Till the End of Time

Chapter 825

Chapter 825

The old lady felt lonely. She looked at the nanny cleaning the table and said, "how can you be a nanny? I think you are old enough to be a grandmother, too."

Aunt Ji said, "two sons, the eldest son married and gave birth to a child. He became a grandmother."

"Where's your little son?" The old lady asked again.

"The youngest son is not married yet." Aunt Ji replied.

When the old lady asked, aunt Ji answered. If she didn't say one more word, the old lady said a few words, but she didn't find it interesting. With a slight sigh, he turned the wheelchair back into the room.

The room was empty, too, and she picked up the pictures she had placed on the table. In the picture is the young self, next to the husband.

She is sitting in a chair with her husband standing behind her. Through this picture, she seems to see her young self.

"In the twinkling of an eye, I'm old." The old lady said wistfully, "I think Su Zhan is not happy and is angry with me. I probably resent me, but I just want him to have a child and leave one for the Su family. Am I wrong? "

The person in the picture is still smiling, no one answers her.

She held the photo in her arms. "Should I go with you?"


The old lady sat alone in the room for a long time. Today Su Zhan came back early. Aunt Ji cooked the meal and he came in.

Seeing him back, the old lady was very happy and said, "wash your hands quickly and have dinner. I specially told aunt Ji to make you something you like to eat..."


Before she finished, Su Zhan went into the room and closed the door.

The old lady stood still.

Aunt Ji put the food on the table and came, "you can eat."

The old lady lowered her eyelids and rolled her wheelchair. "You tell him to eat."

Aunt Ji knocked on the door. "Mr. Su, the food is ready."

"For a moment."

The old lady sat at the table, looking at the delicious food on the table.

Aunt Ji came up. "Just a moment."

The old lady waved her hand and said“ I see

After a while, Su Zhan came out, changed his suit, and took simple home clothes. He was thinner, and his clothes were a little loose.

He sat down at the table and picked up the bowl to eat.

The old lady was in a better mood when she saw him coming. She put a piece of spareribs in his plate and said, "you like this best."

Su Zhan continued to serve, but he didn't touch the ribs. Also did not eat the old lady clip to his plate that piece, a bowl of rice quickly eat, get up and leave the restaurant.

"Su Zhan..."

"Auntie Ji, the clothes I changed are in the bathroom. Please wash them for me." Su Zhan interrupted the old lady and said to Aunt Ji.

Aunt Ji said, "I'll get it right away."

Su Zhan said, "don't enter this room when I'm not in."

"I see." Answered aunt Ji.

Aunt Ji takes Su Zhan's clothes. Su Zhan goes in and closes the door. She hardly talks to the old lady.

The old lady sat at the table. Staring at Su Zhan's plate, he didn't eat the spareribs he had sandwiched for him. He didn't even have one on his plate.

She dozed off her eyes and turned the wheelchair back to the room.

In another city, Shen peichuan came back after dealing with the matter at hand, and TV plays were still playing on the wall. Sang Yu is lying on the bed, has fallen asleep, still holding the remote control.

Shen peichuan came over, took off the remote control in her hand, and called her name softly, "Sangyu?"

Sang Yu's eyelids moved, her eyelashes flapped, opened her eyes and stared at her, "are you back?"

"Well, I'm back." Shen peichuan touched her forehead“ Don't you have a fever today? "

Sang Yu sat up and said, "you help me buy the ticket for tomorrow. I have to go back."

Shen peichuan said“ I'll take you to dinner first, and then I'll buy a mobile phone... "

"I see. Let's go quickly." Sang Yu has been at home all day. I've wanted to go out for a long time.

Shen peichuan asked her, "hungry?"

Sang Yu shook his head and said, "no, it's boring at home."

Shen peichuan said, "sorry, I'm too busy..."

Sang Yu covered his mouth. "Don't say I'm sorry. Besides, my ears are cocooned. If you feel sorry for me, you'll give me some blood. For the sake of my coming all the way to see you, buy me more things today."Shen peichuan said“ Good

Sangyu rolled his eyes, "you are so boring."

Shen peichuan, "..."

What's wrong with him?

Where is boring?


"Well, well, you're interesting. Let's go. I'm hungry. " Sang Yu led him out.

When they got out of the building and got on the bus, Shen peichuan said, "my colleagues introduced me to a restaurant and said it tasted good. I'll take you there."

"It's all up to you."

Sang Yu said.

It's like the restaurant where sang Yu invited Shen peichuan to dinner for the first time. It's just very common. It can't be any more ordinary.

Sang Yu thought he would take him to some romantic place for dinner. After all, she came to see him.

Shen peichuan seems to be a bit surprised. Colleagues say that the delicious places are better than roadside stalls.

"That Sangyu..."

Sang Yu said with a smile, "it's very good here. Let's get off."

She can't have any illusions about Shen peichuan. He is a straight man with no romantic cells.

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