To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 128

128 You cut your hair

He had waited for her in his room for three nights, but she hadn’t come. Then he listened for her screams or an increase in her heart rate, but she seemed to have slept well. He, on the other hand, could only put in a few hours of sleep, he just tossed and turned on his bed until morning.

“I’m still not getting used to it, your... Zavian.” Beers replied, pushing some strands of hair behind her ear;

“Let me show you something,” Zavian spoke after a long silence and turned to the door. Neera watched him leave the room and then she followed after him.

They went down the stairs and to the back of the palace, at the far end of the garden where trees were dominant. They weren’t followed by any of the King’s guards, and he kept on moving until he reached a short, thick tree that was a few inches taller than her but had branches that spread out proudly. It had yellow flowers whose petals were yawning open from the night before.

“How old do you think this tree is?” He asked her.

Neera looked at the wide, outstretched branches of the tree, casting a shadow that can protect up to fifty people from the sun.

“About twenty?” She guessed.

Zavian chuckled. “It is five hundred and three years old.”

Neera’s eyes widened at that. She looked back at the tree, there was no sign that it had withstood every kind of weather that had come its way for more than four centuries.


“It even withstood the war, with all the burning and cutting.” He said. Neera looked over at him, expecting to see his face fall at the mention of the bloody war, but he looked calm.

“It is beautiful,” Neera said.

Zavian walked to the wooden bench under the tree and sat down, patting his side for Needs to join him.

Needs hesitated for a second before she walked to his side and sat down. The cool breeze of the morning fanning their skin.

“I brought you here because this tree, when I look at it, I am reminded of you.” Zavian spoke. He could see surprise written on her face, and he explained further, “Even in the harshest conditions it doesn’t wither, it doesn’t give up simply because the world is being unfair.”

Neera smiled at his words and looked at the tree. “Thank you, your majesty, but I don’t think I can compete with this tree like this.”

“Is this because you haven’t lived up to five hundred and three years?”

Neera laughed. A warmness coursed through his heart almost immediately, oh had missed that sound.

“Well, that is a good enough reason.” She said, looking at the flowers of the tree.

Zavian moved closer to her and picked the petal that had fallen onto her dress, tossing it away. Neera smiled softly as she voiced a thank you. Suddenly she frowned when she noticed his hair was a little shorter than usual. Her hand reflexively reached out to touch it, before she stopped midway when she realized what she was doing.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“You cut your hair?”, she asked “I...”, she searched for the right words. “...prefer the lengthier one.” Was she allowed to say that?

Neera bit her lower lip, there was no time to regret, the words were out already.

Zavian’s fingers went to the back of his head, pulling to assess its length. “I’d keep it next time.” He said.

His hand found hers by her side. A wave of something like electricity shot through her arm at the touch, and she allowed his large palm envelope her small one.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked thoughtfully.

Neera nodded her response, her eyes fixed on their entwined ones.

“I do owe you an apology”, he said. Neera’s eyes went up to him at that. An apology? Zavian’s eyes were full of remorse, and Neera could not understand the reason behind it.

“Lilah means the world to me and more”, he began. “And when I remember how she died, and how I watched it, and how I couldn’t save her, it haunted me for so long and I didn’t even know who I was. Being King meant nothing to me without her by my side. No one or nothing could console me.”

Neera wondered why he was telling her all this, but she didn’t interrupt him as she wanted to hear everything he had to say.

“When I saw all that you went through, and then after you were kidnapped”, he let out a forced exhale. “... I thought I was going to lose it. I wanted to burn the entire world with my rage, I was going mad. I was failing to protect another woman I hold so dearly. and then I found you”, there was a long pause, and he continued, “When I found you, I promised I would never let that happen again.”

A cool breeze blew past, and above them, the clouds darkened with an ambiguous promise to rain. The tree shook its branches, its yellow petals falling to the ground. Neera would keep that moment as a magical one in her memory.

“I went overboard, I know, and I know it scared you and that is why you keep pushing me away now. I only made you feel imprisoned, and for that, I am sorry.” Golden eyes bored into hers and sucked her into its charm. “I am sorry for making you uncomfortable.”

Neera smiled. She didn’t expect such sweet words from him, she knew he thought the best for her, although a little too much, she wasn’t complaining.

“Thank you,” she said. Zavian’s eyes brightened at the mention of his name.

“I was not mad at you at all. I should have thanked you for saving me, instead I ran out of your chambers and made you worry.”

She said, looking at her feet. Zavian cupped her face and caressed her chin. Instinctively, Neera wrapped her hands around his torso and hugged him.

Zavian held her in return and didn’t want to let go. He could feel the wall between them break, and she was back to him. She was back to him.

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