The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 101 Wandering Patient 1

Chapter 101 Wandering Patient 1

When I grasped the fraying edges of consciousness, my mind was filled with nothing but injustice.

Had I not remembered the year when Jun Jin-do, the real Jun Jin-do, died? I thought it was when I was twenty, but was it not?

And I was infuriated by God's plan to end the miracle of my second life in a mere ten years. This wasn't a joke.

There was more.

Now that I had barely prepared to begin the long battle, I hadn't even started, and thinking about the money piling up in my account made me feel even more unjust. No, am I already dying?

Lastly, I was most enraged that the Jin family hadn't kneeled before me.

Damn it.

How did my life turn out like this?

Not only were both deaths public spectacles, but I also had to carry memories of injustice and anger.

"Are you awake?"

A bright light that made it impossible to open my eyes.

A harsh, clattering sound created by the flick of fingers in my ear.

Was I alive? Or perhaps, had I finished some major surgery and was still teetering between life and death?

But I felt my body jerking. Moreover, the blurry vision in my hazy sight didn't feel unfamiliar.

It was just like what I had seen on TV or in movies.

An ambulance?

"Ha... Han..."

I had to tell them. Would revealing the true identity of the chairman of the Sunyang Group make them pay more attention to me?

"Ah... Please... be okay..." The words whispered in my ear were barely audible. Did it mean it was okay?

"Sun... Yang... Group..."

"Yes? Sunyang Group?"

"Chairman... the old man's the chairman." I lost consciousness again.

"Hey! Did he just say the old man's the chairman of the Sunyang Group?"

"Yes, that old man... he somehow looked familiar."

The paramedics exchanged glances before quickly taking out their mobile phones.

"How's the patient over there?"

"Calm down, you! Hang up, you punk."

"That old man looks like the chairman of the Sunyang Group. Check it thoroughly."

Gasp! After hearing a gasp from the phone, annoyance surged again.

Right. It's that face he saw on TV. Damn. This isn't an ordinary situation...

"I'll contact the hospital, so keep an eye on his condition. If anything goes wrong, it'll be a problem for all of us."

With a mixture of pity, anxiety, worry, and fear, the ambulances raced to Gongju Medical Center in Chungnam.

Outside the emergency room, the medical staff waiting anxiously showed signs of distress as they assessed the condition of the patient brought in by the ambulances.

"Breathing is faint, and there's severe bleeding. It seems like everything below the chest is twisted. The pelvis..."

"I understand. Let's go quickly."

Before the doctor could finish speaking, the medical staff rushed toward the operating room with all their strength.

A hospital staff member who didn't follow them to the operating room asked the paramedic, "What about the conditions of the other patients?"

"Two are stable, and two are not as good, but it's not critical."

"I see. Thank you."

A sigh of relief washed over them as they realized that they only needed to save the critically injured patient who had just been taken into the operating room.

When I regained consciousness again, I couldn't open my eyes properly due to the blinding fluorescent light.

I wasn't dead.

No, I felt surprisingly fine. How did this happen?

I had no idea what had happened other than the traffic accident I was talking to the old man about.

When the bright light of the fluorescent lamp became familiar, I first scanned my body. A single IV was the only thing attached to me.

Although my body ached all over, large bands were stuck all over me like patches.

"Oh, you're awake?"

A nurse with a bright smile that radiated friendliness touched my forehead, wrist, and neck.

Then, a doctor in a white coat appeared, shining a flashlight into my eyes and said, "Only move your pupils while looking at my finger."

I tapped the doctor's moving finger with my hand.

"What about the old man? Is he severely injured? How's his condition? Is he fine?"

The doctor turned off the flashlight and put it in his coat pocket. "The person who came with you, is he your grandfather?"


"He seems fine as well. He should wake up soon. Among the five people involved in the accident, only one is currently in surgery. Don't worry too much."

Five? How many cars were involved in the accident, exactly?

Setting curiosity aside, I needed to take care of what needed to be done.

"Doctor, our grandfather is the chairman of the Sunyang Group. Please take action before the hospital becomes chaotic."



The doctor furrowed his brow. "If he's the chairman of the Sunyang Group, what should I do differently? Do you think we should give special treatment just because he was in a minor traffic accident? We need to call the police and investigate the details of the accident. We don't have VIP rooms here; this is a regional national hospital."

It seemed like the doctor misunderstood me. He must have thought that the social elite was demanding special treatment.

"I'm not asking for VIP treatment. When he wakes up, he'll look for me first, so I need to be by his side. And... Oh, never mind. Anyway, thank you, Doctor."

Upon the doctor's signal, the nurses drew the curtains and moved the bed.

"Let's start with some tests."

"Please provide the guardian's contact information. We need to inform them about the accident..." The nurses began speaking one after another.

"That's difficult at the moment. Let's meet with my grandfather first."

Informing the family about the traffic accident should be left to my grandfather's judgment. It's not something that should be disclosed to the public without an official announcement. His involvement has the power to rock the South Korean stock market.

"You're quite stubborn... Alright, I understand. Once the tests are done, we'll send you to the same room."

As Chairman Jin regained consciousness, he immediately spoke to the nurse adjusting the IV in his arm.

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