Till the End of Time

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Lin Xichen's feet touched the ground and immediately stripped his trousers.

He Ruize turns around instinctively.

Lin Xichen secretly takes out he Ruize's mobile phone and tries to dial Zong Jinghao's number while observing his actions.

He has a good memory. Things like numbers are especially sensitive, so he remembers them after seeing them.

He just pressed two numbers, he Ruize suddenly said, "hurry up."

"Oh." Lin Xichen pressed the phone number quickly.

All of a sudden, he Ruize turns around. Lin Xichen is so quick that he puts his mobile phone away. Continue to cover your stomach and pretend to be uncomfortable.

"Xiao Xi."

"Well -" Lin Xichen covered his stomach and groaned in pain.

"If I marry your mommy. Do you feel good? " He Ruize asked tentatively.

What a ghost!

He doesn't want him to marry Mommy. He would rather be with mommy than with him.

But I can't say that. Lin Xichen blinked“ That's good. "

Said against his will, Lin Xichen felt sick.

"Really?" He Ruize still hopes to be recognized by him and Lin Ruixi.

He didn't want to use such mean means if he didn't have to.

He didn't want to hurt them. He just wanted to hide them and threaten Lin Xinyan to marry him until they got married.

We'll get them back safely.

"Well --" Lin Xichen felt like he was going to spit it out.

He Ruize was so disgusting that he asked him if it was true.

Really strange!

"What's the matter with you?" He Ruize came over and Lin Xichen waved his hand“ Don't come here. I just can't hold it out. "

"Then you have a stomachache. Maybe it's not because you want to poop." He Ruize came over and said, "let's go back. I'll find a place to show you."

"What, where?" Lin Xichen swallowed a mouthful of water.

Obviously, he's not going to let himself go back.

Or go back to the city, and he says find a place?

Lin Xichen's heart beat fast. Now he has no chance to call for help.

What should I do?

What should I do?

Grandma and sister are really in danger. What should we do?

His head was sweating. It was like a cold sweat exuding from pain.

"No, nothing." He Ruize stammered, "when we get back to the city, I'll take you to the hospital."

"Let's go." Horace reached for him.

Lin Xichen quickly refused, "I, I carry pants, you don't look at me."

He pretended to be shy.

He Ruize laughed. "I'm a man, too, and I haven't seen it before. When you were a child, I changed your diapers."

"But I've grown up now." Lin Xichen holds his legs tightly, and his mobile phone is still hidden in his arms. If he Ruize is too close, he will find out.

"All right. Hurry up. " He Ruize didn't keep close. He turned around.

Lin Xichen took out his mobile phone and just wanted to continue to make a phone call. Suddenly, his mobile phone rang. He wanted to hang up. He was in a panic. His mobile phone fell to the ground. His heart was beating and nervous.

It's too late to pick it up.

He Ruize turns around and stares at the mobile phone on the ground. His eyes narrow. How can his mobile phone be in his hand?

"I... I..." Lin Xichen wanted to explain, but he couldn't find a reason. The mobile phone fell out of his hand, which was the iron evidence.

He couldn't explain.

"You've been lying to me. Your stomach doesn't hurt at all. You hold me not because you have a good relationship with me, but because you want to steal my mobile phone on purpose. " He Ruize forced him step by step.

Lin Xichen has never seen such a ferocious he Ruize, and he can't help holding his pants back.

"You, you don't come here."

He Ruize picked up the phone, and Lin Xichen took advantage of his bending and ran away.

There is no road in the woods.

He did not run a few steps, he Ruize was caught, holding him in his arms, "I'm so good to you. So good to your mommy, why should you let me down? I trusted you so much that you lied to me! "His face was horrible.

Lin Xichen struggled hard, "you let me go, let me go quickly."

At this time, the mobile phone in he Ruize's pocket rang again.

He took out his cell phone and showed the word "sister".

He picked up the phone.

There immediately came the voice of he Ruilin urging, "why not? What time is it, and why didn't you answer my phone just now? "

"Something happened to me --"

Lin Xichen bit on he Ruize's arm. He growled in pain.

"Let go!" He Ruize denounced.

Lin Xichen tried his best to bite the meat on his arm.

He Ruize was in great pain. He slapped him in the face. In a moment, Lin Xichen's face turned red. Five fingers printed on his white face were very clear, and there was a tendency to swell up.

He Ruize stares at Lin Xichen angrily, grabs his collar, "do you dare to bite me?"

"You bully my mommy, I want to kill you!" Lin Xichen also stares at him.

Mingming is so weak in front of he Ruize, but he refuses to admit defeat.

He Ruize's hand clung to his collar, because it was too hard to cackle“ What did your mommy tell you? "

"You don't care!" Lin Xi twined his eyes and roared at him.

"Well, well, I underestimated you, Lin Xichen." He Ruize grabs his collar and drags it to the side of the road.

Lin Xichen pursed her lips. Stubborn and unwilling to say a word.

It hurts to drag my ankle on the ground.

Chuang Tzu Jin sitting in the car, see this scene, the heart is like being stabbed, pain can't breathe.

She got out of the car with linruixi in her arms. What are you doing, doctor he

He Ruize raised his head and saw Chuang Tzu Jin standing beside the car. His eyes were round, and he seemed to be able to make a fire.

"Grandma, don't worry about me. Take Xiaorui and go. He's going to kidnap us and threaten mummy to marry him." Lin Xichen shouts at Chuang Tzu Jin.


The change is too fast, zhuangzijin didn't react for a moment, "you, what do you say?"

Lin Xichen didn't have time to explain to her, "run quickly!"

"Auntie, don't listen to his nonsense. Everything is a misunderstanding."


Chuang Tzu Jin red eyes, shivering, "you abuse Xiao Xi. What I saw with my own eyes was a misunderstanding? "

Her eyes suddenly became round, and the red blood slowly gathered to the center.

She thinks he Ruize is strange. Sure enough, he has changed.

"Run Lin Xichen is dying of anxiety.

Zhuangzijin holding linruixi didn't move, she can't ignore linxichen.

"Doctor he, we have something to say." Her body couldn't stop shaking.

I'm scared.

"No chance." Since Lin Xinyan found out his intention that night, he had to go down this road.

For the happiness of my sister. For the benefit of the family, for himself.

He can only go on.

There is no way out!

"Leave me alone. Do you want him to take us all and threaten Mommy?" Lin Xichen roared loudly.

Zhuang Zijin's tears rolled down.

How could she leave a child behind?

Lin Ruixi didn't know what happened, blinked, "grandma, what's wrong with my brother?"

Chuang Tzu Jin looks at Lin Rui Xi in his arms and thinks that he can't be caught.

At least she has to protect one and then save the other.

She ran with linruixi in her arms.

He Ruize throws Lin Xichen into the car and wants to chase Zhuang Zijin, but Lin Xichen hugs him.

"Let go!"

Lin Xichen vowed to die.

Seeing his darkest side, he Ruize completely lost his usual gentle appearance. He grabbed Lin Xichen's hair and said, "even if they run away, I still have you. Your mother is willing to trade her for you!"

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