The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 201: Fifth Occupation and Gacha Again

Chapter 201: Fifth Occupation and Gacha Again

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Now, which one should I choose?

The important keys are still Shinigami and Diligence after all.

Depending on the combination of the two, including the existing professions, they will become quite strong.

That narrows down the candidates.

The only thing that might be powerful on its own is the Dragon Knight, but this is meaningless unless I am always working with Sora or Shiro.

Soras power is very strong.

She is without a doubt the strongest of our group.

The fact that we can make her even more powerful is also very attractive, but we cant rely on her power all the time.

There will be times like at the end of the battle against Peony, when Sora has to leave before the end of the game, or when we have to win the game on our own.

If we cannot succeed at the critical point, it is meaningless.

( There will probably be more such situations in the coming battles.)

I cant be sure, but I have a feeling that that will be the case.

And my premonition always comes true.

We should think of a combination that can synergize with each others power without relying too much on Soras power.

(I guess the remaining options would be Silent Playwright or Guardian.)

From the description, I would say that the Silent Playwright is for offense and the Guardian is for defense.

But in reality, Guardian has the same effect as the fourth profession, Monk.

If I level up my Monk profession, I should be able to get skills similar to the Guardian.

If thats the case

I think I should select Silent Playwright as my fifth occupation, what do you think?

I turned to Ichinose, Momo and the others.

Silence Playwright. A profession that mimics other peoples skills. Yeah, I think its good.


Ichinose and Momo seemed to agree with me.

But if youre looking for an opinion, you should have asked Rebel instead of us, right? After all. she is the one who created some of the skills, didnt she?

Yes, but


Ichinose tilted her head while I tried to find a way to explain it to her.

I think its better for us to make our own decisions about these kinds of things.


No, well, I know that in my head, too.

I know its better to ask Rebel about it than to think about it on my own.

After all, she is the one who meddled with the system and created some of the skills.

Her knowledge and understanding of professions and skills is beyond our reach.

(But I have a feeling that once you rely on her, you probably wont be able to stop anymore. )

Its the same with Sora.

If you rely on them, you wont be able to act on your own when the time comes.

And she probably doesnt want that either.

She will answer some of the questions if we ask her, but she will leave the final decision up to us.

Hmmm. If thats what Kudou decides, then I think its fine. It is very important to rely on your instincts at times like this.


Momo and Ichinose are the type of people who value their intuition, and they dont seem to have any objections.

I mean, why do they look a little happy?

Well then, lets choose the last occupation, shall we?

The fifth occupation has been chosen as Silent Playwright. You have acquired the skill Imitation.

Only one skill acquired?

I wonder if its the same pattern as with the Shadow Warrior, where the number of skills increases as you become a higher rank.

I immediately checked the effect of the skill with the Right to Ask Questions.


The number of skills you can mimic increases by one per level, and the accuracy of your mimicry increases. However, you cannot imitate unique skills or skills for which you have no aptitude.

Thats what the job description says.

A skill that allows you to use other peoples job skills.

At max level, you can mimic up to ten skills.

This seems to be a great match for Diligence.

(What does an unsuitable skill mean?)

According to the information I found out, it seems that skills that are physically impossible for me to use cannot be used.

For example, if you dont have wings, you cant fly, and if you dont have a tail, you cant swing. Also, you cant turn your body into mush like Aka, or split it up. And Rikkas demonization also falls under this category.

In short, it seems that you cant mimic a skill that relies on the body of a species that is very different from yours.

Its not that big of a drawback, since I can do something similar with my ninjutsu.

Now its just a matter of sorting out the existing skills and professions.

I have 199 SP points and 82 JP points left.

The first thing I need to do is raise the Shinigami and Silent Playwright skills.

Plus, Im going to raise Super Class Ninjutsu, Super Class Ninjutsu Creation, Realm of the Falling Sun, and Gale Breaking to LV 7.

The next step is to raise Shinigami to LV 10.

Occupational skills go up one level every time a profession reaches lvl 3, 6, or 9. This will bring all four skills up to lvl 10.

In the past, when I evolved into a newtype, I didnt have enough JPs to reach my goal, so I couldnt take this method. But this time I have a lot of points, so I can use this method to save points.

.now that I have a lot of points, how do I save them?

The next one is Silent Playwright.

But I want to allocate points to the Jet Black Player as well.

Ive realized how powerful Shadow Cage and Shadow Imitation are from the battle against Peony.

For the time being, Im going to raise Imitation to LV 7, and raise Silent Playwright to LV 3.

And finally, raise Mimicry by one level.

The next step is to raise Unique Shadow, Shadow Imitation, and Shadow Cage to level 8, and Jet Black Player to level 6.

This will also raise the level of my skills by one.

