To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 116

116 So you are jealous?

Pen regarded him wordlessly. She needed to stop being alone around him. There had been rumours among the maids and guards already; she was his newest interest to play with. She didn’t want to be roped in as a number along with the women he bedded, there was no need for such drama in her life.

So she became careful, and worked extra in his castle, despite his instructions not to. There was no use laying around and doing nothing, it didn’t sit right with her.

“I need to go back to the King’s palace.” She told him.

Azriel was taken aback. Where was this coming from all of a sudden?

“You need to?” He asked. “Is there a reason for this need?”

“I am to serve the King, my Lord. Being here was only to heal. I have fully healed, thanks to your kindness and care, and I would want to return.”

Azriel knew he promised to stop going after her, and so far, it had worked. But he could not explain why her statement got under his skin and disturbed him. What was it about him that detested her so much?

“Lyra is still at the palace.” He told her.

“It doesn’t matter, my Lord.”


“It does to me!” He snapped. The mare neighed, and silence fell between the both of them.

“You were hurt, unconscious, and I treated your wounds. Saying you want to go back there will only put you in more danger. I cannot ensure you are safe there, and I cannot ensure you are kept away from work.” He said.

“As I said, I am fully healed.”

“Not all your wounds. I would know, I am treating you.”

Penelope kept her eyes down, away from the intensity of his gaze. She squared her shoulders, braced herself, and looked back at him.

“I am nothing more than a human maid, my Lord. My duty is to serve...”

“...then serve me...”

“..the King.” She completed.

Azriel could not help but scoff at her statement. A frustrated hand swept through his locks in frustration. He put his hands on his hips and looked over at her. In seconds, Azriel moved close to her, and she held a defiant gaze at him.

“Well, if it is starving, bruises, and punishment you would rather choose over your comfort here, by all means, you are free to leave.” He said.

“Thank you, my Lord.” Pen said, and when she made to move past him, he didn’t budge out of her way.

“Do you hate me, Pen?” He couldn’t help but ask.

“My Lord...”

“Answer the question.”

She shook her head. “I have no reason to hate you.”

“But you don’t like me either.”

Penelope’s lips were set in a thin line. “You don’t need me to like you. You have got enough love from the company of the women who come here, my Lord.”

Penelope was shocked at the utterance that tumbled out of her mouth. Her mouth had worked faster than her brain, and she could not take the words back. What was her business with how or who he chose to spend his time with?

Azriel, on the other hand, had a grin on his face that grew so wide.

“So you are jealous.” He stated.

He saw that defiant look come to her eyes again. “I have no reason to be jealous, my Lord.”

“But my company seems to bother you.”

“There is no reason for it to”, she was getting annoyed. “Please my Lord, believe me, I don’t have any problems.”

Azriel nodded, the smile still stuck on his face. “Okay, I take your word for it.”

Penelope was about to leave, but she stopped.

“Neera, did you deliver my greetings to her?”

Azriel nodded. “She says she misses sharing meals with you.”

Penelope smiled at that response, it was the first one he had seen her wear since his arrival, just it wasn’t for him. She thanked him and set about to the castle. She hadn’t heard about the kidnap situation with her friend, and he intended to keep it that way. Not only did he want to keep her from getting worried about a situation that was already under control, but he also knew she would request to leave for the palace in an instant.

A little selfish, but with good intentions nonetheless.


Under the bleak night sky, far behind thick shrubberies and trees that stood close together, three witches gathered around the emerging dark smoke. They chanted under their breath, and in one of their hands, a vial holding Neera’s blood glowed a dull red.

From this smoke emerged a creature, a man, all dressed in the same darkness of the night. The witches stopped chanting and watched the creature in awe. The creature floated, and his body merged with the smoke.

“How much longer now?” He asked.

One of the witches stepped forward. “It is getting stronger. His bond to her is growing day by day”, she held up the vial of blood. “That means he is getting weaker. Your time won’t be long now.”

The creature rumbled. He had waited for centuries, he could wait for more.

For all the years he had waited in patience, he was sure victory will be just as sweet.


Zavian watched as Neera stood to her feet, and he smiled.

Thanks to the healing potions and herbs administered to her, she recovered fast. Her cuts had turned into fading bruises, and food was never lacking to supplement her with the necessary dose of energy. She was fine, that was what mattered.

She moved to the bird sitting by the window, and a small laugh escaped her when it hopped onto her hand. She nuzzled at its tiny head and patted it. At that small action, Zavian could see Lilah standing there in front of him. It was strange, when her memory surfaced like that, there was no strong pain tingeing the memory. Instead, it felt like she had built a room in his heart and still occupied it, and in another room, this woman before him, Neera, was already moving in.

He could not deny it anymore. It was almost as if he had an epiphany when she was gone. The all too familiar black hole he had been sucked into following Lilah’s death opened its mouth to swallow him whole again. But not anymore, not with Neera.

Neera looked up and caught him watching her. Heat spread all over her cheeks, and she returned her gaze to the bird that was singing by her window as it took flight.

“I am much better now.” She told him with a smile. “I believe I can return to my chambers.”

“And did I say you should?” Zavian asked.

She opened her mouth to speak, but the words did not come out. It had been a bliss sleeping on the bed with him ever since her return, and the immense security of having him by her side not only warded off her nightmares but also had given her the comfort she needed after the entire experience.

“It still doesn’t feel right.” She stated.

“According to who, Neera?” He threw back at her.

She tucked away the hair from her face. “According to the order of things in the palace, your Highness. I am only a maid. You have a duty to your people, and I know by being here, it will raise a lot of questions...”

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