neck disappeared, while the mana that bound her body remained.

“Keh! Cough, cough!” Evelyn coughed hard while hovering in the air and glared at the man with teary eyes. Once she recovered from the coughing fit, she explained, “All...I did was make a deal... Since a hero on your side blocked the Sernitas’ attack, we had more ease...”

“A deal, you said?” The man rubbed his chin. “Someone on our side blocked a Sernitas’ attack? Do you really expect me to believe that?”

“I understand why you can’t believe me. I couldn’t believe it either when I heard that a Demon Empire’s army was annihilated by one person,” Evelyn replied while still glaring at the man. That was merely her speculation, but considering how the man had popped up suddenly without her the wiser, she was inclined to think that he was the center of those rumors. Nevertheless, the man’s response held not a hint of emotion.

“Hm. A collaboration with the Abyss... I suppose the situation requires one to even go to bed with the enemy...”

“I have never slept with the hero.” Evelyn flared up at what the man seemed to be insinuating. But the man shook his head.

“Never mind that.”

“Never mind that? I told you I didn’t sleep with him.”

“’s nothing. Anyways, did you come here to meet that hero?”



“I had something to tell him.”

The man jerked his chin toward her, prompting her to keep talking. Evelyn wanted to tell him ‘it’s none of your business’ very much, but she swallowed the retort. After all, her arms and legs were still completely bound.

“Some days ago, the Demon Empire held an official meeting.”

Hearing this, the man opened one of his eyes more widely.

“All who could participate among the 66 demons came, which should tell you how serious they considered the situation to be. I believe the purpose of the meeting was to discuss what the hero and I had done in collaboration,” Evelyn continued, “Especially since the Demon Empire thinks that this place is under our authority... Anyways, their movements are suspicious. Since this is the Demon Empire we’re talking about, no one knows what kind of unbelievable things they’re up to. So—”

“You came to warn him to be careful.” The man finished her sentence and added, “How kind of you.”

Evelyn knew he was being sarcastic.

“Some kind of loyalty you have after just one deal.”


“Is there any reason why such a high-standing member of the Abyss would go so far? Or did you perhaps really—”

“I said I didn’t sleep with him!” Evelyn shouted. As someone who didn’t like her nickname as Babyly’s Great Whore, it was understandable she would be so angry. “Get this straight. I don’t intend to maintain a friendly relationship with all heroes, but him alone! Are you unable to think in any other way?”

“...Is that what you should be saying?” The man shook his head, sounding baffled. Then he changed the topic and murmured, “If it’s the Demon it’s those guys, definitely...”

He looked over at the capital and clicked his tongue. “Just in case, I should check it out. What terrible timing. I’ve only just returned...” With a flick of his wrist, the man released Evelyn from the binding, and she fell to the ground. “Thanks for the information.”

Evelyn got up and raised an eyebrow. “You’re letting me live?”

“Probably. Ah, let me make a request of you.” The man turned to her once more and added, “It’s nothing much. Find someone named Noel Freya inside the city and pass on a couple of words for me. You can leave after that.”

“...What?” Evelyn couldn’t believe her ears as she dusted her dress. “What did you say? Are you...using me as an errand runner?” Evelyn had never received such treatment during her time alive and, of course, after her death.

“Aren’t you also here to meet someone? Can’t you do it on your way?”

“On my way? Do you think I will do as I’m told?”

“Calm down. I’m not asking you to do it for free.”

“What? Are you going to give me a tip or something?”

“Of course. I’m sure service from someone of your standing will cost a lot, so I’m asking you to do it...” the man said laxly, “For the price of your head.” In other words, the man was telling her to do what he asked of her in exchange for him sparing her life. Evelyn was at a loss for words again.

“So, are you not going to do it?”

“...” Evelyn didn’t answer. Nonetheless, the man—Choi Chi-Hyun—understood her silence to be an expression of agreement and relayed the words she needed to pass on before unceremoniously taking his leave.

Once she was left on her own, Evelyn appeared to be lost in time. She had just met a man that left her utterly speechless. No need to mention his talents, but he didn’t seem to respond to her beauty at all even though she had placed special attention to her appearance, presenting her at her prime while she was alive. Once she could no longer sense the man’s presence, Evelyn shouted what she had been suppressing all along, “What a jerk!”

* * *

When Chi-Woo opened his eyes, he felt a strange sense of déjà vu. He was in the same room, lying on the same bed, and Eshnunna was tilting a water bottle toward him while asking if he had a good sleep. It was exactly what had happened after he woke up from his fight with a god.

“Don’t ask me to do anything from now on.” After Chi-Woo finished his water, Eshnunna blurted out as if she had been waiting to tell him this. “I don’t want to be a murderer.”