This is it for now I guess.

Ill save the rest of my points for later.

The status is now as follows.

Kazuto Kudou

Newtype level 16

HP: 1012/1012

MP : 452/452

Strength : 539

Endurance 536

Agility: 1121

Dexterity: 1101

Magic Power: 205

Magic Resistance 205

SP 17

JP 8


Shinigami LV10

Tracker LV3

Jet-black player LV6

Monk LV4

Silent Playwright LV3

Unique Skills


Heroic Hymn



Super Class Ninjutsu LV10, Super Class Ninjutsu Creation LV10, Realm of the Falling Sun LV10, Gale Run LV10, HP Conversion LV10, MP Consumption Reduction LV10, Throwing LV6, Odorless LV7, Silent Movement LV7, Concealment LV6, Night Vision LV5, Haste Penetration LV6, Distraction LV7, Appraisal Interference LV7, Tracking LV4, Terrain Understanding LV9 Wide Area Search LV7, Teleportation LV4, Enhanced Agility LV8, Enhanced Dexterity LV5, Observation LV10, Listening Ear LV4, Unique Shadow LV9, Shadow Imitation LV9, Shadow Cage LV9, Patience LV6, Gluttony LV6, Automatic HP Recovery LV5, Automatic MP Recovery LV6, Imitation LV8, Improved Physical Ability LV7, Swordsmanship LV6, Poison Resistance LV1, Paralysis Resistance LV1 V2, Virus Resistance LV1, Heat Resistance LV3, Danger Avoidance LV5, Riding LV4, Negotiation LV1, Escape LV4, Defense Instinct LV1, Item box LV10, Mail LV2, Concentration LV8, Prediction LV7, Anger LV5, Mental Pain Resistance LV8, Acting LV4, Calculation Acceleration LV5, Intimidation LV3

Party Members

Momo, Dark Dog Lv10

Aka, Creation Slime LV11

Ichinose Natsu, Newtype LV9

Kiki, Carbuncle LV9

Sora, Ancient Dragon LV2

Shiro, Little White Dragon LV1

Im not sure if its because of the Shinigami or the Silent Playwright, but my status has also increased.

Agility and dexterity have increased by almost 100. The effects of my profession are amazing.

I feel even more powerful than before.

Im looking forward to testing the effects of my skills.

Kudou, Kudou.

Ichinose tapped me on the shoulder with a pompom.

When I turned around to see what was wrong, I saw that a gacha had appeared next to her.

..did she turn the gacha again?

This I only turned on the gacha once because it seemed like a good idea, but it seems that my proficiency has increased, and the gachas LV has risen to 9.


Then, you know, a new Gacha came out.

What is it?

Its called Ten Gacha. You can spin the gacha ten times for just 3 SP points. Its a great deal, a great deal.

Ichinose explained with some excitement.

Up till now, one SP point was good for three rounds of gacha, so now I can get one more round with this?

But thats not all. It seems that this Gacha also comes with a guarantee.


Unlike the single-round gacha, the 10-round gacha is designed to ensure that at least three blue balls will come out.

For some reason, its starting to feel more and more like a video game.

No, if you can get three blue balls with a guarantee, its much more generous compared to video games

In addition, there is an upper limit, and according to Ichinoses statistics, one black ball is sure to appear every 90 times.

(If you do it 90 times, you will definitely get a job or a skill.)

This may sound very powerful, but in reality it would not work so well.

In fact, the shut-in occupation, which can be obtained through gacha, has almost all stats reduced to 1, and even after leveling up, the stats hardly increase.

The other one, Perception Barrier, is an indoor-only effect, and the act of leveling up to gain points is itself extremely difficult.

Unless you hit the jackpot like Ichinose with the Sniper Set in the first round of the gacha, its as good as suicide.

Lets take a look at the rarity levels.

White ball: The lowest rarity. You can get food and daily necessities.

Blue balls are rarer than white balls, and give out SP, JP, and healing potions.

Black balls are rarer than blue balls. Gives out professions and skills.

This is how it is.

According to the Right to Ask, there is also a gold ball that is even higher than the black ball.

This is a super rare gacha that Ichinose has never drawn before, and it gives you unique skills, advanced jobs, and powerful weapons.

When Ichinose heard this, she started spouting a dangerous line every time she pulled out the gacha, Get the golden ball get the golden ball .

Come to think of it, when I was a company employee, the guy from the second floor was also into that kind of game. I remember him eating a special lunch box in the break room during lunch break, muttering, Another bombed out guarantee, you fucking management .

Thats why I still have some SP left, and I think Im going to try to pull one of the ten strokes, yes.

Sure go ahead.

Im not going to stop you.

You can use your points however you want, and in fact, there were many times when I saved my points thanks to her Gacha.

