The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 116 Light Jabs to Start 2

Chapter 116 Light Jabs to Start 2

But can things ever go smoothly when you've got both the chicken and the egg?

When the land acquisition in Susaek-dong was in full swing, Jin Yeong-jun threw away his drink upon receiving a call from his father, Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi, and rushed home.

His heart pounded as he saw his father's icy-cold expression, which was anything but normal. He quickly racked his brain to recall if he had made any recent mistakes, but nothing came to mind.

The ominous sign was the presence of his wife sitting beside his father in the living room.

Could it be that she complained to his father about his frequent nights out?

She wasn't the type to nag about such matters. Didn't she promise not to interfere with his personal life?

"What have you been up to lately?" His father's voice was unnaturally calm, and that was cause for concern. His father was known to raise his voice when he was angry.

"I haven't been doing anything special. Why do you ask?"

"Rumors are going around that you're out there buying land. Is that true?"

For a moment, various faces associated with this matter flashed through Jin Yeong-jun's mind. Who could have leaked this information?

"Why can't you answer? Is it true, or is it just baseless gossip?"

"Oh, Father. Let me explain first."

"Explain? Ah, so you're saying it's not baseless gossip, then?"

Jin Yeong-jun never thought that getting married could be considered a blessing. If it were before his marriage, he would have started the scolding with a punch. But now that his daughter-in-law is watching, his father's hands tremble but remained at his side, resisting the urge to strike,

"Fine. Go ahead and explain. Let's hear if it's a plausible explanation."

"I mentioned that I had a conversation with Do-jun, right?"

"Yes. And that guy showed a lot of interest in you, didn't he? He seemed eager to cooperate."

"Yes, that's what happened."

Jin Yeong-jun proceeded to recount the events of that night once more. The difference this time was that he added the story about Digital Media City and the land purchase, which he had omitted last time.

As the explanation concluded, Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi's expression appeared even colder.

"So, according to your explanation, Do-jun said all this, and you're pouring money into the land just based on his words, is that it?"

"No, that's not it. I also verified and took action. I mentioned what my uncle said during his inauguration, and Do-jun reiterated it. Finally, I confirmed it once more with a Seoul city official. The development is certain."

Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi suddenly turned to his daughter-in-law and said, " Seo-ah, when did you learn about this fact?"


Han Seo-young had never seen her father-in-law this angry before. It was too late to claim ignorance. Even without a mirror, she could tell that her complexion had turned pale.

"Did you also use money to buy land?"


"Do you believe that guy's words?"

Her husband was biting his lips, as pointed out by his father.

"Yes, but I verified it myself, Father."

"Did you bribe the reporters from the main office? Did the reporters confirm it for you?"

"Yes. Those who need to know already do. Mapo's Sangam-dong and Eunpyeong-gu's Susaek-dong are confirmed. The land prices are gradually rising."

"Where did you get the money? Did you borrow it from your parents' house?"


She had received it rather than borrowed it, but she nodded her head.

"Now your maternal family knows too. They've probably also started buying up land too."

She hadn't confirmed it, but there was no doubt about her father-in-law's words. What's the difference between taking money from her maternal house and using it for her in-laws' benefit?

In this age where information is money, they were essentially the same.

"You two, really... It's like you were meant for each other. Tsk, tsk."

When Jin Yeong-jun felt his father's pitiful gaze upon him, the suppressed resentment burst forth.

"Father. The information is accurate. And... it's not like making money from development information is anything new, right? I find it hard to understand why you're so upset."

"You, you... But still!"


Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi's hand, which had been restrained until then, shot up. Being an adult who had even gotten married, he had resolved not to raise his hand, but it was futile when it came to his foolish son.

"You, my child. How did you even buy the land? Did you use corporate funds... even from dozens of subsidiary companies? Did you advance payment in the construction division? Is this something a sane person does?" Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi's voice didn't rise too much.

It wasn't the first or second time that everyone in this household had used company funds like their own pocket money. He had done it dozens, if not hundreds, of times himself, and he was still doing it now.

But his son's case was different. He had to skim off only as much as he could handle, and the money he had gathered so far amounted to hundreds of billions. If he mishandled that money, it could lead to embezzlement, at worst.

But his son's submissive expression turned the tables on Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi. The sullen look on his son's face revealed his true feelings.

The land prices were rising, and all he had to do was make a profit from the real estate transactions. What was the problem?

"Listen well. Do you think your grandfather doesn't know what I know? But why hasn't he said a word? You don't know, do you?"

"Gr-grandfather too?"

Seeing that his son feared his grandfather more than his father, Jin Yeong-gi felt a blow to his pride, but he couldn't show it. It was only natural to be afraid of the one who held the real power.

"If the ending turns out well, he doesn't make a fuss. Isn't he someone who can overlook a messy process?"

Seeing his son's expression brighten, it seemed like he was full of confidence that the speculation would be successful.

"It's already spilt milk, so I won't say anything more. But don't come begging me for help if it doesn't end well. You have to take responsibility."

"Don't worry. With such a glorious ending in sight."

When he saw his confident son thumping his chest, he let out a sigh.

He could clearly picture his younger self in his mind.

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