Instead of answering, Eshnunna narrowed her eyes and turned around, her coldness made clear how furious she was. With a loud thud, she slammed the water bottle back onto the table hard. Then she looked over her shoulder at Chi-Woo and said, “Also, you have a guest waiting to see you.”

Eshnunna jerked her chin at the other side of the room. Chi-Woo looked over to see what she was pointing at, and he was stunned to see another Eshnunna.

“There are two Eshnunnas?”

“What are you talking about?” Eshnunna asked and turned around. She was also surprised by what she saw. After seeing the response of the Eshnunna on the left, Chi-Woo turned his attention to the Eshnunna on the right. He blinked hard as she changed and morphed into Evelyn, who had her arms wide open.


“...Lady Evelyn?”

“Yes. Hello.”

“Uh...” Chi-Woo placed his hand on his forehead. Having just woken up, he couldn’t figure out what was going on. He tilted his head to the side to think things over—

“...” But then he saw Philip all tied up and hanging from the ceiling, and he promptly forgot what he was going to say. Chi-Woo threw Philip a questioning look, who responded in the same way. Then Chi-Woo heard Evelyn snort. That was enough of an answer for him.

Philip was a dead man—a spirit—and in a way, Evelyn was the same. In short, she could also see spirits. Chi-Woo didn’t know what exactly happened, but it was obvious that Philip must have gotten tied up for acting a little too ‘friendly’ after seeing Evelyn’s beauty.

—No, That’s not it.

Philip protested like the whole situation was unfair.

—I simply asked her if she wanted to hold a soul wedding since we were both dead.

“...” Chi-Woo shook his head. In his book, Philip deserved the treatment he got. Then Chi-Woo shifted his attention back to Evelyn. It wasn’t that much of an issue for Evelyn to come to the capital since she took the form of a human, and outside of Eshnunna, very few knew her true form.

“What did you come here for?”

“I just dropped by on my way back to my camp,” Evelyn answered. “And I have something to tell you...”

She trailed off suddenly, and Chi-Woo asked while tilting his head, “What is it?”

“No, it’s nothing.” Evelyn quickly looked away. “I don’t need to worry about it anymore... I don’t even want to think about it. Anyways, compared to my meeting with you, it really was a terrible experience...” Evelyn murmured with a sulky face.

Chi-Woo, who had no idea what had transpired between Chi-Hyun and Evelyn, was confused.

“Tch. Anyway—what is that?” As expected of an extremely capricious witch, Evelyn immediately changed her tune and found something else that piqued her interest. Chi-Woo followed her gaze and realized what she was talking about when he saw the magnificent buildings outside.

“Ms. Eshnunna, how long has it been since I passed out?”

“One day,” Eshnunna replied. “You came out at night, and it’s night again. Exactly one day has passed.”

Chi-Woo got up. Even though he had no strength left in his body, he had no problems walking.

“I heard that you killed a demon inside.” Evelyn skipped forward and followed Chi-Woo. “And one of the 66 demons at that.” She sounded slightly excited. “I’m curious. Can I go in and check it out?” Evelyn asked after pulling on her hood to cover her face.

Chi-Woo shrugged in reply.

* * *

It was quiet outside because it was dawn. Chi-Woo went to the main entrance of the academy, and his eyes widened when he saw a patrolling the area.

“Mr. Nangnang?”

Seemingly sensing his presence, the cat turned around with a welcoming expression. “Boss!” Nangnang ran towards Chi-Woo on all fours and shook his tail. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, I just woke up.”

“That’s great to hear.” Nangnang let out a sigh of relief. “I heard that you were fine, but I’m really glad.”

Chi-Woo took in his reaction and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Hmm? I’ve been protecting this place, of course.”


“Boss, isn’t this academy a precious achievement that you’ve worked so hard for? Since you have the sole authority over this place, the alchemist, the giant, the silver-haired human, and I have been taking turns guarding it.”

When the barrier was lifted, the academy, which had been thoroughly hidden, was revealed again. With the cluster of buildings suddenly popping up last night, it was natural that many heroes would be curious. More than one of them had tried to enter since then. Thus, the expedition team had been surveilling the academy to make sure no one snuck inside for loot.

Nangnang continued, “The princess also forbade people from entering. Besides, after I told them the passage of time was different inside the academy, no one has even tried to get in. Hehe.” Nangnang snickered at how well his threat worked.

“All of you are going through a lot because of me.”

“What are you talking about!? You saved my life, and I’ve got enough as it is.” Nangnang laughed with joy. Then he whispered, “It’s all thanks to you for letting me be part of your group. Boss, you should go to the temple later on. You’ll be shocked.”

They seemed to have received a lot of merits for this achievement. It was expected; not only had they protected their homebase, it was also a matter related to the Demon Empire.