Even though she spends the majority of her points on gacha, she is still quite lucky, I think.

Then lets go.

Ichinose pulled the lever of the gacha.

The result

Six white balls, three blue balls, and one black ball: . Youre very lucky after all. What did you get for the black ball?

A skill. It was damage reduction. Also, the blue ball gave me 3 SP points, 1 JP point, and 3 healing potions, so thats an extra profit.


This was like getting ten gachas without spending any points.

So, now that we have the points, lets do another ten rounds.

What, again?

Yes. I have a feeling that gold will come out next time. Or rather, Ill make it happen.

Stop it, youre thinking like an addict.

By the way, damage reduction has the effect of reducing not only the attack of the opponent, but also the recoil of the gun. You really are lucky, Ichinose.

Waun Waun

Hmm? Whats wrong, Momo?

Momos paws were tapping on the ground as I looked at her.

Then she looked at me with a smug look on her face.

It seems that she has acquired a new skill.

Im looking forward to seeing it.

For now, Ill just pet her, praise her, and let her heal my soul.

(Ill have to ask President Igarashi to draft the new status later.)

Even if you are a party member, you cannot see another party members status board directly.

Ichinoses status is still different, but I wont know the exact status of Momo and Aka unless I ask her.

Im sure shell be able to write it down for me, even though she complains about it.

Well then, let us go out and explore a bit. It will give us a good opportunity to explore our new skills.

Yes, yes

Waun waun



I sent a quick message to Sora and we left the base.

After that, I saw Shiro sleeping peacefully in my hood, and Sora shouting, Gumumu, and did her best to attract the attention of her beloved child, but for the sake of her honor, Ill skip that part.

Then I got on Soras back and flew through the sky.

The breeze felt good as we flew along at a moderate speed.

The only issue is that Ichinose, who is riding on Soras back for the first time, looks a little well, quite anxious.

It it will be fi fine, right? This. High Scary!

I was happy to see her clinging onto my back so tightly.

Ichinose was very excited before the ride, but when she actually got on, the intensity of the ride had exceeded her imagination.

Its fine. Aka is holding us firmly in place, so even if we faint, we wont be knocked off.

Ye, yes .

Hmm, youre soft. 

Dont say that. Ah, but it would be nice if you could fly a little slower if you can.


Sora made a disgruntled sound, but reduced her altitude and speed.

Hm, thank you.

For some reason, Sora acknowledges Ichinose.

She wouldnt have put her on her back otherwise.

A few minutes have passed since we left the safe zone.

We have come a long way, but there are still no sign of the monsters.

It seems that most of the monsters in the area have really been eaten up, or have already fled far away.

After searching the area for a while, we finally found a monster.



Giggi, giggi, giggi, giggi!

We found a group of goblins in the mountains.

There were quite a few of them.

Nearly a hundred of them, and not just regular goblins, but quite a few hobgoblins as well.

And in the center of them was a goblin that I had never seen before.

It was more muscular than the hobgoblins, and even larger in size.

At first glance, it could be mistaken for a large Orc.

(A higher species than the hobgoblin?)

I guess you could call it the king of goblins. Theres something like a crown on its head.

Ive never seen a monster like this before, but it was not that intimidating.

Maybe its because were getting stronger.

(Either way, its a good opponent to test out our new skills.)

I glanced back and Ichinose nodded her head.

I could feel Momo and Kiki in the shadows agreeing with me.

Sora also looked at me.

I nodded, and Sora nodded back as if she understood.

This is the first battle since I leveled up.

I stabilized my breath and prepared myself.

Okay, everyone, lets hunt



Before I could even complete my sentence, Sora unleashed her breath.

As if it was being sucked in, it landed on the group of goblins and caused a huge explosion.

The aftermath of the hot air and shock reached us in the sky, creating a huge mushroom cloud.


We were all stunned.

Sora, who was the only one unperturbed by this situation, looked at me proudly.

Hahaha! How is that, Kazuto! The power of my evolved dragon breath Isnt it amazing? Now there is no such thing as too many of them!

Yes, thats right.

The swarm of nearly a hundred goblins had disappeared without a trace.

The goblin king that I thought looked strong has also been obliterated.

We didnt get to participate at all, did we?


Whats up, Kazuto? Its amazing isnt it? Well, if you want to praise me, go ahead and praise me. Even I feel like praising my new powers

Next time we find a monster, you are not allowed to use your breath attack.

What did you say?!

What did you say, you bastard! Isnt it natural for me to attack!

We couldnt even try out any new skills, and that attack just drove away any sign of the monsters that were in the area!

Anyway, this is the situation.

Its important to test our skills, but I also need to work on communicating with Sora a little bit more, is what I thought to myself.


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