To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 124

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Zavian shut his eyes and gritted his teeth sucking air through his nostrils as though controlling himself, Freya stopped talking, she didn’t want to get him angry;

“Where is she?” He asked for the last time and she knew she needed to tell him; so she answered, “She is safe and fine. She left your chambers because she is sick of being in here all the time. Let her go, it is clear that this is what she wants.” Freya lied.

Without wasting a second, Zavian brushed past his sister and headed out. On his way, just at one of the balconies facing the courtyard, he caught sight of a silver hair. He stopped in his tracks, and he watched as Neera swept the grounds of the palace.

Before he traveled, he had specifically instructed her to stay indoors if she wanted to leave his chambers without any guards. But as he watched her now, busy and talking with a maid, he realized on his part, he had been too protective of her. He just couldn’t bear the thought of losing her again. He did not want to ever feel that afraid and helpless anymore, but in all of that, all that protection and worry, it was only about how he felt, and not how Neera had felt.

She had never been used to all the safety measures he had set in place for her. It had all been new for her. So, even though it was the bitter truth, he was inclined to believe what his sister had said.

“Look at her”, Freya walked to where he stood and held his arm. “She is okay, and she doesn’t need you constantly worrying over her. You doing so only puts a target on her back, it makes people want to hurt her. What you need right now, is a Queen by your side.” At this juncture, she leaned closer to her brother. “And to be fair, Kitana would make a fine Queen.”

A curious brow shot up on Zavian’s forehead. “Why do you say so?”

“Well, I know she has always fancied you,” Freya stated. “And out of the remaining three, she has proven herself beyond the contest. Authority, mannerisms, she is perfect. I have no doubt that she would make a great queen.”

“Hmm”, Zavian grunted, and still had his eyes focused on a busy Neera. Why wasn’t she wearing one of the new clothes he had gotten her? Did she want to get away from him that bad? Strip herself off any part of him completely?


“Give me a week”, Zavian said. Freya smiled, satisfied. Finally, he was waking up to his senses.

Just before Zavian retired to his chambers to rest, he instructed a single guard to trail after Neera in secret. Even with her being free of him, he still couldn’t help to leave her on her own.

Just for the time being.


Instead of Neera feeling tired after half a day’s work, she felt accomplished.

She heard of the King’s return two days ago. She did her chores with her heart in her mouth expecting him to storm to her at any time and tell her to stop working, but he did none of that.

Well, not like she was expecting anything of him, it was just that she could not help but feel a little disappointment at the fact that she hadn’t heard from him or he hadn’t come to seek her out, but at the same time, not hearing from him was for the best.

She told herself.

But after two days, she wasn’t sure of what she wanted anymore. She had tried to push away the thoughts of him throughout the day, but at every moment he had been stuck in her head.

She missed him; badly at that. She didn’t know how much the attention she got from him affected her until he didn’t ask for her anymore.

She wanted to go see him and ask him about his trip, but with each longing, she reminded herself that it was not her place, and never will be.

Neera had given up hope, and concentrated on the kitchen she was cleaning, feeling more dejected than ever.

She was almost done cleaning when she heard the kitchen door open, a tiny part of her wished it was the king that had come to fetch her himself, however when she turned around, she saw her friend standing there;

“Pen!” She exclaimed as she ran to her;

Pen laughed. “Oh, Neera.”

They held each other in a bone-crushing hug, neither one ready to let go of the other. Neera could not help the tears that fell down her face.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Pen was the first to let go. They both studied each other. Pen looked healthy and even seemed to gain some more weight. However, in Penelope’s eyes, Neera looked a bit worn from sadness.

“I am so glad to have you back,” Neera said. When Pen gave her a sad smile, Neera understood her presence was only temporary.

“I’m not staying for long, Neera.” She said as she smiled faintly,

“Why? What happened?” Neera asked.

“I will be back soon, I promise, but for now, I have to stay with the commander.”

Pen explained, Neera smiled but her smile faded quickly,

“What happened?” Pen asked, looking at her friend who looked like something t bad had happened to her,

“There is just so much that has happened,” Neera said. “I just...I don’t know where to start. There has been no one to talk to, Pen...”

“It is okay, I am here now”, she wiped her tears and pulled her to sit at the kitchen stools. “Talk to me, Neera.”

Neera began by telling her about the kidnap, and Penelope’s face went white with horror. She told her about her experience and how Zavian had come to her rescue, and how he had kept her guarded in his chambers.

She spoke on till she reached the end of her reasons why she was no longer staying in the King’s chambers, and when she was done, Penelope was afraid to stand and pace the room for fear that she might faint from the information. All these happened when she was not there?

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