Nangnang glanced at the robed woman standing behind Chi-Woo and asked, “By the way, who is that? She doesn’t seem like Shadia.”

“I asked her for help.”


“Yes. I asked her to check the condition inside.”

“Ah...” Nangnang smacked his lips. “Are you going back in?”

Chi-Woo turned around. Evelyn nodded without saying anything. “Yes, it seems like I have to.”

“Hmm. Will that be all right? A day has passed.” Even though the passage of time had been synced and a tunnel created before they went in, these effects didn’t last forever. They might have faded already. No one knew how much time would pass should they enter again.

“It’s all right,” Nangnang heard a beautiful voice say. “The time sync and the tunnel—they’re both still in effect. They haven’t disappeared yet.”

Nangnang was shocked by the sensual voice. How could a voice charm him so much? Nangnang unconsciously tilted his head and tried to get a glimpse at the woman’s face as if he was bewitched. Evelyn bowed her head further and hid behind Chi-Woo’s back. She didn’t want to show her face. Chi-Woo heard Evelyn murmur to herself, ‘He must be a male cat.’

“Cough! Cough!” Only then did Nangnang regain his senses, and he cleared his throat. “Please excuse me. I apologize.”


“Uh... Come back soon. Be careful, boss. I’ll be patrolling the area just in case.” Nangnang slowly withdrew and moved further away from them. He kept turning around to sneak glances at Evelyn, like he still had lingering feelings.

“Pweh. It’s so tiring.” Evelyn let out a sigh. “Yeah, this is the normal reaction.”

Even though she didn’t seem tired and instead sounded strangely proud, Chi-Woo decided not to say anything about it. “Shall we go in?”

“Yes, escort me.”

The two of them went inside amicably.

* * *

There were no more ripples when they entered the academy. However, the unpleasant redness that filled the entire academy’s interior remained.

“You’re right.” Evelyn was able to recognize it immediately after looking around. “It’s a completely different world. It’s been left behind.”

Chi-Woo had come here after receiving a revelation from La Bella, and he was able to address her concerns brilliantly. However, the fundamental problem hadn’t been resolved.

“This is...summoning mana. It seems that someone did something stupid beyond their capabilities. I guess that’s how wizards are normally like.”

She sounded certain of what had transpired here. With her elbow, she nudged at Chi-Woo’s ribs and asked, “Are you going to just leave it like this?”

“Yes? Uh...” Chi-Woo gaped. Honestly, he wasn’t sure what to do and was debating whether he should solve this matter with holy water. ‘But it might not be worth it.’ Besides farming for items, there was nothing more to do in this place. He couldn’t get rid of the feeling that it might not be worth it to go out of his way to use his holy water.

“Do you want me to deal with it?”

“Really?” Chi-Woo was taken aback by her unexpected suggestion.

“You said I was someone here to help you.” Evelyn smiled.

“No, that was just...but would you really be able to do it?”

Evelyn tilted her head and asked, “It’s not hard. Why?”

“According to records from hundreds of years ago, even a greatly respected sage had failed to solve the issue here.”

“Aha. The sage might come up with a solution after training for 500 more years.”

“...Wait a second. Lady Evelyn, your age is...” Chi-Woo wasn’t able to finish his sentence because Evelyn had put her thumb on his lips.

“Shh.” Her red eyes shone softly. “Be quiet. It’s not polite to ask a lady’s age. Do you understand?”


“Good boy.” Evelyn gave him a charming smile and whistled. A pole appeared beneath them, carrying them into the air.


“It’s okay. We won’t fall off. Stay still.”

Chi-Woo floundered as he was suddenly lifted off the ground, and Evelyn grabbed him by his nape. From the vantage point, they could take in the academy fully.

“It’s dirty.” Evelyn frowned as they reached the roof of the main building. “As expected of a demon. They made a feast out of the blood.”

“Is that the place?”

“No. That magic circle is created only for escape. I wouldn’t have used such a lowly and crude method in his shoes.”

Evelyn closed her eyes gently and stopped talking. After a long stretch of silence, Chi-Woo turned around and saw something that made him doubt his eyes. Evelyn’s figure was rippling like water, and then she became translucent as if she had merged with this world.

That wasn’t the only strange part. A small sphere of light was hovering on top of her forehead, and it glowed like a light of wisdom. After a while, Evelyn opened her eyes, and the light that seemed as if it would shine eternally disappeared. Evelyn’s translucent figure also returned to normal.

“I found it.” A look of keen interest appeared on her face. “I was wondering where the perpetual signal for help was coming from. I guess not everything here is a mess.” She uttered words that Chi-Woo couldn’t make sense of and grabbed the pole. “It’s over there. Let’s go.”

The pole carrying the two glided across the air, and after a while, they arrived at a tall tower.

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