To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 246 - 246 Lilah

246 Lilah

Zavian sheathed his sword, and he raised his head as he heard two riders gallop toward them. He recognized one of the men as Azriel’s guard, and another as his. If they could come to seek out either the King or General Commander in the middle of practice, it was either for good news or bad news.

Zavian’s hand tensed, and Azriel looked at him, giving him a firm nod, his form of assurance.

“Your Majesty,” Zavian’s guard bowed in greeting when he dismounted off the horse. Zavian searched his face for any sympathy, the readiness of grief to fall off his lips.

“The Queen sends us to you.” The guard said. “She said she needs you back at the castle as soon as you can.”

Zavian’s hands slacked by his side. “What happened to the Queen?”

“Your Majesty...”

“I said what happened to the Queen?” Zavian could not hide his panic.

“Nothing, your Majesty, nothing I am aware of. She only said it was urgent.” The guard said.

Without waiting for any more explanation, Zavian had already mounted his horse and took off at a maddening speed. If Neera needed to see him urgently, he didn’t know if that was a good sign or a bad sign. Neera had been off of late, and it scared him to think anything would happen to her again.


Hooves followed behind him, but Zavian didn’t care. People jumped out of their way, mother grabbing on her children and men ramming themselves into stalls to avoid being trampled to their death. But Zavian wasn’t looking, he wasn’t listening to the screams, it was only Neera he could see.

He reached the castle, and jumped off the still moving horse, running up the stairs as fast as his feet could carry him. With each step he took, his worry and anxiety grew, and if could will everything to be fine, will Neera to be okay and Freya to be healed, he would trade his life for them both.

He reached the chambers, and he threw open the door. A shocked Neera turned to face him, but that wasn’t what froze the blood flowing through Zavian’s body. Before him, Neera was perched halfway out of the window ledge, one tilt forward and she was propelling down to her death.

Zavian’s blood could only resume its proper function when he marched over to her, his earlier stun melted over by his boiling rage.

He yanked her toward him, and Neera fell right into his arms.

“Zavian!” She screamed in panic.

“What do you think you were doing just now?” Zavian asked.

Neera paled. “What...what are you talking about?”

“Neera!” Zavian shook her shoulders. “Enough of your silly games! I am tired of them! One minute you’re loving and funny and the next you’re cold and distant. But I draw the line when you play games with your life.”

“Zavian, what are you talking about?” Neera looked at the window. Zavian followed her gaze, and right outside the ledge, he saw butterflies converge, their colorful wings fluttering in the noon sun.

“I was with them,” Neera said. “It’s been a long time yet I still have it in me to summon them somehow.”

Zavian frowned at that. Neera didn’t have the ability to make animals gravitate toward her, except for the demon bird. Even the sweet Neera didn’t, only Lilah.

Only Lilah.

Zavian’s eyes widened at Neera.

“How did you do that?” Zavian asked.

Neera gave him a small smile. “You know I always have, Zavian.”

Zavian’s hands fell to his sides. “Neera?”

“Zavian,” Neera took in a breath. “I am Lilah, and I am Neera too. I am both.”

“Stop playing games with me, Neera. I told you before,” Zavian’s voice was hoarse.

“But I’m not, Zavian,” Neera said, the hurt showing in her eyes. “I would never. I have always been Lilah, but my memories before being Neera were all gone. Wiped. Not until now that...”

“Stop it Neera!” Zavian bellowed, his voice echoing. If sounds could destroy, his voice would have fallen the entire chamber over their heads.

But that didn’t deter Neera from speaking. “I needed to see you, Zavian, because I am also confused...”

“...I said stop!”

“...I am as confused as you are Zavian, so if you would just listen to me!” Neera screamed. “Please,” she begged. “Please, listen. I am Lilah, and I can prove it. Remember the first time we met? How it was love at first sight? How you saw me walk past with a basket in hand on my way to the market? Do you remember how you always told me the grey dress I wore suited me perfectly? The one with the satin sleeves?”

Zavian shook his head, and the more he did so, the more his world tilted. He reached for a chair, and dropped unceremoniously into it.

“It’s not possible,” he said to himself, head down, eyes pressed closed. Two fingers reached to pinch his thigh, for if it was a dream, it was a cruel one that would surely wake him in a foul mood.

“It’s possible, Zavian,” Neera said. “Because I am here. And I remember our first meal, the restaurant you took me to off the docks, shabby yet they served the best trout, you said. The flowers you always sent to me every day, the dresses you had made for me...”

“Neera please,” Zavian held up a hand. “Please, it’s too much.”

Neera stopped and watched the overwhelming emotions overtake him. He breathed hard, head bent and cradled in his hands as if it were a heavy boulder atop his neck.

Neera moved to him with tentative steps, and went on her knees, putting a gentle hand on his knee. His breathing hitched to a pause, and he raised his head, his eyes meeting hers.

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” she said. “But it is me, Zavian. Your Lilah.”

“But you died, I saw it. I saw you disappear...”

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